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Show tion has not been aggressive nor active in Ogden. Again they said that Superintendent Hopkins was against increase of salary of elementary teachers. A bigger fib could hardly be concocted as every Ogden teacher knows. OTHER RUMORS Again, one district organization was told by its leader that Superintendent Hopkins always opposed Superintendent Fowler whenever any election came up. As a matter of fact Superintendent Fowler and Superintendent Hopkins have never before been on the same ticket. Nevertheless, that district accepted the story and agreed to support Superintendent Fowler unanimously. In other quarters Superintendent Hopkins was accused of helping to kill the old Utah Athletic association and lost some votes on this account. We are not authorized to speak for the superintendent but if there is any blame attached to what he may have done in that matter, we believe he would be ready to accept the consequences. There was no definite organization, nor aggressive campaign made in behalf of Ogden's superintendent, so that 'a defeat by the small margin of 50 votes attests the popularity of the superintendent among the teachers of the state, and defeat under the conditions bears no sting nor humiliation. Under the circumstances we think it far better than victory. BAND PRAISED The Ogden R. O. T. C. band played before 7,000 teachers in the tabernacle on Thursday evening last and received an immense ovation. It was scheduled for two numbers but was obliged to respond to an encore although the meeting had already been considerably delayed. Teachers from all over the state were very profuse in their praise of the work of the band. It was good advertising for Ogden and was a fine example to all high schools of what can actually be done by high school students. DEMOCRACY "Democracy is socialized living," says Dr. Daisy Herrington of California and consequently belongs to children, and to youth as well as adults." The doctor insisted that social response is a product of education, not of heredity, and that schools are under obligation to give students opportunity all along the line of responding socially, in order to be prepared to function later as a citizen of society. This was not a new idea for Utah, teachers, but is one that will receive additional impetus from Dr. Herrington's splendid talk. Every day and in every way we are learning better and better that a child is an individual and, that he must be respected as such and allowed to live his own life in a normal, natural way. THE GRANDMOTHER OF TO-DAY AND THE GRAND-MOTHER OP YESTERDAY All grandmothers are alike in the fact that they are the mothers of our parents. Such a change has occurred, however, during the last few years, that in many eases the likeness ends here. Yesterday, the woman who was a grandmother had lived her life. She had only the past left, and her time was spent in reminiscence. Today was only the time to do a few odd jobs for the family, such as knitting, crocheting, or story telling to the children. Tomorrow was a futureless time in which she awaited death. Veneration was usually accorded her for the wisdom that her white locks symbolized, but sometimes she was considered a burden, which was to be borne cheerfully only for the sake of the past. She lived with her married children, in many cases, and held a position of little or no independence. Now take the grandmother of today. Her life is just beginning. The cares of a family being over, she can spend her time doing the things she has always longed to accomplish. She may read, or travel, or indulge in politics. No longer is she considered a burden and an old fogy. Today engrosses her, and she is as modern as her children. The grandmother of yesterday queried, "Oh, dear, where are my spectacles? Do you like that new crocheting stitch? Hand me that woolen fascinator, Lindy." Now my noble grandparent asks. "Does this new shingle suit me? I think this skirt is a little too long, don't you? Say, Malinda, is my powder on straight?" —FAY HOPKINS. Oct 26 - 26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The school office floor looked like a skating rink this morning This came as a result of a coat of varnish given during vacation. The only adverse reports of the snake dance were: A by-standing student jerked a trolley rope souvenir billiard balls were picked up at "the Hole." The first of fender will be reprimanded by the Pep club. Action will also be taken against offenders in the second case. SPIRIT RISES. The snake dance and rally were regarded as the biggest things of their kind for years, and the "pep' of the school has reached its high point. The Pep club will get out booster for Friday's game with Box Elder. The club will also have a bonfire rally, and will have enough school-spirit on the side lines Friday to snatch away Box Elder's laurels. There were five new registrations at school Monday, three girls and two boys. SPECIAL ASSEMBLY. A special assembly will be called on Thursday at 11:15 a. m to introduce the R. O. T. C. sponsors and to listen to an address by Admiral Ziegemeier of the United States navy. An invitation has been extended to the R. O. T. C. band to participate in the Armistice day exercises being prepared by the American legion. Captain C. J. Dockler was not at school Monday. It is reporter that he will stage a ''deer barbecue" later in the week to atone for his absence. EXAMINATIONS. The University of Southern California gives the following: Placement examinations: 1) Reading comprehension; (2) language usage; (3) mathematics; (4) following printed directions; (5) general information. There were over 1,000 entering students this year and these were placed in sections according to ability as evidenced by the tests. There were five groups; those passing with A marks were placed in upper fifth, those with B. in second fifth, etc. Miss Eleanor Ford of Ogden High took these tests and secured favorable placement in all tests, according to a report forwarded to the high school by the university today. ANOTHER GOOD REPORT. Another good report that reached the high school today was to the effect that both Robert and Ruth Craven, now at Westminster, were advanced last week from chemistry 1. to chemistry 2. because of evidence of being prepared to do advanced work. "PEPPED UP." Both students and teachers are being considerably "pepped up" by the examinations, tests, etc., that are being given by the colleges and universities. It is realized that one must be prepared to do college work if he go to college, so that students