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Show OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES High thoughts and noble in all lands Help me; my soul is fed by such. But ah, the touch of lips and hands— The human touch! Warm, vital, close, life's symbols dear— These need I most, and now and here. —Richard Burton. BOYS' ASSEMBLY. In commemoration of Boys' week, Judge W. H. Reeder, Jr., Dr. J. D. Harding and Wilford Dean, members of the Kiwanis club, came to high school and spoke upon vocaional work, thrift and essentials of success. The talks were much enjoyed by the stu¬dents. TRACK MEET. The division track meet is taking place at Davis High school this afternoon. Ogden is entering 15 boys in the events. AT COLLEGE DANCE. The Weber girls cordially in¬vite the high school girls and their partners to a dancing party in the Weber gym dance hall tonight. AIN'T IT SO? Docs the grouch get rich quicker Than the friendly sort of man? Can the grumbler labor better Than the cheerful fellow can? Is the mean and churlish neigh¬bor Any cleverer than the one Who shouts a glad "Good morn¬ing" And then smiling passes on? Just stop to think about it: Have you ever known or seen A mean man who won success Just because he was so mean? When you find a grouch with honors And with money in his pouch, You can bet he didn't win them Just because he was a grouch. Oh, you'll not be any poorer If you smile along your way, And your lot will not be harder For the kindly things you say. Don't imagine you are wasting Time for others that you spend; You can rise to wealth and glory And still pause to be a friend. ANNUAL PARADE. The annual parade of school children, set for today, was called off by the board of education. We presume this is in harmony with the policy of the board of "school, first, last and all the time." The subject of school edu¬cation is paramount to all other public enterprises and the regu¬lar program of school work must be pretty strictly adhered to, otherwise returns are not com¬mensurate with the expense in¬volved. The schools, especially high school has suffered many interruptions this year. The high school students wrere rather pleased with the action of the board, as many have come to think that taking a half day off each year, just to walk through the streets, so that people may see how many there are, is hard¬ly worth the candle. The high school boys just a. week ago today staged a real, worth-while parade with manual of arms, intricate marching for¬mations, with keen competitive exercises that seemed to have real purpose and value. They could hardly see the necessity of parad¬ing again today. Besides this, there remains the fact that a most lamentable acci¬dent had occurred (at the school during the week that cast a deep shadow of sorrow over the entire student body. The students have not yet entirely recovered from that shock and would have had little heart to go out on parade. In the history of the school, students have never experienced the same sort of sadness and sorrow that they have had this week. They very much prefer not to participate in any sort of fes¬tivity for just a little while at least. STUDY RECITATION. Each day brings new evidence that some sort of change is ad¬visable in the working out of the school program. Teachers report the present study period plan, where an English teacher, for in¬stance, supervises a group of students studying science, history, language, mathematics, etc., isn't quite satisfactory. It is felt that students should study science un¬der the supervision of the science teacher history under the history teacher, etc. This arrangements is provided for under the pro¬posed study-recitation plan. ONLY A STUDY. Under the present system stu¬dents are much inclined to disre¬gard the study period and seek to be freed from it on any pretext. "Oh, it's only a study per¬iod," they say, and hence it doesn't matter. A REAL SCHOOL. The study-recitation plan will give us a real school, unless we miss our guess. Under the pro¬visions the teacher will be held responsible for the students under their direction. The teacher will be given an opportunity to see to it that the preparation of the lesson is made, so that there can be a recitation. Under the pres¬ent plan, the preparation is alto¬gether too frequently not made at all, hence there can be no recita¬tion. The "teacher failed me," is an expression quite current now. The "teacher passed me" is to be the slogan of the future. |