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Show Social committee—Wilma Bailey, chairman; Gilbert Beck, Lois Fowler Vernal Johnson. At Mr. Rose's request, a motion was made and carried to the effect that the electing of the assistant business manager of the quarterly be left until alter the publication of the first issue of the quarterly. President Fife advised the two class presidents that they should appoint three members of their respective classes to act as judges at a pep rally to be held in the near future for the purpose of electing a cheer leader. The social committee reporter they were making arrangements to get Olie Reeve's orchestra for the school dances. The first student body dance will be held on October 8. It was moved and seconded that the committee for the student body dance report next Tuesday. The meeting was then adjourned. Eleanor Weeks. PHYSICAL WELL-BEING and morals. A while ago, 743 children brought before the children's court of New York for various crimes and misdemeanors, were examined by physicians. Seventy-nine per cent of them had decided physical defects. Anyone who has paid any attention whatever to crime and criminality knows that between crime and physical defect there is a very close co-ordination. The first duty of government is to see to it that its youth is not handicapped, nor its own safety threatened by any defects—physical or mental—that might be removed. FOUR SIDED. In Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, Stevenson demonstrated that man is a dual creature. Any self observer will admit that he himself is a many sided creature. Today he is one sort of a man, tomorrow under other conditioins, quite a different individual. Generally speaking we may say that most men are four sided. His animal nature manifests itself when he flashes out in brute anger or when he enjoys himself at the prize fight. His child nature predominates when he plays Andy Gump with Chester's toys, or when he plays mean tricks on his wife. His savage nature is evidenced in his eagerness to go to war, or to rejoice in masquerade or in glittering finery. He is the real man when yielding respect to law and order and when endeavoring to secure education and refinement. It were trite to say that the life task of man is to make the better self predominates over the worse selves. Th. Sept 30 26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES GIRLS’ ASSOCIATION The first gathering of the Girls’ association was called Wednesday morning and a peppy year was started with a bang by our president, Miss Dorothy Coop. Miss Coop introduced to the girls our advisor, the dean of girls, Mrs. Irwin; Vice President Vellys Woods and Secretary Wilma Burley. The business taken up was the election of a second advisor. Those nominated were Miss Beck, Mrs. Chambers, Miss Smurthwaite, Mrs. Newcomb, Miss Hubbard and Miss Chesney. Each in turn scored so high in votes that the majority was not great enough for any one of them to take the place of honor. A motion was made and carried that a second vote be held on the five highest. As a result Miss Chambers was elected advisor to assist Mrs. Irwin. Following the business was a delightful program consisting of. First--A vocal solo (accompanied by Esther Lashes, Nondis Brown. Second—A violin solo (accompanied by Mildred McKay), Naomi Wilbur. Third—A reading, Alice Hyde. Fourth—Original piano interpretations, Mildred McKay. Plans were next charmingly presented by Dorothy Coop, Ruth Mark and Eleanor Weeks concerning the girls' get acquainted party to be held Friday night in Weber gym. Wilma Bailey, secretary. AT THE PARTY Rain or shine, it matter not; We'll all be there, right on the dot; Gentlemen small and ladies big, Misplaced eyebrows and plastered wigs; Girls in pants and girls in dresses; We'll all unite—so heaver "bless us!" —G. A. RED CROSS WORK There are 289 girls registered in physical education at the Weber gymnasium. These girls will have swimming, Swedish gymnastics, dancing and games, combined with class instruction is personal health and hygiene. Seventy-nine of these girls are seniors and they will be grouped in a class for instruction in home hygiene and care of the sick. Arrangements have just been completed through Dr. Mills and the local chapter of Red Cross for the standard Red Cross course Through Dr. Belnap, the services of the county nurse, Mrs. Ellis, have been secured for the instruction. This course has been widely and very successfully given in California schools but we believe Ogden is one of the first to secure the course in this state. STELLAE CLUB The Stellae club will meet this evening, 7:30 p. m., at the home of Virginia Anderson, 452 Twenty-eighth street. After the business meeting, which will take but little time, two new members, Helen Wilcox and Don Corey, will be installed. a reading, "The Man Who Saw Through Heaven," will be given by Grant W. Chandler. There are several numbers on the program and the second meeting of the Stellae club bids fair to be an interesting one. The advisors and officers of the Stellae club are negotiating with several well known speakers to secure their services during the coming year. We intend to have the loveliest club in O. H. S. this year and at the same time obtain educational benefit. Watch us! MAKES GIFT Kenneth Rhead, an alumnus of the high school and for two years an active member of the Ham And club, has recently donated to the above club his complete code transmitter. Accordingly the dream of the members of the club has been realized and immediately after installation of the set, amateur transmission will begin in dead earnest. We are looking for ten more members like Kenneth to fill our membership ranks. Come to the meeting Thursday night at 8:30 o'clock and get on the waiting list. FORUM REPORT The third weekly Forum meeting of the new school year convened in Room 306-A at 7:3o o'clock Monday evening. The club this year faced a condition which was entirely new in its history. There were only three members of the constitutional 12 with which to begin this year's activities. These were: Kenneth Skeen, president; Frank Rose, secretary, and Grant Chandler. The loss of Mrs. Camp will be felt a good deal, for it was her advice and instruction which saved the club when catastrophies many times threatened. However, Willis Smith, who has also been advisor of the forum for a number of years, has now taken his place as senior advisor and the club shows every promise of maintaining its place at the head of the school organizations. There are now approximately 15 members on the waiting list and each member shows promise of making a very fine debater. These follows will be taken in from to time as we grow to know them better until the entire membership of 12 is complete. Three male students were strutting around school Tuesday with their chests swelled to capacity—and well they might—for (honor of honors!) they are now full fledged members as a result of our election Monday evening. They had stood the test of time and ability and were deemed worthy of the honor. These fortunate fellows are: Vernal Johnson, senior; Philip Finklestein, senior, and Tom Broadbent, junior. They have already distinguished themselves in other school activities and they will be heard from later on in their capacity of Forum members. The Forum wants to extend an invitation to members of the faculty and student body to come and visit our meetings. We promise to guarantee interesting discussions on vital problems of the day and conduct the meetings by parliamentary order. We meet every Monday evening at 7:30 clock in Room 306-A. Watch for future announcements.