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Show BETTER HOUSING Ogden High school is participating in the better housing program spon¬sored by the government. Every stu¬dent has been asked to familiarize himself with the details of the plan and to commit his thoughts to pa¬per. Later, a goodly number of these essays will be used as material for orations. On Monday afternoon, W. C. Lamoreaux, special representative of the federal housing administration, paid a visit to the high school and gave some interesting instructions concerning the carrying out of the program. 7. STUDENT WINS RECOGNITION IN POETRY FIELD Magazine Will Publish Tribute To Justice Holmes OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. One of Ogden High school's most promising poets and leaders in the literary field, Elizabeth Parkinson, has won recognition recently fo niif of her works, "To Justice Holmes." We feel proud that Elizabeth is having her poem printed soon in the Scholastic National magazine, as she often makes contributions to this column. For this reason we pub¬lish the following letter from Ernes¬tine Taggard, literary editor, to W. R. Thornley, Ogden High school in¬structor: "Thank you for the student ma¬terial submitted to our round ta¬ble. We shall be very glad to print Elizabeth Parkinson's 'To Justice Holmes' in an early issue. Please en¬courage your student to send more. "P.S. We extend our congratula¬tions to Mr. Thornley for his in¬spirational enthusiasm that he radiates to his students. He is one of the most capable teachers in our whole system." EASTER SUNDAY "Put on your old gray bonnet with the blue ribbons on it"— This melody will be hummed con¬siderably as it will correspond well to the beautiful Easter Sunday which will again visit us. One of the most sacred and in¬spirational times of the whole year is Easter Sunday, when the green leaves and grass are just unfolding their beauty for the enjoyment of mankind. Spring. Easter. What ex- hillration these two relative words arouse in our hearts. Students will enjoy Easter to their heart's content and will feel refresh¬ed to return to school Monday. S.A.R. REPRESENTATIVE Thursday morning proved to be a very educational one for the Ogden High school student body. The four entries for the S.A.R. oratorical con¬test gave their speeches in assembly to the enjoyment of all present. The judges unanimously rendered their decision in favor of Bob Buswell. Other worthy contestants were: Lar¬ry Evans, Joe Limberg and Wayne Bundy. For 18 years Ogden High school has entered the S.A.R. contest but never before, in the opinion of the judges, have all the contestants' speeches been so superior in content and the speakers have had such re¬markable deliveries. The school is extremely proud of Bob Buswell's ability. May he be victorious when he journeys to Davis. RATHER DESOLATED Ogden High school was today somewhat desolated by the absence of the entire music department. The 40-piece orchestra, the band, the Girls' Glee club, the Boys' Glee club, the soloists, all were in Provo, en¬tering various contests. Those who were at school decidedly missed their friends; even the very atmos¬phere seemed to radiate the feeling that something was lacking. However, the students had one \ consolation. Their companions were worthily bearing the school's mus¬ical standards in Provo, and they would again be in school Monday. PRIZE WINNERS Los Loritos and several other or¬ganizations of Ogden High school helped to make the school opera "Joan of the Nancy Lee" a success. The drive for the ticket sale to this musical program met, perhaps, with more enthusiasm than any other drive of school activities this year. After determining the club that sold the most tickets per member, the judges awarded a prize of three dol¬lars in cash to Los Loritos. Under the capable supervision of Mr. Han¬cock, the club adviser, the Spanish organization wishes to continue its efforts in promoting the school ac¬tivities of the future.—Alice Affleck, club reporter. DOONE BACK We were proud and hapy to see back in our midst Jack Doone, intermountain A.A.U. boxing cham¬pion. Jack has returned from St. Louis where he took part in the na¬tional amateur boxing finals. Although he did not win first hon¬ors, Jack represented Ogden High, Ogden city and Utah to a splendid advantage. Jack, we welcome you home. YEAR SOON OVER The student body was reminded last week by council that in a few weeks nominations for next year's student body officers will open. We are reminded with a jolt that the school year will soon come tp an end. The seniors will go and the juniors will take the vacant places. Seniors, have we accomplished what we set out to do? Has this, our last year at Ogden High been suc-cessful? If you have any desire that you have failed to realize, do it now. This is the time for the tying up of the loose ends. 8. JUNIOR PROM WILL BE HELD NEXT FRIDAY Make It Successful As Classicalia, Request To Students OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. Another school dance will be held in a few more days—the junior prom. This social affair is always one of the most beautiful and de¬lightful of the whole year. Pretty girls and charming partners will be there en masse to make one feel at home and have one of the grand¬est times of life. Students, it is up to you only to support this dance, to make it a success which can compare to the Classicalia. Come and enjoy an unforgetable evening of pleasure at the Berthana ballroom Friday. WELCOME HOME How refreshing it seems to have our classmates back with us again after their sojourn in Provo. All the musical groups represented our high school worthily in display¬ing superior talent and technique; the student body is proud of them. ONLY DAILY COLUMN The Ogden High School Notes is the only daily high school column in the state. No other school has kept enough interest in the journalistic field to carry the responsibility of publishing notes every day. For this reason, Ogden High should be proud of its students' publication which appears every evening in The Standard-Examiner, proud enough to co-operate a little, at least, and make contributions for the better¬ment of the Notes' material. You, students, elected an editor and an associate editor to super¬vise this student publication, not to write it. They had to write more than three articles a week in their junior year even to be elig¬ible for the editorship. This year absolutely no interest has been taken by the student body as a whole to help the editors in pro¬ducing a column which is superior. As a result the editors have had to write more than three-fourths of the material which has been pub¬lished this year. Naturally, it is their job to write articles; they do just that. But one or two people can't carry the whole responsibility, because the task is Herculean. There are more than 1,000 stu¬dents in Ogden High school. Haven't all of you enough initiative, en¬ough ambition, enough backbone and stamina to support a leader you, yourselves, selected to head an organization? How foolish to ex¬pect any individual to supervise any job with no assistance but phantom mummies! What these Notes need is school life, school spirit, just brimming' over with enthusiasm and humor. Let's give ife to them! |