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Show OGDEN The O. H. S. helped to put Armistice program on today. Our world renowned band and our famed cadets marched in the parade. Vast hordes of students were to attend the football game and we shall all trip the light fantastic at White City and Berthana tonight. Maybe we'll go to the shows, too. PEACE WITH HONOR. Today is Armistice day. Eight years ago the word armistice was new to the vocabulary of the present generation. We learned that it means literally—the cessation of fighting—the standing still of arms. Today it seems to mean— the natal day of peace, the day for celebration of the great World war. How vividly we recall the first Armistice day, eight years ago. Never in all the history of the world had there been such a day of jubilation and happiness. For four long years the world had been held in terrible suspense by the hourly, daily stories of death and destruction. Millions of property were squandered daily, the accumulated savings of many j nations, and thousands of lives were being daily sacrificed to the god of war. When the glad tidings were announced that these dreadful hostilities were ended, as we verily believed for all time, we just naturally went wild with joy. This was true in all the great nations of the world. Along the battle fronts we are told was the greatest display of fireworks the world has ever known. How appropriate it is that we should all commemorate this day. It is well that schools should close and all business houses be locked up for the day, that we might join with the soldiers spared, to do honor to the soldier dead, and reconsecrate ourselves to the great task of a perpetual world peace. May no great nation ever have cause to have another Armistice day. May the work of Him who came to establish peace on earth, good will to men bear rich fruit in this war sick world. FRIDAY'S PROGRAM. The Girls' association announces the following program for Mothers' tea. Friday, at 2:30 o'clock. Address of welcome, Dorothy Coop; violin solo, Virginia Anderson; song. Mildred McKay; reading, Dorothy Foulger; dance, Dorothy Young; piano solo, Evelyn Benowitz; reading, Hazel Wintle; sextette, a lullaby, "Sweet Roses"; piano solo, Louise Eccles; reading, Alice Hyde; song, Nondas Brown. All mothers are invited. Please join us. MOTHERS' TEA HOSTESSES. The ambitious daughters in the Girls' association have invited their mothers to a tea Friday, November 12. It is to be held in the gym of the high school. Beautiful decorations are being arranged and an appropriate program has been arranged. The girls who will act as hostesses are Thelma Burt, Lenora Malan, Villa Fowler. Vilma Bailey, Lucile Holbrook, Eleanor Weeks, Dorothy Wheelwright, Louise Heed. CARMEN GARNER. SPECIAL ASSEMBLY. President Fife presided on Wednesday at a special assembly, called in honor of Armistice day. Arthur Woolley, the speaker of the day, gave an interesting talk on "Armistice day" relating some humorous incidents connected with the closing of the war and advancing some ideas concerning war, its prevention, and our attitude toward it. Assembly program was concluded with some cheers for the past football season and for the coming basketball season. ELEANOR WEEKS, Secy. COUNCIL REPORT. November 9, 1926. President Fife presided at the regular meeting of the council. The roll was called and the minutes read and approved. The finance committee reported on the possibilities of prices for the school play. The report was accepted on motion of Mr. Rose. After some discussion it was moved and seconded that the student body ticket be good for 50 cents in admission to the play and the house divided as follows: Lower floor and first five rows of balcony, 7 5 cents; first balcony, 50 cents, and gallery, 25 cents. The motion was carried. The club committee reported, and the report was accepted on motion of Mr. Rose. The council voted to accept the following ruling: that clubs and organizations of the school report to the club committee, all activities other than regular meetings. After discussion and amendment, the following motion was carried: Any council member having two votes shall have the power to appoint an alternate of one of the votes, who shall be the next in rank in the organization represented. Mr. Rose presented statistics of the tryouts for the positions of assistant business manager to the Classicum Quarterly and Classicum year book staffs respectively. On motion of Mr. Rose, Dan Johnston was appointed to the position of the quarterly staff, and on motion of Mr. Thatcher, Willie Larsen was appointed to the position on the year book staff. FOR TWO NAMES. Mr. Thatcher called attention to the feeling circulating about the school that the name of one of the school publications should be changed. He pointed out that, since a paper which was once the only paper in the school, has become two separate publications, with different staffs, it would be more convenient to have two names. After some discussion and comment, the problem was postponed to a future date by motion. Miss Coop presented to the council the idea that the student body join with the Girls' association in buying one of Mr. Putoff's paintings. The discussion was tabled on motion of Kenneth Skeen. The meeting was then adjourned. ELEANOR WEEKS, Secy. PAGE 5 OF THE LOST DIARY Say, diary—I sure have changed my idea of speakers in our assemblies. Most of our speakers have had talks about one hour long, but Mr. Woolley certainly broke this record. His talk on Armistice, was interesting, short and straight to the point. He told us about the conditions at the close of the war. If I ever felt like shedding tears it was when he told of the parade in France. This procession had all the types of wounded soldiers in the war. If I knew Arthur Woolley I sure would thank him and pat him on the back for the keen example he gave us. The part of the assembly I liked best was that we got out at 11:40. I went down to eat and nearly got killed on the stairs. If some of these rushing maniacs would accept the rules made by Captain Rose the school would be a lot safer. Mr. Oberhansley said the other day in class that "When you walk down the hall you take your life in your hands. The danger is not in getting knocked down, but in getting trampled on after you are down. I just discovered how hard the locker handles are: I came down the hall and that person Cliff Fretwell nearly pushed me through the side wall. Oh boy, wait till I get him all alone--look out, Cliff. Well I gotta study now because tomorrow isn't Armistice day, too bad. GIRLS' ASSOCIATION. FRIDAY EVENING OGDEN This is "Know Your School" day. Those parents who have not visited the school this year should be sure to do so today. SPECIAL CONCESSION. In case any parents are unable to visit the high school today, we extend them a special invitation to come any day, any time. The parents are always welcome. THE PROGRAM. Today's program as outlined for American Education week, submits for the consideration of all, three important statements. Here they are: 1. Courses of study and methods of instruction are the business of teachers; but the ideals, aims and particularly the needs of education are the business of every citizen. 