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Show FATHER'S NIGHT REPORT. On Thursday last the Ham-And club celebrated one of its gala nights, namely Fathers' and Sons' night. This night, the last Thursday in every February, has been set aside by the club as a night in which to promote comradeship between the 'Ham-Andorites' and their fathers. The fathers that were present were the Messrs. Calder, Cross, Iverson, Parry, Stevenson, D. Wangsgard, Yeck, and the club advisors, E. Smith and E. Wangs gard. All these men gave very interesting talks on their experiments with radio. Francis Hales and Don Corey provided the musical part of the program by rendering several duets and solos on the guitar and harmonica. To cap the climax of the enjoyment the fathers and sons descended to the universal and secular but thoroughly pleasurable amusement of eating and drinking. They exercise their tongues and their palates on the decorations of the room; these were enormous boxes of cookies surrounded by many bottles of delicately colored soda water of various tints. A bouquet of Polar Pies, that had formed an attractive centerpiece, was also consumed. WARREN CROSS, Reporter. FORUM REPORT. Perhaps the most pertinent question in the Ogden High school was debated in Forum last Monday evening. The question was: "Resolved, That compulsory military training should be abolished in high schools. The affirmative was ably handled by Grant Chandlet and Clifford Fretwell. The negative was upheld by Reed Ames. The judges, Kenneth Skeen, John Griffin and Edwin Hall. The decison was given to the negative. Much interest was aroused when David Camp and Grant Chandler challenged any two officers in the high school to a debate of the same quetion. Kenneth Skeen and Clifford Fretwell accepted the challenge. A debate on this question will be held in the near future. In the meantime everyone is invited to the weekly discussion every Monday evening at the Forum. REED AMES. 3-4-26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Happiness is a wayside flower, free to all who pluck it, not a rare orchid to be purchased only by the rich. There is a bit of joy in every floating fleecy cloud, every golden sunset tint in each day's evening sky; there is music in the free winds of heaven if hearts are atune to catch the harmony. —M. G. Woodhull. MUSIC TRYOUT. On Friday afternoon at 3:15, Mr. Gammell will hold a "tryout contest" for principal parts in the school opera, "The Hermit of Hawaii." All students interested should see Mr. Gammell at once. SHOW POSTPONED. The senior class "vaudeville evening" first scheduled for tonight, has been postponed until April 2, in order to give all taking part an opportunity to do something exceptional and fine. It is felt that sufficient time has not been given to furnish the sort of entertainment the class would care to sponsor. webeR high school. The people of Weber county have finally decided to build a high school. They are to be congratulated and commended. The county needs a high school, and now seems a fitting time to build it. The county board should profit by the experience of the other school district boards of the state and of the nation and build a model building—one that will adequately, efficiently meet the needs of the county for a number of years to come. We recommend, if they will permit a suggestion, that the building be constructed on the unit plan so that in case of need of enlargement at any time, that other units may be added without affecting the symmetry or architectural design. OGDEN'S NEW HIGH. Ogden, too, is to have a new high school—and we think before very long. The Ogden Rotary club has wonderfully fine creed— and a big one. To this creed every Rotarion subscribes. Their first article under "Education" reads something like this: "I will do my part to see to it that every child has a comfortable school building, properly equipped." Principal Merrill told the Rotarians Wednesday that he expected them to live up to that article. We believe they'll do it. The club has for its membership very many of the prominent citizens of Ogden, and most of these realize how badly Ogden needs a new building and we are sure that they will take steps in the immediate future to see that a suitable building is provided. how much. Salt Lake has considerably over two millions of dollars invested in her two fine high schools. Leslie Hodgson, the school architect, says: "Give me $750,000 and I'll guarante