—Frank Rose, secretary. MIND HELPS MUSCLE Collier's has an excellent short editorial on the above topic that students would do well to read. It says, among other good things, "College certainly has not unfitted woman to perform the tasks traditionally hers. Women are better mothers and housekeepers because of education. "The great improvement in eating places so noticeable during the last few years is due to the entry of intelligent women into the restaurant business. "The difference between the American farmer and the European peasant is education. The difference in yield per acre today and grandfather's time is also the fruit of education. "Education not only does not unfit men and women to do the humbler tasks of life: it actually qualifies them to elevate the job." PICK UP MONEY When a magazine pays $10 each for such "Ruthless Rhymes" as— "Mary, in a fit of glee, Fell downstairs and broke her knee, Mother yelled in angry plight, 'Go back up and come down right'." we wonder why high school students do not pick up a few ten spots. OGDEN At the assembly today, Edward Cox, formerly a music instructor in Ogden and who is now returning to Ogden to live, was to furnish the music on the program. Dr. Fenton of the American Red Cross was scheduled to give an address and demonstration on first aid work. HOME HYGIENE The "home hygiene" instruction to be given senior girls includes such topics as Individual Health and Hygiene, Health and Home, Causes and Prevention of Sickness, Indications of Sickness, Baths and Bathing, Feeding the Sick, Common Ailments, First Aid, Emergencies, and other topics. The course promises to be most interesting. NEW SIGN Heretofor the school office has had two entrances. On one door was printed “Office,” on the other “Private.” Now the office has but one entrance on which Mr. Stewart has printed “Principal’d Office.” There will be no confusion hereafter. SOCIAL DATES The social committee has scheduled the dancing parties for the year as follows: October 8—Student body dance. November 17—Junior dance. December 17—Seniors (Christmas dance). January 14—Girls' dance. February 11—Cadet hop. March—Classicalia; date uncertain. April 22—Junior prom. May 27—Graduates' reception. LEAGUE GAME The first league football game of the season will be played at Davis one week from today. The game will be followed by the first dance—the student body dance—at the Berthana hall. Student body tickets will be good for the dance. THRIFT EDUCATION Ogden schools are preparing to inculcate thrift by establishing savings bank facilities in the schools. The secret of success is "regular savings." Teachers will ararnge to deposit weekly in some Ogden bank for students. Any amount from 5c to $50 will be accepted. This will be practical education that should mean much to youth and the future generation and it comes at a time when it is won needed. People of today are good spenders but poor savers. The plan is in vogue in many schools throughout the country and is proving very beneficial. insurance statistics Insurance statistics show that out of every group of 100 men of all ages, 35 die penniless, 47 are obliged to work until death comes; only 18 are left in comfortable circumstances. Surely these figures show the necessity of teaching the rules of self preservation and self support to oncoming youth. FLORIDA RELIEF Dr E. P. Mills of the Red Cross has authorized all principals of the city schools to accept funds for Florida relief. It is thought that some teachers and pupils might find it convenient to contribute through this source. credentials forwarded Credentials for 22 football boys were sent today to Secretary E. Allan Bateman of the Utah Athletic association to engage in football during the present season. The rules require the applicant, to be passing in at least 15 hours and to have passed in at least that many hours the previous semester. CHILDREN ARE PEOPLE Every day new light is being thrown upon the saying of Jesus, "Unless you become as a little child," etc. We might repeat, this remark today and say to parents and teachers "Unless you come to understand a child and treat him in the light of that understanding, you shall never be able to teach him aright. In Vanity Fair, September number, Elizabeth Benson, herself a child of twelve, throws more light upon the subject of childhood than has come from any pedagogical treatise in the last decade. Miss Benson declares that children are people, and that as such they should be given the three great gifts that makes life for grownups so pleasant—courtesy, justice, tolerant understanding. Instead of this, Miss Benson asserts that children are treated as if they were anything but human beings with rights, individuality, personalities, opinions. She says that she early discovered, as a child, that if she expressed an opinion frankly, she was called "forward" or "impertinent." If she shut up like a clam after some rebuff, her privacy was torn at by prying fingers with some such patronizing remark as "Cat's got her tongue." TIT FOR TAT Miss Benson clinches her argument with this very apt and convincing illustration: "I began to dread meeting grown-ups, for almost invariably their first words were somewhat as follows: 'My! What a fat little girl! What do you feed her on? She's very fair, isn't she? Not exactly pretty, but she looks very bright. Come and give me a kiss, Honey. I am sure we shall be friends.' "I used to "have an impish desire to strike back at our visitor, to turn to mother and say: 'How thin and wrinkled she is. Mother! I wonder if she's starving herself to keep fashionable? It's a wonder she doesn't get a facial? And what a horrid shade of henna she uses on her hair! But she has pretty eyes, hasn't she?' Then, turning to the lady, say to her in her own manner, 'But I think you are very nice, and I am sure we are going to be great friends'." The article mentioned should be read and considered by every parent and every child. |