are desirous of being prepared and teachers are quite as determined that their work shall be well done so that no reflection shall be cast upon the school or its students. WORLD SEMES RECORDS. The significance of baseball as the national sport is evidenced by the fact that the gate receipts in the world series aggregated nearly a million and a quarter dollars. Babe Ruth broke 10 records with his seven home runs in the series, three of them in one game. ADULT EDUCATION. The subject of adult education received considerable attention at the recent state teachers' convention. This is one of the problems that Ogden is meeting adequately as is evidenced by the presence of practically 300 students who meet twice a week— Monday, and Thursday evenings— at the high school for instruction in various branches. GIRLS' ASSOCIATION. The second Girls' association assembly of. the year will be held on Wednesday morning, first period, in the assembly hall. There are a few committees to be appointed and plans to discuss, together with a fine program. All girls will be excused from their physical education class Wednesday morning and every girl is expected to be there at 8:30. Come on, girls, let's have a 100 per cent record. —Dorothy Coop. INTEREST IN DRAMATICS. More than 50 students reported Monday afternoon for the "try-outs" for places in the school play. Miss Beck is much pleased with the interest manifested. INITIATIVE. In his address the other day Dr. Carver advised teachers to see to it that they respect the individuality of every child, and do all in their power to develop individuality. Some teachers really do this and there is no more satisfying thing to be observed in any class room than this: "To observe that the teacher regards students as real human beings, with ideas, attitudes, and viewpoints of their very own. Such teachers develop initiative, encourage growth and aspire faith as well as confidence in themselves—a thing better than which there is none in all the world. LIVE AND HELP LIVE. Among the many lessons that high school students should learn well and thoroughly is that old lesson embodied in the phrase, "live and help others to live." It seems a part of nature's plan that adolescent youth should be largely self-centered, thinking much more of self than of others; but it is a. part of an educational system to inculcate and develop altruistic emotions—consideration and thoughtfulness of others. The best members of any society, whether it be the school or the community, are those who have learned to forget self and to think most of others--and find pleasure in service to others. MORALITY “Our morality arises not from apparent justice of the universe but from its apparent injustice.” If every good deed were straightway visibly rewarded and every bad deed immediately punished, we should not believe in justice at all, we should all be slaves, unreasoning children, time-servers. We become moral only when we are thrown back upon our instincts by the seeming injustice of destiny. Morality is not produced by any weighing of profit and loss, nor by rewards and punishments; morality is not policy. It is not adopted by the shrewd and wise because it pays; rather may we not say that it is believed in by the simple and the heroic because it does not pay. Morality is a result of faith, not intellect.” --Maeterlinck. Oct 29-26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES IN THE FALL. There's a haze upon the valley, Purple deep against the hills. While the spicy air is whispering With a vibrant power that thrills. ASSEMBLY TODAY. The H. C. club will put on the assembly program today. Special music has been provided. THE GAME. Did you see the big "O" above Malan heights Thursday night? And did you see the big bonfire downtown, at Lake street and Kiesel avenue? Did you hear the noise? Did you see the 800 students in the great snake dance? These were all features of the "pep and enthusiasm" engendered by O. H. S. students for the greatest game of the year—that between Ogden and Box Elder today. 'THE GOOSE HANGS HIGH." CAST Bernard Ingals......Cliff Fretwell Eunice Ingals. .. .Dorothy Fouiger Noel Derby.............Alice Fife Leo Day ......Philip Finkelstein Rhoda........Winifred McConnel Julia Murdock.......Ida Peterson Mrs. Bradley..........Alice Hyde Hugh Ingals........Frank Rose Lois Ingals........Helen Wilcox Bradley Ingals.........Don Corey Ronald Murdock.......Ken Skeen Elliott Kimberley......Jay Glen Dagmar Carroll ----Hazel Wintle ASSEMBLY. President Fife presided at a special assembly on Wednesday, in honor of Navy day. Announcemnets were, as follows: Grant Chandler announced the "snake dance" and stunts for Thursday evening; Roger Woods announced a meeting of the "Pep club." The following R. O. T. C. sponsors were introduced: Colonel Winifred McConnell, Majors Ger-aldine Leonard and Louise Rged. Katharine Trousdale, Louise Eccles, Wilma Bailey, Mildred McKay, Beth McClellan, Mignon Lee and Mary Rich. After a selection from the R, O. T. C. band Mr. Merrill presented the trophy won by the band last June in the national contest. Admiral Ziegemeier, the speaker of the day, and Lieutenant Commander Alexander were introduced by J. H. DeVine, president of the Ogden chamber of commerce. Admiral Ziegemeier talked on the Uhited States navy and "Navy day." Assembly was adjourned after a second selection from the band. ELEANOR WEEKS, Secretary. DON'T MISS THIS! We high school students do not realize how fortunate we are in being able to procure this indescribable collection of 14 Hanson Puthoff's paintings for a short time. Puthoff is an outstanding California artist and paints with ail the vividness of Maxfield Parrish, but in no way like him. His work is free and easy but gives the effect of fineness and delicacy. In most of the pictures in this collection sunlight casting shadows, filtering through the trees and creating great yellow planes is a very important factor. He pictures nature in its most gorgeous moods. Every ridge, hill, cliff, peak and plain of Mr. Puthoff's mountains is a masterpiece. Great red rocks jutting from pine and snow covered slopes; soft, hazy, violet gray hills miles away; vivid green and purple mountains with soft shadows falling across them—alas, my poor pen has no power to in anyway describe these. This exhibition, sponsored by the Girls’ association, will be in room 202 of the Ogden high school, the remainder of this week and all of next and can be seen every day after 1 p.m. We would like to have every one interested to come and see it. This opportunity should not be ignored. EUGENIA SMITH. |