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Show NOON MADNESS A dense all consuming fear overcomes me as I prepare for the mad frenzied rush for my locker just before the noon hour. I will know V have a very fierce and bone crushing experience ahead when I start to run the gauntlet to my haver of refuge, my locker. At last the bell rings, and I make my way out of the English clasp into the hall. As I slowly gathi; speed, class doors open and belc forth a congested mixture of boy and girls. I mingle, or rather crash with them, and begin my fight. Shoving, cross stepping, blockin and counter offensing aggressive moves, I slowly, but steadly, draw abreast with the leaders. Turning the corner, I reach the thick of the battle. With bruised shins, aching ribs, and a growing spark of exultation running through my limbs, I rapidly gain speed. My locker is now in sight. I run ahead once more. But no. A disastrous avalanche in the form of a friend descends upon me, and with what is intended to be a friendly token of good fellowship sends me to the floor with a well placed blow between the shoulder blades. Disgusted with myself for not hav¬ing seen him coming and feeling black and blue all over, I pains-takingly drag my weary body the remaining distance, secure my coat, and wend my way home for lunch, where I will find after this harrow-oing experience, food and rest— Ralph Halverson. BROADCAST ITEMS We present here a few thoughts that have been brought before the school of late by the principal Since 95 per cent of our boys are being furnished with excellent serge suits by the United States government, there is no reason why they should not appear very neat and tidy at all times. We have an ambition to have Ogden High school distinctive by the clean, neat, attractive appear¬ance of all our boys and girls. Military regulations demand neatness, completeness of wearing apparel. Well organized society de-mands the same things. We owe it to ourselves to be proud (not vain) of our personal appearance. We owe something also to the people associated with us, and who must look upon us day by day. It is all right to roll up your sleeves when tackling a tough phy¬sical job such as digging a trench, but you do not need them up to tackle your school lessons. Too many boys forget to but¬ton up their shirts when they come to school. Neckties are cheap, even in the rare cases where not furnished by the government we can all afford them. Let's wear them. Dirty cords may be collegiate (we doubt it), but they are not com¬plimentary to the student who wears them, nor the people who must see them. Men's dress has been stand¬ardized. Regimentation, standardi¬zation, custom, are sometimes hope¬ful, helpful. We can conform to established customs without losing our individuality. 10. There is but little criticism to be offered on the way our girls dress. They are usually, clean, neat attractive, appropriate. A few things might be said, however, on the over doing with lip stick, rogue, etc. 19. PEACE CALLS THOSE KNOWING RAVAGE OF WAR Asks Help Against Mars, Who Wants Lives of New Generation OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor Sadly I looked on as I watched with a bleeding heart the young men in khaki. Yesterday they had been young high school students; today they were young boys sud¬denly turned into men. They marched to the rhythm of the band and smiled at the cheering crowd. I wondered how many real¬ized that when the parade broke up they would be sent to training camps to be taught the art of killing school boys of another nation. Four long years I looked on as the whole world madly embraced my ancient enemy, Mars. I watched those boys being killed bodily, or what is even worse, killed spiritu¬ally. When those who came back marched to the music of the band once more, there were no dreams in their eyes. Their lives were de-stroyed as certainly as were those left on Flanders field. Today a new crop of school boys has sprung up. Mars reaches for them greedily with his blood¬stained hands. He wishes to de¬stroy to dreams in their eyes as he did in the generation before. Oh, fools! Are you once again going to embrace him? You who. know what he has done to thei world and what he will do again ^ Why not come to me who has wait¬ed for you since the world began I will teach you wisdom, the arts and all that makes life happy Mars hates you; he is War. I love you, for I am Peace—Barbara Clark FAMOUS LAST WORDS Dick Baxter: "Hello there." Bill Cook: "Yeah, I've been goinging steady with her for—I'll se you again. Here she comes now." Dan Alsup: "I can't, I'm alread® in a club." Benny De Corso: "Now, every Ixwiy keep in step with me." J De Forges Nelson: "No, I waJ( just giving them lessons on how t< spit." ROrrald -DransfieJdr—T guess I'll" scrub my way through college." Neven Facer: "Sure, I'm going to the game—if I can crawl over the fence." Harold Williams: "Make way, gentlemen, make way for Corporai Williams." Mr. Hancock: "Was it the edi¬tor's fault that Currumba was spelled Durrumba in the Notes, or was it Luxo's fault?"—Luxo R, C. INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER Probably the most unusual speak¬er of the year was heard last Fri¬day in assembly as the student body listened to N. C. Hanks, world re¬nowned lecturer. Mr. Hanks was handicapped in early life by the loss of his eyes and hands. In spite of these drawbacks, which would seem almost insurmountable to the average person, this wonderfulg dividual has attended at major colleges. He has limself an atmosphere that coun¬terbalances the lack of two of his nost important faculties. Such was the man who spoke to us on the topic of being discouraged and unable to cope with our every¬day problems. His message was in¬deed inspirational, as it brought to us a realization of how we should appreciate the useful possession of all our faculties. A QUESTION I, as well as other cadets, do not seem to grasp the meaning and sig¬nificance of our school being an "honor school." Does it mean that our cadet battalion is the best in the Ninth corps area? If it does, n what capacity have we been able to hold it for 10 years? Does it mean that the school cadets in Salt Lake City do not wear a star on the sleeves of their tunics? Perhaps, if the some 500 cadets in this school were "put wise" to the real maning of "honor school" they would get in and drill very much better in order to uphold the red star on their sleeves. If they knew the star's significance they would probably be proud to pass it on to the boys who are to take their places. Can't you, Mr. Merrill, or, you, Sarg. Halloway, please tell us the meaning of the term you use so much?—Yur Sun. A PRAYER Dear Lord, we thank thee for our place on earth, That came to us through humble . birth. For Mother dear, and good old dad Who lead us to the fine from bad. For teachers, lending each a hand 'Till steady we alone can stand. For friends, all comforting and true Who bring us joy—to me and You. —Elzada Carlson. THE GIFT OF LAUGHTER (Dedicated to Dorothy Hall) When Jesus gave the Beatitudes to the world He should have added, "Blessed are they who possess the gift of laughter, for they shall in¬herit the kingdom of heaven." A smile or soft laughter that comes from the heart lights up the whole face of the person so gifted. The eyes sparkle, the teeth flash, and perhaps a dimple or two ap¬pears. The horrid, mean thoughts, sad disappointments, or that sin of sins, feeling sorry for oneself, all in a minute are washed away, leav¬ing a clean mind ready to be filled with kind and happy thoughts. Yea, thrice blessed are they who have the golden gift of laughter! They not only make the day pleas-ant for themselves, but bring sun¬shine into the lives of those around them. Those who have this gift are like a comb of honey with bees surrounding. People are never at¬tracted to gloomy faces. Most as-suredly these gifted ones will in¬herit the kingdom of heaven. Al¬ready they have entered into the earthly Paradise. Is not heaven a place where only happiness exists?— Barbara Clark. |