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Show GIRLS' UNIFORMS Seeing the success and popularity of the boys' military uniforms, I'm wondering why girls' uniforms are not made available. A simple but effective uniform could be designed that would suit every girl. A black skirt and a white sweater is one idea for a uni¬form. Democracy seems to be the goal of Ogden High school, and estab¬lishing girls' uniforms would be a tremendous stride in that direction. This plan is not original. Schools all over the country have already proved its success. A specific ex¬ample is that of one of Oakland's leading high schools.—Winnie Winchell. ANOTHER RAINY DAY Old Man Weather put on his fall apparel Monday, and (better late than never) granted what thousands have been praying for all summer. It was for nobody's good, however. Distinct dismay ruled at Ogden High school as heavy coats, hats, and winter underwear were brought from their places among the moth balls. Wails such as: "Oh, why did it have to rain?" or "Why couldn't that rain, have waited for a month?" echoed and re-echoed throughout the school. Even the teachers seemed downhearted. They taxed us with tests, and merely be¬cause there must always be a few know-it-alls who do not seem to mind, we were recipients of a good, sound tongue-threshing. If you have any influence with said per¬sons (teachers or Old Man Weather) please, oh please, put in a good word for us.—Dorothy West. TWITTER AND TWATTER My motto is to believe nothing that I hear and only half of what I see. This is what I heard: Bob B. has no desire to date up some fair lass for the "get acquaint¬ed dance." Bob E. and Earl R. ought to put their applications in at KLO. Boy, what warbles! Have you ever heard Miss Ballinger say, "Quiet please'?' Can you imagine Dot. H. singing "The Girl at the Ironing Board"? For evermore! There seems to be a certain jun¬ior in library seventh period who insists on bringing soda crackers to donate to all who have that empty feeling. I wonder if the editors would please put the missing commas in this so-called writeup?—Clarabelle. IMPROVEMENT NEEDED? The old Romans would have been ashamed to have mentioned their means of torture if they had had one glance into the stairways of the Ogden High school. Oh! No! I don't mean to intentionally call this school a torture chamber, but you know it is. You start out from home Monday morning fresh and eager; you have a sort of "this world is a lovely place to live in" feeling. Upon en¬tering the school building, you are greeted by a sort of noise which re¬minds you of a nest of wild honey bees. It sounds very interesting and inviting; so you decide you will venture into the hive. As you are walking up the steps, you see something which looks very much like a flash of lightning de-scending the stairway. However, when it hits you, it feels more like a clap of thunder which has taken form. Don't be alarmed. It really isn't a storm or squall—just a student who is in a hurry. You constens not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but you finally decide upon the former as the "bolt of thunder" very gracious¬ly begs your pardon. Upon turning the corner at the top of the steps, you feel someone very maliciously trod upon your sore foot. How could you help but accept that wistful smile that is pleading forgiveness? With a nod of the head you turn to start again when some one who feels more like a tractor than a per¬son plows into you. What's this? Oh, just another Ogden High school congestion. You are now rendered helpless as the crowd surges forward in one, living mass. You really didn't want to get to class on time. Now, did you? Not meaning to be imprudent or impertinent but merely helpful, I give my humble suggestion that the school board make the bee their ex¬ample and do as the bee would do if its hive became too small.—Marge Boyle. 13. PROGRAM WILL BE REPRESENTED TO RAISE FUND Assistance To O.H.S. Band Aim of Athletic Card In Stadium OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Emily Merrill, editor. Blaine Larsen, associate editor. The Lions, Kiwanis and Rotary clubs and Ogden High school are sponsoring a special entertainment to be presented Thursday, October 18, in the Ogden stadium. The pub¬lic is cordially invited to attend this amusement which consists of a base¬ball game played between two clubs, a football game fought between two junior high schools and a number of wrestling and boxing matches. Twenty-five cents will be the admis¬sion fee for adults; ten cents for children. The purpose of this affair is to obtain funds for badly needed band instruments at Ogden High school. Ten new Instruments have been or¬dered to equip the band, so that this group will be one of the very best in the state. The program will be enjoyable; the purpose is worthy. Let's all sup¬port the cause. BANDANTICS What does bandantics mean? That is a question everyone will be asked in the next few days. We have all seen this work on the blackboards of our school and wondered to what it applied. The application of this word is to the Ogden High school band. As we know, a big movement is on to raise funds to give the band its proper instrumentation. This coined word is used to advertise the event.— A band member. EXPLANATION For the benefit of a fellow who seems to be receiving the denuncia¬tions of the football squad and the military department, I would like to say that my real name is not Frantzen Todd. Although I see no rea-son why a student should be con¬demned for expressing his opinion on any matter, Mr. Todd is not the person upon whom the blame, if any, should bs placed. Please do not credit or blame this student for ar¬ticles signed "A Non-Athlete." He Is wholly innocent of any connec¬tion with the matter.—A Non-Ath¬lete. (Editor's Note): It is now no doubt apparent that Frantzen has been accused falsely. It is the duty of those students who maintain¬ed his guilt to undo the wrong they heaped upon him. It is evi¬dent also that the editors of the notes cannot hereafter publish any contribution unless the author's real name is given. The name need |