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Show 252 Completion of all courses earns the student a Healthcare Coding & Classification Certificate and prepares them to sit for the American Health Information Management Association's Certified Coding Associate (CCA) credentialing examination. Course Requirements for Institutional Certificate Program Prerequisites (6 credit hours) HTHS 1101 Medical Terminology (2) HTHS LSI 110 Biomedical Core (4) Courses Required (18 credit hours) HTHS 1111 Biomedical Core (4) HTHS 2230 Intro to Pathophysiology (3) HTHS 2240 Intro to Pharmacology (3) HIM 2300 Diagnosis Coding (3) HIM 2320 Ambulatory & Physician Office Coding (3) HIM 2330 Classification Systems Topics & Reimbursement Issues (2) HEALTH ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COURSES - HAS HAS 3000. The Health Care System (3) F, S A study of the U.S. healthcare system to help students understand the critical issues facing healthcare in its ever-changing environment and to gain a sense of the complex multidimensional nature of healthcare delivery in the United States. HAS 3020. Health Care Marketing (3) Su, F, S This course outlines the application of marketing principles to health care organizations and the public health arena. Students will apply those principles in the development of a marketing plan. HAS 3150. Community Health Agencies and Services (3) Su, F, S An overview of public and community health including history, management, prevention and epidemiology of disease. Emphasis on the role of community and government health agendes regarding health promotion and disease prevention activities. HAS DV3190. Cultural Diversity in Patient Education (3) F, S This course is an introduction to patient or client education skills and theory. It also focuses on health traditions of culturally diverse clients and how those traditions must be considered during dfective patient education. In particular, the course will move from the general health traditions of world populations and religions, to the more specific behaviors and expedations of U.S. populations. Gender, age, and dass will all be considered in the studies. HAS 3230. Health Communication (3) F, S A broad examination of communication theory, application, and research in health care delivery and management. Examines many different levels and channels of communication induding the development and application of interpersonal communication, small group communication and teamwork, organizational communication, communication ethics, leadership, and motivation skills in dealing with health care providers, staff, and consumers in a variety of health care environments. Cross-listed with COMM 3230. HAS 3240. Human Resource Development in Health Care (3) F, S Study of human resource principles and practices in Health Care facilities. The general topics indude: job analysis and work flows, compensation, recruitment and selection, performance appraisals, discipline, legal environment, unions, safely and health. HAS 3260. Health Care Administrative and Supervisory Theory (3) Su, F, S Basic theories and concepts of management. Emphasis is on individual and group behavior, interpersonal skills, decision making, leadership theory, planned change, motivation, teamwork, organizational design and culture within the context of the health care organization. HAS 3750. Health Care Financial Administration (3) 5 This course is designed to build upon the concepts introduced in basic accounting courses and devdop profidency in applying administrative finandal techniques in health care decision making. Prerequisites: ACTG 2010, Quantitative Literacy, HIM SI3200. HAS 4320. Health Care Economics and Policy (3) F, S Discussion and analysis of the economic models contiolling healthcare markets with subsequent investigation of the complex federal, state, and local policies and policymaking processes which result from those models in U.S. healthcare systems. Prerequisites: HAS 3750 and ECON SS2010. HAS 4400. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Administration (3) F, S Review of legal responsibilities of physicians, other healthcare workers, and healthcare institutions and means by which health-related laws and regulations are developed and implemented. Issues involved in healthcare professional ethics are discussed and evaluated. Prerequisite: HAS 3260. HAS 4410. Clinical Instructional Design and Evaluation (3) F Designed to provide individuals with the skills necessary for the preparation, planning and evaluation of instruction. The Philosophy, theory, and effedive methods and techniques of teaching the adult learner. HAS 4420. Clinical Instructional Skills (3) 5 Designed to provide individuals with skills necessary for the implementation of instruction. Presentation practice is provided with peer evaluation and feedback. HAS 4520. Long-Term Care Administration (2) S Application of health administration core curriculum to specific practice issues in the long-term care setting. Setting-specific organization stmctures, relationships with healthcare providers, services offered, financial management issues, and regulatory issues are investigated. Prerequisite: HAS 4400. HAS 4525. Health Facility Operations (1) 5 A review of long-term care facility operations utilizing computer- based simulations. Teams of students make operational decisions utilizing financial statements, census reports, staffing schedules and other relevant factors. Prepares students for specific types of situations and questions encountered on the long-term care administrator licensing examination. Prerequisite: HAS 4520. HAS 4620. International Health and Health Care (3) Su This course is designed to explore health and health care systems in countries other than the United States. Emphasis will be directed toward illnesses and treatments, health promotion, environmental and economic issues, governmental infrastructures that support health, and cultural considerations. The course will be targeted to the profes-sional interested in international health information and experiences. HAS 4740. Senior Seminar (1) F, S A capstone course for seniors designed to provide integration and application of theory through the use of case study analysis. Departmental approval required. Weber State University 2007 - 2008 Catalog |