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Show Ogden, people, we believe, have been well satisfied with the splendid service that Dr. Rich has rendered the community and he leaves his position with the honor and high esteem of all the people. We can express no better wish for the new incumbent, Mr. Foulger, than that he shall magnify his trust with the same faithfulness and fidelity as his predecessors We believe that he will, and we' express the hope that he will be -privileged to see and to help the forward advance of the Ogden City schools. DRILL COMPETITION Companies A, B, C and D completed Thursday a competitive drill in all movements of instruction given thus far this year. The percentages earned are: A company, 6 5 per cent; B company, 87 per cent; C company, 84 per cent; D company, 72 per cent. Company B is therefore declared the champion. Captain George Glen has charge of this company. GIRLS' RIFLE TEAM Boys! Boys! Boys! This is the only cry heard above the din and roar of the Ogden High school. First football and now basketball. We know the boys are popular, but wait, stop, look and listen; the girls are coming ahead. The sponsors are going to put the Ogden High* school on the map by a very successful girls' rifle team, which is in the making now. Watch out, boys' rifle team, we are going to beat you! A "NEW FORUM" To amend, or not to amend the constitution; to decide whether or not students should belong to more than two school clubs; that is the question before the student council "crew." Though the clocks stop, the sun goes down and the janitors go home, each Tuesday the storm will wage until a final decision is reached. After that decision the "good ship Constitution" must be banded with steel to insure permanency. But whatever decision is reached, we know that it will be the most applicable, and the best. "'Tis a bad storm, maties, but there's fair weather ahead."—Dorothy lsraelson. CHARLESTON SPECIAL Of course you have heard of the Girls' association. Well, if you haven't, that is your own fault, for this is one organization in the school that informs you that it is alive. No matter what it undertakes, the results are always successful. So they are giving a matinee Charleston special on Friday, Dec. 4. Please don't be afraid to invite your friends and come, for the admission is only a dime. You will no doubt have a good time, due to the fact that it is being put on by the Girls' association of the Ogden High school. "MAN WITH THE HOE." A little poem appeared in the column of News and Views the other night. It ran like this: "Yes, the task that is given to each man, no other man can do; So your work is awaiting: It has waited through ages for you And now you appear; and the Hushed Ones are turning their gaze To see what you do with your chance in the chamber of days." These are the inspiring thoughts that Edwin Markham has penned. As I read them, a feeling of responsibility came to me. I began to realize that life is made up of angles; that it's the angle I see it from that will make me happy or unhappy. If I assume my responsibility and go after things rightly I shall not have to dine at the table of disappointment. Wilma Rubenstein. WASH DAY. Wash day! Wash day! The very thoughts of wash day makes a cold shiver run down my back. Why is there such an unbearable day? I Just think! Monday, Blue Monday, is set aside as a day to wash all dirty clothes. First the fine raiments are washed, then Ma's white clothes and the sheets and the pillow cases. The towels then have their wash. Then Ma starts to wash all the colored clothes. Mother calls each tubful a "batch" or a "rubbing" which only makes wash day more gruesome for me. All I hear the night before wash day is: "Johnnie. I want to wash that shirt. O! Johnnie, change your underwear, too." Of course, I tell Mother they aren't dirty, but it doesn't do any good. On wash day I come home, just as hungry as ever. Dinner isn't ready and the fire is out. I make the fire to help matters along. I try to Whistle my troubles away. Mother hollers, and tells me to stop the noise. Then I give up. I feel grouchy and discontented. It's time to go to school when I am in the middle of my meal. I am usually almost, but not quite, late for school. The afternoon is utterly ruined. Again I say, why is there such a thing as wash day? Ellen Weir. TEACHER'S DRESS. My English teacher affords an interesting study. It has never occurred to me before, just how my advisor dressed. Perhaps her personality enveloped my vision. Her dress this morning is a plain (a word very seldom used in connection with women) black, full dress. No waist line is visible, but just below the hips, the dress widens, giving the appearance of a full skirt. Around the neck, wrists, and from the waist down, is an exquisite band of white beads, set in the cloth in a simple pattern. A string of white pearls hangs from the neck, overlaps the black, and gives a momentary break in the rounded lines of the dress. With shoes and stockings to match, all is plain. Her jewelry (a wrist watch, and two rings) and every other adornment is in simple harmony. --Rowland Hansen. CHANGING A TIRE. When, In hurrying along in your car to take your mother-in-law to the train, you hear a loud "pop siso! bump! bump! bump!" don't be alarmed and think that your dear relative has committed suicide, for the big noise was only a blowout. Just spring lightly out of the car, after pulling up in the middle of a busy crossing, and try not to laugh boisterously at old Mister Tire's gaping aspect. Take from under the back seat of the car a sack of tools, and after dusting carefully and removing the dirty old grease, start to use the monkey wrench. If some of the bad, bad lugs stick, just take the heaviest implement you have, and pound vigorously for a few moments on the back of the car. (A sledge hammer should be included in every car equipment. Ask the man who owns one.) When you have tried for three hours to change tires, spurned onward by the kind words of the watching multitude, and your dear mother-in-law has missed her train, drive as far toward home as you can, on the rim, happy in the knowledge that something has happened to keep her With you for another day. Katherine Beck. HIGH PRAISE. Miss Jean Cox, state supervisor of home economics, in a recent circular letter to all high schools, has the following good words for Ogden High: MIGHTY GOOD WORK AT OGDEN. Homemaking classes in Ogden have made decided strides in advancement. Almost all of the junior high homemaking courses are organized on the unit basis and run double periods. As a result there is keener interest, registration was increased and the administration is easier as one-half unit classes have been eliminated. Another thing, some of the principals have been hearing things such as this: "I want to drop foods, I have to work too hard." Very