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Show 4-6-26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Put me in touch with the heart of a boy, Let me study his doubts and fears, Let me show him the ways of life, And help him avoid its tears. For the heart of a. boy in its buoy¬ancy Is one that is pure and free; So put me in touch with the heart of a boy, The heart of a man to be. —La Voy. TEACHER LEAVING. After six years of faithful effi¬cient service in the Ogden High school, Mrs. Caroline Camp, in¬structor in English, is to sever her connection with the school at the end of the present school year. Mrs. Camp is a graduate of the. University of Nebraska and hasi been a source of inspiration and' power to a great many high school students during her stay in Ogden. She has been advisor of two of the most active clubs in school, the Gamma Kappa and the Forum. Scarcely a week has passed during the past six years that has not found Mrs. Camp actively engaged in advising and assisting students in these organizations. To her, more than anyone else, perhaps, must be attributed the success of these organizations. In her class¬room, too, Mrs. Camp has always been enthusiastic, sympathetic, en-couraging. She will be greatly missed. Mrs. Camp Is joining her hus¬band, who is engaged in the real estate business at Berkeley, Cal. They are building a fine home there and it is their purpose to give their children the opportunity of attend¬ing the University of California. OTHER TEACHERS. Three other teachers have also signified their intentions of leaving the high school this year. Miss Glick, instructor in office machines, will return to her home at Twin Falls, Ida. Mr. Wahlquist, instructor in so¬ciology and economics, leaves to ac¬cept the principalship of Weber County High school. Mrs. Etta Nelson Hart, instructor in domestic art. leaves to make a comfortable home for her husband at Brigham City. These teachers have been con¬nected with the high school, one, five and two years, respectively and perhaps it is fair to say they will be missed in proportion to the time they have been here and the number of students they have in¬structed. All have been efficient, progressive, helpful instructors in their various lines and we wish them the same success, satisfaction, happiness in their new fields that they have enjoyed here. NEW TEACHER. Mrs. Dilworth Young takes charge of the work in physical education for girls today to fill out the year for Mrs. S. E. Blackham, who is now at the hospital and will probably not be able to return this year. Miss Lucille Owen has been substituting for the past month, but finds that her work at the Weber gym will not permit her teaching longer at the high school. BAND DANCE. On Friday night of this week the R. O. T. C. band will give a dance at the White City to assist in rais¬ing funds for the Gary trip. Messrs. Harman and Louis Peery have generously contributed the hall for the event. Their kindness and generosity are appreciated. TEACHERS HELP. At faculty meeting Monday night the teachers voted that they would send a boy to Gary. Other schools of Ogden have sig¬nified their intention of doing something to make the Gary trip possible for the boys. LITERATURE RECEIVED. Some very valuable literature on "Good Roads and Civilization" was received Monday at the high school. This includes the prize essays that have won the four-year university scholarships during recent years, the state prizes and much other valuable material. This is being placed on reserve at the library. MAKING GOOD. Music News recently had very complimentary articles on three former high school students, Irvine, Laurene and Hattibell Shields, who are making good in the world of music. The three girls have been giving Indian recitals in costumes before clubs, churches and other organizations during the past win-ter, that are said to be of great merit. HAM-AND BANQUET. Much of the last meeting of the Ham-And club was devoted to mak¬ing preparations for its second an-nual banquet, which is to be held at the University club on April 16. As a great deal of queer phenomena is to take place during the dinner and the dance, the affair promises to be one of the outstanding social events of the school year. The provender wall be furnished by one of Ogden's most prominent cafes. Although the committee, composed of Kellogg, Stevenson, Iverson, Craven and Cross, has not as yet fully indited a program of edibles, the club promises all of those who are to participate that no such words as "hash," "beans," or "goulash" are to appear on the menu. —Warren Cross. THE SOUSA CUP. Word comes from Salt Lake that the Sousa cup won in the band con¬test in Salt Lake some time ago. has arrived. An invitation has been extended to George D. Ryan, man¬ager of the contest, to bring it to Ogden and present it to the band at Friday's assembly. THE ART OF GIVING. General public expenses are usu¬ally met by public taxation. But civilization always has many ex¬penses that must be met by volun¬tary contributions. The entire work of all churches, we believe, is supported by voluntary offers. Then there are always Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Near East, Christmas, tuberculosis, charities of many and various kinds that are built-up on the generosity of men and women. We are not sure, but we are in¬clined to think that nothing helps more to build character, to devel¬op men and women, than this sim¬ple principle of giving. Giving to a good cause not only helps the cause, but it helps the giver more. It enables him to throttle the demon of selfishness, narrowness, stinginess, that would otherwise choke out the better impulses of his nature. It is not enough to live and let live--one must live and help others to live. We have little opportunity in school life to instruct or aid the student in developing the fine art of giving, but it should not be neglected in the home. It is a very vital part of one's education to learn to give generously and wisely. |