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Show WONDERFUL KODAK. George Bergstrom has recently purchased a most wonderful kodak with which he purposes taking all sorts of pictures of shop problems which he will throw upon the screen for teaching purposes. We doubt not but that Mr. Bergstrom will also make use of this wonderful invention in his Boy Scout work. The kodak is one of the smallest made—5-in. x 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 over all, yet through the use of the motion picture film 40 pictures can be taken without reloading at a minimum cost of one-half cent each. For an additional three-fourths cent per picture the photograph is enlarged and ready to be projected on the screen. Another great feature of this instrument is its ready adaptation loan distances from 18 inches to 600 yards, and to all conditions of light; inside pictures can be taken with as much clearness as pictures in noonday sun. Altogether this is one of the most efficient kodaks yet invented and Mr. Bergstrom is naturally very proud of it. WORTH CONSIDERING. Mr. Stewart has the following very truthful statement printed on a large card and hung in a conspicuous place in his room: "Many persons think that a drawing course should essentially result in the production of artists. We are not in the habit of supposing when teaching a child through verbal, means to think logically and express himself clearly that we intend him to be a novelist. No more should we suppose when training a child to see truly and express his observations clearly that we intend him to be, say, a painter, a designer, or a sculptor." FORUM REPORT Friday was Forum day. On Friday, December 10, the Forum presented the snappiest, cleverest, and finest program ever displayed in the halls of Ogden High. When we realize the age of our school this is surely some distinction. The assembly was opened by several banjo selections by Mr. Dexter. The students enjoyed this, but let us not linger too long on it, but come to the Forum proper assembly. To make it brief, the assembly was a girls' review. Say! isn't Frank some girl? Talking of women and of forms you should have seen J. R., T. B., or J. N. Not to be insulting, they were just splendid as members of the fair sex. The entire group, moreover, was a good display of woman's beauty. As for a tramp, G. C. was just perfect. I expected it, however. I told him to act natural and I guess he did. All in all the assembly was in the most remote realms of laughter. From beginning to end i the students laughed, laughed and laughed. Credit must be given Ambrose Merrill, chairman of the assembly, and Frank Rose, dancer, singer, composer, director, manager, etc. —PHILLIP FINKELSTEIN, Reporter. A SUCCESS. For the first time the Junior dance has come out ahead on the ledger. All the other junior dances in years past have usually gone in the hole. The dance was a marvelous affair because it was sincerely supported by all of Ogden High school. The hall was enriched by the appearance of a new banner—this was an additional expense that has not been indulged in during past years. The total expenses amounted to $121.50. This included refreshments, banner, hal and all the rest of the "trimmin's." The amount taken in was $133.50, so you see the junior class of '17 is not so dead after all. If the seniors and the rest of the students will support every affair like they supported the last one, high school will profit. Seniors! we are with you on your Christmas dance venture and hope that you have as much success as we did. Please remember that the "prom" is another coming event. —CARMEN GARNER, Reporter. THE LOST DIARY. 'Ray for the ice and snow Diary—I have been to see the dress rehearsal of "The Goose Hangs High" and it sure is some show. It's better than any of the vaudeville, opera, road show or anything else in that line; in fact, I think that it is better than was "Seven (or was it ten) Keys to Baldpate," and that, is saying an awful lot. I really think that Cliff ought to go on the stage, he is so dramatic and so handsome, my heart jumps every time lie comes on the stage. He does the sob scenes so well that you just want to cry along with him (maybe he has had lots of practice, I don't know). Then my heart jumps still more when Frank Rose comes on the scene; he reminds me of the hero in that wonderful play called "Who Marked the Pie With Father's False Teeth?" Something funny, Diary, poor Helen Wilcox has to admit right in front of all the people that he is a handsome brute, and she blushes so pretty and demure when she says it. Then Dorothy Foulger is such an ely-gent weeper that she has to weep most all the time. Say, Diary, I just happened to think, what if you should go and tell all this to somebody and then I would get hung at sunrise for spilling the beans, so I won't tell you any more secrets today—but just you wait 'till that play is shown; I am going to be right on the front row. Well, ta-ta, I will tell you more about it after it is all over and then you can tell it to anybody that you, want to. P. S.