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Show that people should come to speak of "Hobson's choice" in the sense in which it is still used. If the phrase had not originated then it would certainly have been born in America immediately aft¬er the Spanish-American war, when Hobson, the naval hero, was so beset by the American women that he had no choice but to sub¬mit to their kisses. BUNCOMBE. Buncombe is classed as a slang term and means "speaking insin¬cerely to gain public applause." In the sixteenth congress, Felix Walker, an old mountaineer, rep¬resented a district of North Caro¬lina, including Buncombe county. One day he insisted on making a speech at a time when congress¬men were tired and wanted to vote. Several members insisted on his refraining, but he declared that he was bound to make a speech for Buncombe county and "Buncombe'' soon came to characterize a cer-tain sort of speech. GERRYMANDER. In 1812, while Gerry was gover¬nor of Massachusetts, the legisla¬ture redistributed the districts of the state for political reasons. The counties of one of the district thus re-shaped, had a contour somewhat like that of a dragon. An editor had a map of this dis¬trict on his wall when Gilbert Stuart, the painter, called. The lat¬ter took a pencil and added a head, tail and claws, remarking: "How's that for a salamander. Better call it "Gerrymander." said the editor. Ogden High Feb. 3 The teacher has the noblest task The hungering heart of man could ask; To point the way, to educate, To vivify, to recreate, To banish strife, bring surest hope, To light the way for those who grope, To open new worlds, throw steady ing light, Remove the doubt, confirm the right, With living fact in diligence, To motivate intelligence, With patient seeking, find the soul And nurture it to perfect whole. With noblest art makes who plod Book up and swing in step with God. BLYNN E. DAVIS. THE BAND PLEASES The popularity of the R. O. T. C. band increases; day by day new enthusiasts are born to sing the praises of our fine band. The boys played before about 500 Elks on Tuesday evening, and in consequence all Ogden Elks have come to know and appreciate the wonderful work the boys are, doing and what this musical organization means to Ogden. TYPTWRITING AWARDS Awards won during the month of January are: Royal — Certificate, Mildred Boman; gold pin, Thelma Wycoff. L. C. Smith—Bronze medal, Crescent Burgi, Thelma Wycoff, Jeanette Flory; gold pin, Laura Walker. Remington — Certificate, Mar¬garet Rhead, Ruth Rampton, Harry Porter, Freddie Clift, Philip Empey; silver pin, Emma Harrison, Alberta Rawsdn, Lucille Battice; gold pin, Charles Allison. Underwood—Certificate, Ken¬neth Stephens, Ruth Goss; bronze medal, Vernon Newman, Max Stitzer, Charles Foulger; silver medal, Cleone Shanks, Lorna Pur- die. ETHEL W. FRANKE, Teacher. Underwood—Certificate, Lorin Wheelwright; bronze emblem, Iona Woolley, Delsa Foulger, Ruth Mark; silver emblem, Clyde Moyes. Remington — Certificate, Ida Peterson, Kathryn Blake, Beryl Battice; silver pin, Delsa Foulger, Margaret Hellewell, Thelma Pet¬ersen. L. C. Smith—Bronze pin, Thelma Petersen, Maurine Mortensen, Ruth Ferrin. Royal -- Gold pin. Maurine Mortensen. EDITH B. KOHLER A VISITOR Mrs. Etta Nelson Hart, instruc¬tor last year and several previous years in domestic art at high school, but now famous as the mother of twin girls—made the high school a very pleasant visit Wednesday. COMING CONTESTS March 7 has been set as the date for the annual D. A. R. ora¬torical contest. Miss Beck an¬nounces that it is her aim to have the S. A. R. contest during the last week of March. A number of students have signified their intentions of entering this con¬test. There has never been as much interest in dramatics, debating, public speaking as now maintains at the high school. A good deai of credit is due to Miss Beck and Willis Smith for this condition, as well, of course, as the students themselves. Those who have already entered the contests in oratory are: Daughters of American Revolu¬tion—Virginia Nicholas, Winifred McConnell, Margaret Stewart, Mar-garet Smaltz, Wanda Preston, Wilma Bailey, Gene Kimball, Helen Wilcox, Dorothy Higgs. Sons of American Revolution—Philip Finkelstein. Emerson Thatcher, Spencer Walker, Don¬ald