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Show OPERA PLEASES LARGE CROWD Ogden High Pupils Display Brilliant Talent In Comic Production "Joan of the Nancy Lee," a comic opera in two acts, presented by Og¬den High school music department Friday evening in Washington Junior High school auditorium, was well received by an audience that packed the house and left many standing. The opera, under supervision of Mark Robinson and directed by Glenn L Hanson, was well cast and the antics of the comedians brought many a laugh. The art work in the stage setting and costumes, was out¬standing in color and design and LeConte Stewart and Miss Margaret Corliss received credit for their ef¬forts. DANCERS APPLAUDED Among the dancers Aline Piper in her interpretation of "Dawn" and Maxine Leek and Albert Bell in their tango duet received generous ap¬plause. Barbara Smith as Joan has a most promising soprano voice and in her songs, "The Maid and the Pirate" and "Veil Now Your Splendor," she was especially versatile. Chester Christensen in the male lead as Cap'n Dick captured the hearts of the feminine listeners with his interpretation of the romantic "Oh, Lovely Morn" and his voice is outstanding in that type of song. Some of the other numbers lacked variety in scale and did not give this young man a chance to perform as he has on many other occasions. Bill Bloody, a pirate, taken by Robert Emmett, was particularly apt in his role of comedian He and his partner were delightful in their casual bloodthirstiness Evelyn Buehler as Mistress Rhoda, spinster and governess, was amusing in her at¬tempts to capture Bloody and Lord Egbert by Darrell Kenny drew gales of laughter with his English accent and stupidity. The stutter¬ing boatswain, the Parisian dancing master and the Italian singing teacher were well characterized by James Andrews, Fred Nickson and Ed Tingen. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE. In the number, "Beloved, These Few Words I Pen," Jim Sparks, taken by Bernard Quinn, almost stole the show with his rendition. Barbara Foulger as maid to Joan was lovely and flirtatious. The pretty bridesmaids and the chorus of pirates gave splendid group work, and their voices blended tri¬umphantly as the grand finale cli¬maxed another memorable Ogden High school entertainment.—V. R. A. |