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Show NEW MIRRORS NEEDED Someone might wonder why I couldn't do the same and crane my neck until I had combed my un-tamed hair. No, I couldn't do that j as I am just a little better than five and one-half feet tall. (Thomas and Revell look like giants to me). No, I must content myself and let my hair grow as Mother Nature desired, I suppose. It's no wonder I am not as beautiful as some of the fast runners. Still, as I think it over, I believe it would be a swell idea to let each boy contribute a few cents so that we can have sev-eral nice new mirrors installed. Not only would this save the beauty of the masculine class but it would pro- more radiator romance, keep boys from being late for classes, from breaking speed limits in the halls, and from getting fallen arches standing on their toes in order to get altitude.—Luro R. C. CONTINUE SUPPORT To those juniors who were not fortunate in being selected by the English teachers as possible choice for the positions of associate ed¬itors of the Notes or Classicum, and consequently unable to be elected by Council, may we offer encourage¬ment and hopes that they will still continue to contribute articles for publication. The fact that the prospective ed¬itors for next year are chosen does not mean that further contributions from all the students will not be accepted, providing, of course, the material is suitable for publication. So, don't let Council's decision spell finis to your journalism career, but do all you can to help the Notes column continue to be a big suc¬cess.—B. T. ILLITERATE'S DIARY November 9: Gee, a fello hasn't got a chance any more. Today i got excused af¬ter the fifth period on account of i thot i was sick. After i got out of skool, i found that i wasn't sick at all; no matter, i thot i'd like to see the wild west show that was play- in, which i did. And wen i got home i'll be darned if some dum girl hadn't called up my mother to set_ how i was feelin. There ain't nf justice. I'm so «ood in engliss that i, think i' beter git beter posted on- curent events in case somebdy, asks me to explain it to em. There is one thing now that's puzzlin nje, and that's this "new deal." i've herd of squar deals, good deals, and etc. but i never herd of a new deal be¬fore, ges its sumpin someone invent¬ed just to get peeple like me mixed up. A TOAST TO LESSONS Lessons are the bubbles in the champagne of school. Where they come from, how they originate, and when they will come is not known. However, if they were not there, it just wouldn't be school, is if the bubbles were missing in that known drink, it wouldn't be champagne at all. When you drink from the glass of knowledge, lessons are always present. Some times you miss them they flip from the glass and are lost in space. What good are the bubbles? Are these necessary? Champagne can't be brewed without them; likewise, school can't be carried on without lessons. At times lessons seem to compose all of the beverage. With¬out them school is flat.—Margaret Neal. SATURDAY'S (GAME Our football season closes with our game with Weber High school on Saturday. The game is held under the auspices of the American Le¬gion and as a part of Armistice day celebration. In a very true sense this will be a climactic ending as Weber High is our nearest, dearest competitor and we always enjoy playing with them. (Perhaps the fact that we usually win) has some¬thing to do with this. Anyway we play for the city championship and it will be a real game. Every cit¬izen in Weber county should attend this game. 11. MALE QUARTET TO BE CHOSEN AT OGDEN HIGH Suggestion Made That New Contest Judge Be Appointed OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. A peculiar situation has arisen in the music department. It is the intention of Mr. Hanson to choose a male quartet to represent the school. The quartet would be chosen from the entire student body regardless of whether the persons take musical instruction within the school. Mr. Mark Robinson has been chosen to judge the merits of the entries. Among the quartets entered is a group that has been organized for some time. In fact, most all of us have heard them in assembly, on the radio, or in school meetings. As a matter of fact, three of the members of this group take special vocal instruction from Mr. Robinson. Would it be fair, then, for Mr. Rob¬inson to judge which quartet should , bear the emblem of the Ogden High I school? Regardless of how fair he tried to be, Mr. Robinson, because of that which is known as human na¬ture, would be inclined to favor that group which includes three of his vocal students. May we suggest, therefore, that a disinterested musician be drafted to act as the judge in this contest? In fairness to all concerned, Mr. Rob¬inson should not judge his vocal stu¬dents in competition with students not under his private instruction! TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. Thou shalt not grumble nor complain. 2. Thou shalt honor thy teachers and associates. 3 Thou shalt not make excuses. 4. Thou shalt profit by thy mis¬takes. 5. Thou shalt not be content to "get by." 6. Thou shalt be on time. 7. Thou shalt be neat and tidy at all times. 8. Thou shalt not copy another’s work. 9. Thou shalt be pleasant and courteous to all. 10. Thou shalt strive to attain the highest goal.—E. O. DOUBLY VICTORIOUS In a game for the city champion¬ship. and in which was also featured the traditional little brown jug in the offing, Ogden succeeded in de¬feating the Weber High Gridders 20- 6. At the opening of the contest the Warriors were intent upon scalping for themselves a Tiger. At the end of the period of play the Warriors who had been so bent upon destruc¬tion found themselves badly bitten and mangled. The poor benumbed Warriors seeking revenge, challenged the Ogden kittens to a return game to be played at the Warrior den. The Kittens accepted and when the smoke of the battle cleared, the little Warriors had been literally eaten and partly digested by the Ogden Kittens, losing the contest by a score of 26-0. RADIO PROGRAM Every Thursday evening over KLO at eight o'clock a high school radio program is presented by the Ogden High school notes. In these enter¬tainments is displayed a cross-sec¬tion of student life which is usually of interest to not only the students but patrons as well. Musical num¬bers are played; enjoyable readings are given; and current news of vital importance is related—all in some way featuring the local talent within the school. Tonight in the program all of the captains, the major, and the lieu¬tenant colonel of the R. O. T. C. unit will be interviewed in which their opinions will be expressed. Tune in all of you; you will enjoy the program. A SMILE IS AN ASSET When you smile, the whole world smiles with you; students at school can radiate happiness to the whole student body by their own gaiety and pleasantness. In walking through the halls the girl or boy who is beaming with smiles is the one whose company is most enjoyed. There are enough lessons, troubles, and worry to occupy an individauls' mind at school, for the serious part of life, so smiles are needed indeed to cheer and brighten one's attitude; there¬fore, let us all "do our part" and smile! PET EXPRESSIONS Miss Ballinger: "Noblesse Obligee." Mr. D. Peterson: "I owe you—." Dorothy Hall: "What would my Grandma say?" Earl Rowse: "Will you go steady with me?" Helen Fae Jeppeson: "I wonder what Bob is doing?" Emily Merrill: "What do you know?" Pudge Arthur: "Skip it!" Ferrin Larkin: "Do you still love me?" Ab Lund: "Hi ya, Toots." —Black Beauty. WHO KNOWS? What happened to that cat that was disturbing a certain study hall teacher? What has happened to those cele¬brated radiator romances? Why do the junior girls go for the senior boys? —"Toots." P. S.: All persons wishing to en¬roll in the new feminology class see Elmer at radiator No. 66-8. |