Corey. Jim Neil, Frank Rose, Clifford Fretwell. ENTERING STANFORD Stanford university sends out word that any students from Utah who wish to enter Stanford next autumn should file their creden¬tials with the university before May 1 and should take the men¬tal aptitude test at Westminster college on Saturday, February 26, at 8:30 a. m. By special arrange¬ment, any students who expect to attend Mills college may take the aptitude test at the same time. TALK ON BURNS News and Views was at high scaool Wednesday and gave a very interesting talk before Mr. Hyde's English class on the subject of Robert Burns. The class is just beginning the study of Burns' poetry and Carlyle's essay on Burns, so that the talk was most t appropriate and was much appre¬ciated. The speaker drew many valuable lessons from the life of the world's great song writer. INTERESTING WORDS All words in their origin and use are more or less interesting. Some, however, have peculiar in¬terest from their manner of en¬tering into people's vocabularies. Every one, for instance, knows what a sandwich is but few know its history, which is as follows: The Earl of Sandwich, who lived 200 years ago, was so fond of gambling that he would not leave his game for dinner. While play¬ing he ate for his luncheon two slices of bread with meat be¬tween them. This simple lunch¬eon became popular and for lack of a better name was called a sandwich. The word "handicap," meaning literally "hand in cap," has this interesting history: An old form of sport trading prescribed that the umpire should hold forfeit money in the hand in a cap till it was decided how much boot should be given by the owner of the article of lesser value. COUNCIL REPORT President Fife presided at the regular council meeting. The roll was called and the minutes read and corrected. The report of the tennis court committee was accepted on mo¬tion of Mr. Beck. It was moved and seconded that the committee be instructed to draw up a peti¬tion and get the necessary signa¬tures. Thi motion was carried. Mr. Corey reported that the opera will be given on March 2 at the Orpheum theatre. It was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to draw up a plan for the presentation of tickets for sale to the students. The motion was carried. Miss Bailey of the social com¬mittee reported that Gamma Kappa had asked for permission to give a dinner party at Jules Chocolate Shoppe on Saturday night. It was moved and seconded that the permission be granted. The motion was carried. It was moved and seconded that clubs asking for concessions at j games be referred to the athletic committee. A call for division oi the house was made, and the mo¬tion was lost. It was moved and seconded that Carpe Diem be allowed conces¬sions at the next game. The mo¬tion was carried. The meeting was then adjourn¬ed. ASSEMBLY PROGRAM At Friday's assembly program, opening at 11:15 o'clock, a saxo¬phone solo will be given by Lois Robinson; the Rev. J. E. Carver will speak and a quartet compos¬ed of Nolan Taylor, Francis Hales, Sidney Norton and Elvin Black¬burn will sing. Ogden High Feb. 4 I would not enter on my list of friends Though graced with polished manners and fine sense Yet lacking sensibility The man who needlessly sets foot upon a worm. —Coleridge. HUMANE SOCIETY Mrs. John W. Hyslop, president of Ogden Humane society, has ap¬pealed to the public schools of Ogden to assist in the humane ed¬ucation - fostered and encouraged by this society by discouraging and discountenancing the wanton destruction of animal life. Mrs. Hyslop reports that com¬plaints are filed with her almost daily about the loss of a pet bird or dog or other animal that has been wantonly killed by some thoughtless person. Mrs. Hyslop reports that the use of firearms, contrary to law and city ordinances, is still quite common within the city limits and should be stopped. This is a matter of public con¬cern and every effort should be made to make our city free from he dangers attending the use of firearms within the city, and to banish cruelty, brutality and wan¬tonness of every description. LEARNING FROM NATURE "No creative man works by logic. First he works by inspira¬tion. The only source for in¬spiration is bodily contact with nature. Instinct is the transmit¬ted record of