satisfactory work is reported from all of the teachers. The clothing department at Ogden High represents some exceptionally fine work. Both Mrs. Hart and Miss Corless are enthusiastic over what their girls are accomplishing. As additional proof that students have confidence in the department, girls are bringing expensive materials and it is their boast that the dresses they made are more satisfactory than ready-to-wear clothes. Merle Chipman in the foods department is also drawing some of the best girls in the Ogden High. THE HAM AND REPORT. The Ham And club held its regular business meeting Thursday night at the high school. The club discussed the Ogden radio show which is going to be held at Peery's Egyptian theatre and is being sponsored by this club. A committee was appointed to decorate the Ham And club's' booth. Members of this committee are: Scott Kellogg, chairman; Warren Cross and Roland Manning. The radio show is getting the full support of the Radio Dealers and others. This show promises to be one of the biggest things of Ogden and will come second, if not first, to the radio show at the state fair. The committee for this show is working night and day to make this a big success. The members are: Wayne Iverson...chairman; Jack Craven, Ralph Stevenson. SCOTT KELLOGG, Reporter. Dec-7 25 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES There's not a flower that decks the vale, There's not a beam that lights the mountain, There's not a shrub that scents the gale, There's not a wind that stirs the fountain, There's not a hue that paints the rose, There's not a leaf around us lying, But in its use or beauty shows True love to us, and love undying. —Griffin. FORUM ASSEMBLY The Forum club gave an hour of sheer nonsense and amusement at Friday's assembly. It was conducted as a session of the club with roll call, minutes, unfinished business, new business and debate. It proved to be a mock meeting or a parody, pervaded throughout with humor and fun. It was laughter provoking throughout, and served its purpose admirably. It gave the needed relaxation and exhilaration Youth must have its fun and we certainly had it at Friday's assembly. GIRLS' MATINEE The opening of the box office at 3:15 o'clock Friday afternoon for "The Seven Keys to Baldpate" evidently took many students from the Girls' association matinee. Those who attended, however, had a very delightful time and enjoyed especially the Charleston contest. Several couples participated, but the honors went to Bert Thatcher and Kate Beck who are certainly adept in the intricate steps of this most difficult dance. ON THE WANE. The peak of the Charleston wave seems to have been passed and we may confidently predict i that a year hence there will be none dancing the Charleston. The dance is rather too difficult to ever become popular. This is fortunate in one respect at least, for if a ballroom were filled with Charleston hoppers the building would likely take a tumble. The Berthana has put the ban on the dance on account of the danger of wrecking the hall. Again the Charleston is doomed because of want of opposition. Seemingly none has raved against its indecency, vulgarity, improprieties, etc., so it must needs die for the sheer indifference of the critics. Even a couple of dislocated knees of Ogden's girls is not sufficient stimulus to keep the Charleston craze going. Au revoir, Charleston, au revoir. We enjoyed the passing thrill of your coming and your going. A SENIOR'S LAMENT Oh, what terrible misery I have been in during the last two weeks! Fits of "seniorism" have attacked me over a dozen times a day. When I have had one of these fits, cold chills have "Charlestoned" up and down my spine, my teeth have chattered my knees have apparently become double jointed, and my mouth has been as dry as the Sahara desert. These fits have attacked me every time I have realized in any ways that I am a senior. The fits are terrible, and I must continue to suffer for quite a while yet, because the only cure is a diploma. JUST A CIGARET The cigaret, although a little thing, has power over many men. Its power is mightier than a king, but it does not have any armies that are drilled to fight. The secret of the cigaret's power is in man's appetite. When the cigaret's power is over man his vertebrae is too weak to stand. His shoulders are curved, and his chest is then hollowed out. The finger tips are then stained with the poisonous nicotine. The man's greater things are done, his lungs are parched anil dry. Then a stench is left about his clothes, that marks him wherever he goes The cigaret has much power; it brings failure and regret. Roy W. Doxey. MY RADIO For pleasure my radio is one of my best friends. Without it many of the evenings would pass uninterestingly. It always works to perfection the times that I am alone with it. But what a different attitude it takes when neighbors come to hear it; then there are all the distoritions of sounds such as a child's band might produce. My radio may be likened unto a baby; its actions just like a baby's are—just wonderful when you are with it alone but, when company is present, it demonstrates all or its bad qualities, as if to make a "fibber" of me in my company's estimation. But why "cuss" the radio when a little ingenuity on my part might appease its aches and pains (broken connections and low batteries), and then both parties would be pleased. Ralph Kimball. "CLASSES" Have you heard about our classes and how they are run? Well, I'll give you a little inside information how the students like and use their 50-minute periods. The first bell rings at 8:30 o'clock with the cadets all attending and five-eighths of the student body. This is a whole, big, long, monotonous period. Oh, boy! how we like our hour periods. As soon as the bugle blows we skip, walk and run to our first hour class. Such is the beginning of J every morning of five days out of every week of our happy school life. "Oh dear!" says our chemistry student, "Why don't that bell ring. I simply cannot get this experiment. I wish I was running these bells." At last a faint, but near-at-hand tinkle of a bell is heard. "Hey, Bill! Was that the bell?" "Ah, no. That's the clock on the desk trying to take its morning exercise," says Bill But lo! the precious bell is heard. Shoving things here and there, the students scramble into the narrow hallway. "Hello, Mary. Got your English? Say, do we have an exam? Can I walk to class with you?" "Let me by here, I say; I've only got three minutes to get to my next class, and it's on the top floor. I can't be late, or teacher says, 'Say, Henry, why were you late? Go to the office and get a permit before you enter here'." And poor Henry wonders how he's ever going to get to class on time when he has to go from one end of the school to the other in a rush, and scramble of human beings, books and lockers. |