2. The school must be kept abreast of science and invention. 3. A little invested in education saves much expended on poverty, disease and crime. ASSEMBLY DAY. On account of Parents' day at school the assembly period of the day was changed from 11:15 to 9:30 o'clock, to give opportunity to get ready for the afternoon program. The assembly program was given by the senior class, a report of which will be given in Monday's notes. FIDELITY. The little dictionary says that Fidelity is faithfulness; exact observance of obligations. Synonyms: faithfulness, honesty, integrity, loyalty. When we say, therefore, that the R. O. T. C. unit, comprising more than 500 boys, including the band, girl sponsors, etc., is marked by "fidelity" no one needs guess what we mean. The fidelity of this organization was shown Thursday when practically every member of the organization joined hands with the American legion in making the parade a great success. No selfish motive actuated any boy or girl; at a sacrifice of personal pleasure, each gave cheerfully and heartily of his time and ability to help the rest of us appreciate the significance of Armistice day. It is a generous reminder, of the fine spirit of the boys and men of 1917, who left fathers, mothers, sweethearts, wives and children to go forth offering their lives, their all, in defense of their country. They were patriotic; they were faithful; they were loyal; they were heroic. We should be ingrates not to remember their sacrifices. And so it is with a feeling of pride that we now do our little bit to show our appreciation. A GOOD MAGAZINE. Central Junior again does itself honor in the "Club's Council," the fall issue of the school paper. It equals, if it does not excel, the splendid issues of last year. It is an absolutely school product, written, printed, bound and sent out by the pupils of the school. It has no advertising matter—just an abundance of school news, editorials, essays, stories, humor—letting everybody know the ideals and purposes of the school, and how these objectives are being realized. We commend the editors and staffs— editorial, business, art—and the entire school for this splendid piece of work, parents should read it today, "Know Your School" day, from cover to cover. STUDENTS ARE THRIFTY. A little survey conducted on Wednesday through the advisory period, conveyed to the teachers the surprising and pleasing information that more than 60 per cent of the high school students have savings accounts. Several rooms reported 80 per cent or above. We think this speaks well for both students and parents. OUR TURN. We had another opportunity Tuesday of feeling the "thrill that comes with victory." Our second football team went up to Brigham City and trimmed the second team there to the tune of 32 to 0. That's the way we are going to do things next year all the time. SEEING THE WORST. "The evil that men do lives after them," etc. The school received from a western college Thursday a very ill-written composition, composed by a former student of the high school. The professor in English marked it up a-plenty and sent it to our school with the query "What do you think of this?" Well, we think it's pretty bad, but we cannot help it. We only do our best and guess that's about all the professor can do. We wonder if he'll take the pains to send us an exceptionally good paper or two written by Ogden students. SIXTH PAGE OF LOST DIARY. O-o-oh! Diary. Emerson Thatcher said that the brilliancy he shows in his classes at high school runs in his family—gee! it must seem good to lay the blame of everything onto someone else. But we're from Missouri and they gotta show us if they make us believe that this poor family is to blame for every darn mistake he makes. Thrifty Luke got loose or else his brother did or somebody of his family. Everybody up in high school has to have a savings account. Now I'll have to save my nickel and dime that I buy my daily bar and daily piece of pie, and put it in the old bank. Well, don't worry, Diary. I'll take it out all in one big lump, buy a great big bar. I'll let you have the wrapper to press between your pages. Thelma Burt will have to curb her appetite for apples to save her money for the bank". Oh, well. I suppose they're just trying to help us reduce. By, by, dear Diary, it's my bed time. —Girls' Association. THE HOST OF YESTERDAY. The sky groans sullenly over its burden of overhanging clouds, and Time lags by on listless feet, passing a one-hour milestone about j every three hours. How shall we divert ourselves? Let us make a call upon the great medium, Subconsciousness, and, through his gleaming, iridescent crystal, summon some of the ghosts of yesterdays. It is an amusing occupation, and one which will help U3 to see more clearly the life of the present day. Are you ready? Then we shall begin. The crystal clearness of the globe is blurred. A mirage appears, which becomes more and more distinct, until the beginning of the strange procession that is to file over this glistening orb is seen. The first figure to appear is a dancing nymph, carefree arid ethereal. This is a happy yesterday. How well I remember it! Joy that is not of earth enraptured me that day! It was the soul-filling, surging joy that the pearly atmosphere of a spring morning sometimes lends to the mortal heart of man. How one stores up such treasures as these, the old-gold and rose yesterdays. The nymph floats into a haze, and another form appears, a stooped, emaciated figure that makes one shudder to recall it. Just the opposite of its predecessor, it is one of those lean, hungry days that are bereft of all joy. One keeps such yesterdays locked behind iron doors, for the human heart is naturally optimistic, and We wish to remember only the pleasant happenings. What is that queer figure next in line? It is all out of proportion, and it hides its head shamefacedly behind its hand. Ah, now I remember. It is the emblem of that memorial time when I landed on my head at the feet of a modest gentleman who was walking in the middle of the street. Perhaps it might be called an embarrassment. We might watch thus for hours, as the review continued, bringing all the dim ghosts of yesterdays before our eyes, and each ghost bears a memory. Some of these ghostly dreams are to be remembered, some regretted, and others need only to be forgotten. We may mourn our yesterdays and hope for our tomorrows, but if we would get the most from life, we might follow a quotation from the early Sanscrit: "For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day." —Fay Hopkins. |