former contact, but instinct is dormant until aroused by new contact. You must ac¬tually feel it. Man has power only when he comes in touch with actual phenomena. —Michael Pupin. GIRLS' TRACK MEET Some of the athletically inclin¬ed girls arc talking pretty strong for a "girls' track meet" this spring. The girls quote Dr. Sar¬gent of Harvard as favoring ath¬letics for girls, providing the training is graduated and regu¬lar. They also announce that Frank Oberhansley of the faculty has consented o take supervisory charge of the training. ON TO DAVIS Considerable enthusiasm has been developed for the Ogden- Davis game tonight and a large proportion of the students will go down to root for the Tigers. INTERESTING WORDS 1. Rostrum.—The word ros¬trum is well known as the plat¬form ftom which a speaker speaks. The word is of Latin origin and literally means the bill or beak of a bird or the curved end of a ship's prow. In Rome after the Latin war, the forum, where ora¬tions and pleadings were made, was adorned with the beaks of captured vessels. In course of time the word rostrum was ap¬plied to all platforms for public speaking. Quiz.—Every student knows , what the word quiz means, but not all, perhaps, know the interesting origin of this word. Its origin is probably due to a Mr. Daly, a theatrical manager in Dublin. Daly made a large wager with some friends that he would have spoken through all the streets of Dublin by a certain hour on Sunday a new word that had no meaning. Daly dispatched servants on Saturday night to va-rious parts of the city, who wrote the word "quiz" on the doors and windows. On Sunday morning everybody coming to and going from church saw the word and began to talk about it. So many questions were asked that people began to use the expression "You are quizzing me." AN INTERESTING DRAMATIST "A greater dramatist than Shakespeare," said George Ber¬nard Shaw of himself a number of years ago. Since then he has been known as the world's greatest egotist. An English newspaper said a few weeks ago: "At 70, we find Shaw still an ardent agitator, her¬alded as Great Britain's greatest living dramatist." Shaw read the statement and responded, "Why, 'living'?" Shaw says of his own education; I had none. I left school at 15 to become a clerk in a land agent's office." Concerning his career as a writer, he says. "I was driven to writing because I could do nothing else. I didn't want to write. For nine years I wrote without results, fine long novels and innumerable articles, but no publisher would touch them." During those nine years he made six pounds. MORNING (Soliloquy of a Shakespearean person viewing a sunrise.) Ah, morning, thou fairest of all nature's works, Breath of the dawn, sun's har¬binger, That clothe'st the universe in a gown of light, That kiss'st the earth with the cool lips of a world awake'd. All dew'd in mist, and fill'd with morning prayer, Thou hast help'd the night to find his rest, And, with the insistent fingers of the sun's warm rays, Hast tuck'd him in repose. Thou, man's hour glass of time, awake. —Fay Hopkins. LANGUAGE SOCIETY Language teachers in the Og¬den high schools have formed a language association for the pur¬pose of unifying and improving the language teaching in the schools. A. V. Hendricksen was elected president and Miss Edith Merrill, secretary. GORGON'S PEDAGOGY. A house never gets so big that it can afford to sniff at a hun¬dred-pound sausage order, or to feel that any customer is so small that'it can't afford to bother with him. You've got to open a good many oysters to find a pearl. When I go into a fellow's office and see his desk buried in letters with the dust on them, I know there are cobwebs in his head. Foresight is the quality that makes a good merchant, but a man who has his desk littered with yesterday's business has no time to plan for tomorrow's. Before being used, warm words should be run into the cooling room until the animal heat is out of them. Figures don't lie, I know, bul that's only because they can't talk. As a matter of fact they're just as truthful as the man who's behind them. I never worry about the side of a proposition that I can see; what I want to get a look at is the side that's out of sight. The bugs al¬ways snuggle down on the under¬side of a stone. |