Ogden a high school building that will comfortably house all of Ogden's senior high school students and. one that will be a credit to Ogden." All right, Mr. Hodgson, we'll see if we can't get it for you right away. ATTITUDE. Superintendent Glen of San Francisco told the educators at the recent convention that education is largely a matter of creating proper attitudes and right ideals in the young. Ogden teachers concur absolutely in this idea and do all their teaching with this thought in mind. Subjects are mere tools to be used in accomplishing the above mentioned end. MEN TEACHERS. In 1890, 45 per cent of the public school teachers of America were men; in 1925, only 14 per cent. This situation has caused some concern among educators as it is thought that boys in their teens should come under the influence of men. Of course, the reason for the decline is due to the recognition of women as efficient instructors on the one hand, and I the want of sufficient financial inducement to men on the other hand. BAND SERENADERS. The R. O. T. C. band played several selections before the taxpayers' convention in the tabernacle. Here at least the taxpayers had a pretty good opportunity of discovering that a little of their money is well spent—that which goes to the encouragement of music in the schools. ELIGIBILITY. We have heard much in the past about eligibility of athletes. In order for an athlete to belong to a school team and engage in competition he must be successfully carrying three subjects, must have completed three unit subjects the previous semester, etc. Now, strangely enough, these eligibility rules are being applied to the school band. No one may belong to the school band unless he is living up to athletic eligibility rules. BOX ELDER WINS. Yes, we lost the game. The enemy came down and took us in. They outplayed us. They have a wonderful team and we congratulate them. We didn't star as we did at Brigham City. Only once in a lifetime does a team work with such precision and beauty as did our team at Brigham City. Only once in a season does a team fumble, stumble, give away the ball, lose nerve and control and fail to get-a-going as ours did Wednesday night. The combination simply couldn't get together and despite Coach Kapple's frequent substitution of men trying over and again new combinations —it wouldn't work. The boys couldn't get together. It was their off night. But we do not cry over spilt milk. It was an interesting game though, with a lot of pain for Ogden fans—but we shall get over it. We go to the state tournament anyway as seconds—and who knows—we may yet come out of that with state honors. We have a mighty good team and they'll work together next time and next time and all times hereafter. Cheer up, boys, you did your best, and are entitled to just as much credit as if the score were reversed. We're back of you and with you, and proud of you. FRIDAY EVENING MARCH OGDEN HIGH BE STRONG. We are not to play, to dream, to drift. We have hard work to do and loads to lift. Shun not the struggle; face it. 'Tis God's gift. Say not the days are evil—who's to blame ? And fold the hands and acquiese —O shame! Stand up, speak out and bravely in God's name. —M. D. Babcock. SELECTING costumes. Mrs. Hart, Miss Beck and Miss Atkinson were in Salt Lake on Thursday afternoon, looking up costumes for the Classicalia carnival ball. Other committees are also actively engaged in preparation for the grand event. TO TAKE BEST. Mrs. Grace s. Blackham, instructor of physical education, seems unable to overcome the results of a recent illness and, upon her doctor's orders, has decided on a three weeks' rest. We sincerely hope that Mrs. Blackham will recuperate and return to us soon in perfect health. Miss Lucille Owen, instructor at Weber gymnasium, will substitute during Mrs. Blackham's absence. TODAY'S ASSEMBLY. Today's assembly was devoted to the auctioning of the booths, the presentation of the queen candidates, and other matters pertaining to the Classicalia. During the fifth period an election eliminating five of the candidates was to be held. PRAISE FOR R. O. T. C. Brigadier General Holbrook, the new commander at Fort Douglas, who spoke at Kiwanis Thursday, recalled his visit to Ogden four years ago when he inspected the r. O. T. c. and the band, and said the very favorable impression made upon him by both of these organizations will remain with him forever. CAN WE FINANCE IT? School officials are pondering this