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Show May 12-26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES It is a particularly good thing for a child to have two parents, one of each kind. A child has just as much right to and need of his father's companionship and help and influence as his mother's. DR. WOODS HUTCHINSON. NEW SECRETARY. At last week's election Miss Elea¬nor Weeks was elected student body secretary for 1925-26, on the first ballot. U DAY FRIDAY It is expected that a large group of senior students will spend Fri¬day, "U Day" at the university. All who go are instructed to meet in the Museum building assembly hall at 10 o'clock to receive in¬structions as to how to best pass the day, HORSEBACK RIDING Members of the Ham-And club and waiting list on Sunday, May 9, made a trip towards Promon¬tory Point to Little Mountain on some "wild and woolly" mustangs obtained from H. B. Taylor of Plain City. The horses, because they are being trained for polo and have just recently been brok¬en, proved fully capable of show¬ing the Ham-Andorites the time of their lives. While the party was gathered around the section corner that surmounts Little Mountain, two coyotes appeared upon the distant plain and a merry chase followed. However, the lives of the coyotes were saved by the lack of weapons of any description. The enjoyment lasted 12 lively hours; that is, from 9 a. m. 'till 9 p. m. WARREN CROSS, Reporter. TO BE RETURNED. The R. O. T. C. work will be closed for the year at the end of the present week in order to give the officers time sto check in their uniforms before school closes. ENTERTAINMENT. The university announces an unique entertainment on Friday evening at 8:15 o'clock on the university campus. This entertain¬ment will be in the form of an oper air dance and carnival in fnont of the John R. Park build¬ing. The university campus, when lighted at night, is one of the beauty spots of the state. BETTER ATTENDANCE. There is to be no more "forget¬ting" at the high school. The faculty Monday night passed the following: Resolved, That here¬after when a student misses any recitation he must present a writer from home the follow GO ABROAD w, Mrs. Franke and Miss ve all decided to spend abroad. Miss Corless for her old home in rly in June; Miss Beck Franke will set sail from on July 7 for an ex abroad, returning just the opening of school. SCHOOL CALENDAR ndent W. K. Hopkins that the opening institute for next year's school will be hejd on September 9; registration of students, September 10 and 11, and instruction begins Monday, September 13. PARENTS' DAY The annual parents' and exhibi¬tion day at high school will be held on Friday, May 14. The fol¬lowing program is announced: Par¬ents visit class during forenoon and early afternoon; at 2 p. m. a special assembly; 2 to 5, view the exhibits, get acquainted with teachers; refreshments will be served. The oral expression de¬partment vill put on a one-act play, "Spreading the News." TWO CANDIDATES Ogden high has two teachor candidates to represent Utah at the Sesqui centennial exhibition at Philadelphia this summer. Mrs. Gertrude C. Erwin and Mrs. Flor¬ence Newcomb, Superintendent Hopkins and Mayor George E. Browning are sponsoring the can¬didacy of Mrs. Erwin, while Principal Merrill and Warren Wattis are Sponsoring Mrs. Newcomb's candidacy. These teachers are very popular, not only at high school, but throughout the state, and it is quite likely that because of their long and efficient service, one of them will be selected. Either would represent the teaching pro-fession and the state most accept¬ably. LUNCHEON SERVED. The domestic science department is sponsoring this week a series of noon luncheons as a part of the regular work. The teachers are invited to attend the luncheons, "Dutch." At today's luncheon the Misses Stella Parker, Jennie Rufrano acted as hosts to the fol¬lowing teachers: Principal Merrill. Vice Principal Erwin. Miss Reva Beck, Claude Coray, D. O. Peter¬son, Mrs. Florence Newcomb, Ern¬est Wangsgard, Mrs. Ethel Franke, Miss Edythe Kohler, Miss Mar¬garet Corless. The menu was: Pineapple salad, creamed potatoes, veal buds, creamed carrots, Parker house rolls, plum custard wafers. MUSIC TREAT Tomorrow morning at 9:30 or 10:15 a special assembly will be called to listen to a musical pro¬gram sponsored by five artists from the B. Y. university at Provo. The public is invited. |