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Show OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES 4-30-26 Glad that I live am I; That the sky is blue; Glad for the country lanes, And the fall of dew. After the sun the rain, After the rain the sun; This is the way of life, Till the work be done. All that we need to do, Be we low or high, Is to see that we grow Nearer the sky. —Lizette Woodworth Reese. A TELEGRAM. The following telegram was re¬ceived Wednesday by Professor Mark Robinson: "All possible success to prin¬cipals, chorus; orchestra. Am with you in spirit. Make it pop You will; you can; you must. "Reed Gammell." A PRETTY PICTURE. The 75 boys and girls on the stage Wednesday night in their yaried island costumes made a very beautiful picture. There is noth¬ing more beautiful, more joyous, more charming and wholesome than youth. Ogden has every reason to be proud of her fine young people, WON SECOND PLACE. The Lewis cup went to Box Elder Wednesday as a result of the de¬cision of the judges in the annual oratorical contest at Davis. So did the watch. Grant Chandler of Og¬den won the second place—-a pin. The judges were Professor Sorensen of B. Y. C., Logan; Mrs. Van Winkler of West High, Salt Lake, and the debating coach of East, whose name could not be learned. In accordance with the plan, Box Elder holds the cup for one year or until the next annual contest. NEW HONORS. The high school covered itself with new praise and honors Wed¬nesday night in the fine presenta¬tion of the comic opera, "The Her¬mit of Hawaii." This opera car¬ries several catchy melodies which were sung in good style. The chor¬uses were well balanced and the students put a lot of pep into them. The solos, duets, trios, gave tie principals an opportunity to display their talents. It was manifest that the high school has in its student body much musical talent. It speaks well for the music in Ogden schools which has been raised to a hty standard during the past years under the directic. Professor Robinson. Especial cred¬it is due Mr. Robinson, who took direct charge only a few days ago, owing to enforced absence of Mr. Gammell, the instructor STUDENTS' ACROSTIC. Come on time. Obey cheerfully. Observe neatness. Prize your friends. Encourage fair play. Reserve harsh judgment. Avoid paint, powder, primping. Truthful always. Invite an open mind. Offer service. Never offend. WORK AND WORRY. Chauncey Depew, 92 years young, says that freedom from worry, and joy in his work are two of the im¬portant things contributing to his longevity. He says: "As a boy I remember that grandfather and' my own father were given to worry: I might say that worry killed them; and in my youth this destroying spirit of worry aggravated my peace. Then I resolved to worry no more, to live each day of my life as it dawned before me. but to put forth my best efforts that the one following might be better. "When the temptation to rest comes upon me, I defeat it by ris¬ing and stirring. I find as keen a pleasure in life as ever I cul¬tivate an interest in every new thing and read the daily papers with care. They always offer something new to the mind. I make friends with the young, who bring me the impulses of youth, the desires of ambition." FAT MINDS. People, especially women, are greatly concerned these days about excess fat. "Getting fat" does seem to be a characteristic of the age. We presume everyone knows why we grow fat. A writer in a recent magazine intimates that we might get fat minds from the same cause. He says: "I wonder if there is such a thing as a 'fat mind.' I really think I have met with a few; minds which could not keep up with the slowest trot in conversation: could not jump over a logical fence, to save their lives; always got stuck fast in a narrow argument; and, in short, were fit for nothing but to waddle helplessly through the world." ONLY ONE WAY. "Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well"—so runs an old saw. Probably no maxim is Lruer than this one. It is especially true, we think, with regard to school work. He who goes to school, or he who is sent to school Jhould attend regularly, work faith ully and do the job well. No one an hope to make a success at school unless he gives his atten¬tion, his best, his soul to the job. Eerily, this is the only way to go o school, as it is the only way to lo any other worth while thing in life. AN URGENT NEED. Ogden High needs a good school song or two. Once a year we try to sing a song that was written many years ago by Principal George A. Eaton. Some student poet should rise to the occasion and give us a live, peppy, catchy song. THE PITY OF IT. The graduating committee re¬ported the other day 136 students of the graduating class on the hon¬or roll. This led a member of the committee to look a bit to the oth¬er side of the story. To his amaze¬ment, and disappointment, a cur¬sory glance showed 67 students in high school are "failing in their work." More than that number were marked "W"—withdrawn. It appeared that most of these with¬drew because they lacked interest —were doing failing work. No one needs to say that this is too bad; everyone reaiizes that it is a pity. No one should, fail. Some-thing is wrong. Is it the fault of the parent, the student themselves of the system? Perhaps all. But whatever the cause, it should be remedied. None should fail, or at least but a very few and these for good cause. It is this condition that is leading the teachers to feel that a change in method, a change in the system is advisable. THANK YOU! We juniors thank all of the perons and firms that co-operated ith us in making the junior prom success. We thank "tout le monde" for the appreciation they Wed. But there are a few whom want to thank particularly. Hout whom the prom could not have been a success. Countless ob¬ligations are due to Wright's de¬partment store and the courtesy of Mr. Larson, to whom we owe a large part of the muchcomplimented decorations. Praise and thanks are due taxi drivers, kalsomine dis¬pensers, and even our senior truck driver, who helped us. Our own obliging faculty we cannot thank enough, especially those who gave us their time and talent. Mr. Stewart, thank you for the advice and help you gave in connection with the prom. Mr. Child, thank you for the work you did in co¬operation with us (you'll get those lolly-pops yet). Miss Corless. thank you for the hollyhocks and apple blossoms (or were they sweet peas?). Mr. Coray, thank you for the generous use of Classicalia lumber. Thank you, Mrs. Reed, for the fine dancing and the beau¬tiful fairy picture made by your little girls. Thank you, seniors, for being good sports and coming in the designated pairs. There are many other little kindnesses that we ap¬preciate from the depths of our hearts. Thank you one and all, for making the junior prom so "just grand." Sincerely, The Committee. |