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Show ILLITERATE'S DIARY Deer Mother: Today i am down harted and i got a cumplaynt to make aginst the skool, I cum into the libary and as useool i felt like workin. I set down and opened my engliss book to go too work but i coodent find my assinement book so i asked my teecher if i cood go to mi loker to git it. She -sed i cood, so i went. Wen i got out in the hall the prinsible seen me and made me go back in the libary. After i re- eturned, the teecher woodnt let me ask no one for the assinement bee-cause i slammed the door wen i cum in. Why dont they hav a list uv as- sinements in the libary and wen sumone furgets his lesson he kin hav a list at his dispoosal? P. S.: My engliss teacher told me to not let it happen agin.—Yur sun. RADIO BENEFITS The radio has become an import¬ant means of educating the general public. Just think! Ten years ago the average citizen didn't even know that in any football game a punt is required on the fourth down. He didn't know that when he was tired he could smoke a cigaret and zip back to normal or refresh himself with a drink. He didn't know the energy value of breakfast food and was blissfully ignorant of one Tarzan. He couldn't know true art because he had never heard Bing Crosby's educated moans. He could not play jazz in ten easy lessons. He did not know whether the world series was a track meet or a hockey game. He didn't even know that he was jeopardizing his social standing by not using mouth wash, and to top it all off he didn't know that all diseases are caused by an acid con¬dition in the stomach. I shudder to think how narrowly civilization missed destruction with the inven¬tion of the radio.—Kent Clark. What boys in what study hall make life very unhappy for Mr. T. O. Smith by meowing like ally cats all period? Ask Jay Burton.—Elmer. I-WANNAN-O We are pleased to announce that I-Wannan-O has taken in ten de¬serving pledges whom we think will fulfill all the given requirements. Benny DeCorso, Ed Madsen, Darrel Burt, Val Scoville, and Jack Nye are the senior pledges. Adam Bengochea, Robert Hinckley, Bill Kinard, Bob Becker, and Frank Fuller, the junior pledges. We welcome these pledges into I-Wannan-O, for we know they will do all they can to boost the club and the student ac¬tivities.—Reporter, Bill Taylor. ARMISTICE DAY November 11 the entire world will celebrate the sixteenth anniversary of the end of the World war. The shot was heard all around the world that proclaimed the end of the war. Armistice Day should be set aside as sacred day, because it ended the greatest conflict in history. The Armistice was signed on Nov. 11, 1918 five o'clock, French time. France, England, Germany, and America were represented. The rejoicing of that day had never been known before. Sirens and whistles were sounded! Bells rang, and great multitudes of people shouted. At eleven o'clock everyone paused, and the world started again with Peace ringing. Armistice day was set aside to pay tribute and respect to the soldiers who participated in the World war. Each November 11 we should pause and remember that Peace is the king Of the world. —Dolores Hartog. 7. WRITER THINKS TEACHER GETS JOYS OF ESSAY There Must Be Reason Why So Many Assigned, Says Pupil OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor "What is an essay?" said the teacher, and would not wait for an answer. Certainly there must be joy and delight for the teacher in correcting essays, or else she would not assign so many. But oh, the difficulty, labor and misery for the student who is called upon to write! To have a student write an essay is an indirect way of punishing him for wrong doing. In an essay the student reveals his character, his personality and his ability to carry on a friendly chat. No doubt teachers obtain huge amusement out of ideas sometimes expressed in essays. Can you imag¬ine a hundred voices singing lustily in the class room: "I hope in hell His soul may dwell Who first invented essays." This expressed the average student's opinion. Who is so bold as to tell me that enjoyment is possible in such a task as writing essays? Sure¬ly, I never get any pleasure in this way. A student loses hours of sleep and pleasure by worrying about the es¬say to be handed in within the next few days. He just hands one in with a sigh of relief, and the teacher calmly asks for another. The zero hour of a student's life is in repeated attempts, but to strive continually for one perfect essay is better than the perfected essay.—Arthur Isakson. DISASTER Ah! At last my lessons are done and I can concentrate on my first article as a member of the staff of the notes. This one has to be good as "well begun is half done." Now, where can that article of suggestion be? I must find that, for I was ex¬pressly ordered to read it. I must have left it on the table, but it certainly isn't there now. Or perhaps it's in one of my books certainly, I brought it home. Any¬how, it's gone now. Seems funny that some old paper that I don't want in the least can lie around for weeks and never get lost or burned; but just leave some valuable leaf¬let around, and it's gone in no time. Now where can that darned thing be? It seems to have disappeared quite as completely as a magician doing the vanishing act. Ho hum. Time to "hit the hay;" the whole evening gone; and no article. What a life.—Wayne Bundy. THE LETTER BOX Deer Mother: Today I am worry- in' purty awful. I went in the li¬brary and got my histury. I memurized all the dates and everything and then i went in the histury room. The teechur was talkin' about the nex lessun and i wus cleanin' my finger nales with my pocket nife. All of a sudden he asks a question to the class. I throwed my hand up in the air like i awllays do and let my nife go. It wizzud up and hit the loud speeker and broke it jist as the prisinbule wantud to say sumthing. I found out later that he wus cullen me to the ofiss to see why I run the study hall teechur down in my Ford. I didunt know the prinsibule wanted me until skool wus out. I sed that i wus worried. I am. The prinsible sed that he is goin' to rite to pa about me break- in that speeker. Why do they hav to hav speekers in the rooms any way? My histury teecher aint mad at me because he sed it wasunt my fait but the study hall teecher sed that their was no excuse. She's "all wet" because she dont know that the Ford aint got no brakes.—Yur Sun. INTERESTING CLASS Mr. Hancock's seventh period sociology class has again had some very interesting classes the past week. We have been studying crime and its causes. Last Monday several talks were given by students on this subject. Tuesday, Faye Hull, a stu¬dent in another period, gave us a splendid speech on crime and how it is inherited. Continuing' sociology studies Fri¬day, students of the sixth and the seventh period classes visited the industrial school and the deaf and blind school Friday. Reports were given on these two state institu-tions. We invite any one who is inter¬ested to attend the seventh period sociology class— Le Ida Roberts. |