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Show chemistry. Four lectures and one laboratory period a week. S (5). Horne 5. Field CropsPrinciples of crop production: identification, history, marketing, and cultural methods. Four lectures and one laboratory period a week. A (5). Horne 8. Irrigation and DrainageRelation of soils and crops to irrigation: measurement of water, methods of irrigation, design of farm ditches and farm drainage. Three lectures and one laboratory a week. A (4). Horne 10. General Horticulture Production of fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. Three lectures and one laboratory period a week. S (4). Horne 16. Vegetable ProductionCultural practices, pest control, harvesting, and processing of vegetables. Three lectures and one laboratory a week. S (4). Horne 20. General Animal HusbandryLivestock production as it relates to other phases of agriculture influence of geographical location and conditions, types of farm animals, their functions and products and related factors. Four lectures, one laboratory a week. W (5). Staff 25. Feeds and FeedingAnimal nutrition with emphasis on practical livestock feeding, composition of feeds, and balancing of rations. Four lectures and one laboratory a week. W (5). Horne 31. Agricultural EconomicsPrinciples with emphasis on economic terminology, efficiency of agricultural production, and the farmer as business manager. A (3). Horne 32. Agricultural EconomicsContinuation of Ag. 31. Organization and functions of the marketing system, principles of price determination, and price problems of the farmer. W (3). Horne 33. Agricultural EconomicsContinuation of Agriculture 32. Agricultural policy, utilization, valuation and tenure of land, and problems and policies associated with water use. S (3). Horne AGRICULTURE MAJOR (Example Only) Freshman Courses Title A W S Agriculture 5, 20 Crops, Animal Husbandry 5 5 Agriculture 10 or 16 Horticulture, Vegetable Production 4 Agriculture 31, 32,33 Agricultural Economics 3 3 3 Basic Requirements Orientation, English, P. E., Health Education 7 3 3 Zoology 1 or Bacteriology Introduction 5 1 Mathematics 14 Intermediate Algebra 5 15 16 15 Sophomore Agriculture 8, 25,1 Irrigation, Feeds, Soils 4 5 5 Chemistry 1, 2, 3 General, Organic 5 5 5 Physical Education 1 Freshman Activities 111 or 11 Botany 1,2 General, Principles 5 5 Electives Selected 5 15 16 16 VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE Education courses offered in Vocational Agriculture are listed under Technical Division. FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT Courses of Instruction 1. Forest Management Professions related to forest, range, and wildlife management. Relation of management to multiple uses of land. Open to all students. A (2). Staff 2. Elements of Range Management Natural resources management. For students in the fields of forestry, range, and wildlife. W (1). Staff 3. Elements of Wildlife Management Introduction to problems and methods of wildlife management. S (1). Staff |