tremendous problem, "Can we finance the band boys' trip to Chicago?" All other considerations must be waived pending the answer to this momentous question. Captain Dockler says, "Yes, surely we can." Some prominent townspeople say the same thing. We wonder! A WALK DOWNSTAIRS. As I leave the English room after the sixth period I walk down the stairs to the second floor. These traditional stairs have felt the jolt of many feet. The wood is worn in cup-like shapes, separate bowls for each foot. Recently the edges of the steps have been bound in iron, but the continual scrape and scratch still wears down the center, showing the center grain of a hard wood. One has to be careful in ascending these stairs, they are so deceiving. SPRING WITCHERY. What is this new-born zephyr of spring that awakens joyous laughter, dreams of love, and glad buoyant hearts? Is it the gold sunlight, mingling with fragrant flowers, the vernal woods, filled with lovely birds, singing songs of fresh-blown roses? No one knows. It is the gift of Hebe we feel tingling in our breasts. It is the charm of lovely heart-easing Venus who tips the lighter, higher thoughts of man back to earth again. —R. M. Hansen. TYPEWRITING AWARDS. Students in typewriting department who have won medals during the months of December, January and February. Underwood typewriter awards. Certificate, Donald Bass, Helen Grace, Dorothy Higginbotham, Mary Rich, Marian Ure, Mae Melle, Dorothy Wheelwright, Adelaide Smith, Melba Roylance, Charles Allison and Wilford Young. Bronze medal: Verna Reeve, Louise Browning, Opal Burt, Melba Condie, Alice Maxfield, Zella Phillips, Dorothy Israelson and Verba Allred. Silver medal: Henry O'Keefe, Rose Urry, Frances Hobbs, Beth Winkler, Ione Clark, Elma Strom-berg; Verna Reeve and Mondell Bennett. Gold medal: Harry Rubin, Lucy King and Lizzie Russell. Pearl medal: Harry Rubin, Laura Walker and Dorothy Lund. Remington typewriter awards: Certificate: Dorothy Coop, Mildred Barnes, Donald Holley, Wilford Young, Phillip Finkelstein and Charles Foulger. Silver medal: Harry Rubin, Ione Clark, Neta Knight, Carol Wooley, Victor Wheeler, Jessie Lockhead, Opal Burt. Gold medal: Laura Walker, Henry O'Keefe, Lizzie Russel and Lucy King. Jeweled medal: Harry Rubin. Royal typewriter awards—Certificate: Roland Manning. Gold pin: Henry O'Keefe, La-vina Smith, Ellen Johansen and Laura Walker. Card case with advanced certificate of proficiency: Harry Rubin. Jeweled gold medal: Harry Rubin. Ethel W. Franke, Teacher. NOT SO BAD. The worst thing about being beaten Wednesday night, was the agony of watching the game, and wondering why the boys could not get together. After a day or two's consideration, "being beaten" isn't at all bad. Our opening games at the tournament may possibly be just a little more favorable than if we had entered as first team. Again, a number of students who aren't overly enthusiastic about regular consistent school were threatening to revive the stupid tradition of declaring a holiday if we had won. Of course, a goodly portion of the students would have refused to join such a movement, but there would have been a disturbance and some unpleasantness. We believe the board of education is standing for "a strictly business program in the high school," as in the elementary schools, and declaring holidays doesn't set very well with the board. We are about ready to campaign for a new high school building and the taxpayers of Ogden certainly will not be favorable to voting more taxes unless the school has the reputation of doing regularly and efficiently the work assigned. It would have been a fatal error at this time for any number of students to "declare a holiday." The sooner all high schools everywhere give up the notion that every little athletic victory means "school holiday" the sooner we shall win the respect and confidence of those who pay taxes to support good schools. STARTS THE BALL. John ulley started things Thursday when he introduced a resolution in Kiwanis club op-proving the R. O. T. C. band, and asking the club to support morally and financially the organization in its ambition to enter the Gary contest in May. The club indorsed the resolution unanimously. Supt. Karl Hopkins, who was present, reported that he thought the board of education would consent, to the band entering the contest, and that though he might be biased in his opinion—he felt that the band would do honor and credit to the schools and Ogden, if entered. |