—Even though you can't tell anybody, I would like to tell all the kids that go to high school what a wonderful play it is and how much they would be missing if they didn't go. P. S. No. 2.—I forgot to tell you that I sneaked in when Miss Beck wasn't looking and I sure thank my lucky stars that she didn't see me. —GIRLS' ASSOCIATION. DECEMBER 15, 1926 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES BIG NOGHT TONIGHT Tonight Ogden high puts on her great annual show--the amateur dramatic performance de luxe. Like other good things that the school does, this piece of work is always especially well-done and reflects great credit upon the teacher, the oral expression department, the school. The school is particularly fortunate in having Miss Reva Beck directing this activity and we predict in advance that tonight’s performance will reach the high standard achieved in other years. WAR ON TARDINESS Students can no longer be tardy at class. The three minutes intermission for passing from class to class must be utilized for that purpose--and for no other--such is the decree of the faculty as decided at Tuesday’s meeting. The teachers feel that training students in habits of promptness and dependability is quite as important as teaching a theorem in geometry or a fact of history. In the event that the East Side high school band does not come to Ogden on Friday as scheduled, the Ogden R.O.T.C band will give the program. The entire program will be given over to music. We invite our friends to drop in and enjoy the program with us, 11:15 o’clock on Friday. TEETH EXAMINED. Drs. White and Clark appeared at the high school Tuesday and as per arrangement began looking into the mouths of the students to note the condition of the teeth. More than 500 were examined Tuesday and the others were examined this morning. The dentists expressed pleasure and surprise that students of the high school take such splendid care of their teeth. BIG SURPRISE Another surprise for the doctors was that of finding such a fine set of upstanding, courteous admirable lot of students. They said they came to the high school with misgivings—wished they had been assigned to an elementary school, etc. They said they changed their minds completely and were very glad to have had the privilege of meeting high school students. We imagine the doctors thought that our students would have to be lassoed, dragged in, hog-tied, and then examined. On the contrary, they came in voluntarily, cheerfully and with such dispatch that 500 were examined in two hours' time. ANOTHER MUSIC TEACHER. Prof. Lester Hinchcliff joined the high school musical faculty Tuesday and hence forward will have charge of the orchestra. "Les" is especially interested in the development of orchestra music in Ogden and expects to use the high school class as a nucleus about which he hopes to build a great symphony orchestra. The class meets daily at 3:15 p. m. and is open to any one who wishes to join. Come on, students, let's go! MUSIC, MORE MUSIC. What with Hy Lammers with the band, Agnes W. Bowen with chorus and Les Hinchcliff with the orchestra, we shall have a wonderfully fine music department in the Ogden high school. Here's to the music, divine music, in the O. H. S. PUBLIC OPINION. An editorial in a current magazine says, "Public opinion is the greatest of world powers. ... If each member in a club would agree to talk to ten men in a week on a certain subject, these ten men without instruction, would each talk to at least half a dozen others. Like a snow ball rolling down hill, gathering more snow at each revolution, this propaganda would gather more speed and power until the great, strength of public opinion accomplished the desired objective." There's a lot in that editorial. Let's begin to practice its sentiments on some of the great things we need at the high school—a new building, for instance. CANTANA TUESDAY A Christmas cantana will be given by the Ogden senior high school glee club next Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock, entitled “The Salvation of Israel,” by Ira B. Wilson, with Mrs. Agnes Warner Bowen as director and Echo Denning, accompanist. Program-- “Seek Ye Out of the Book (bass solo and chorus). Clifford Fretwell; “Thou Blessed Bethlehem’ (contralto solo), Mary Louise Craven; Blessed Be the Lord God of Israel,” chorus; “Midnight in Her Dusky Mantle” (baritone and tenor solos, duet and chorus), Oscar Browning, Franklin Richards, Roger Kingsford, Vilma Fernelius, Barbara Lloyd. “And There Were Shepherds: (bass solo and chorus), William Smiley; “Claiming Bells” (soprano alto duets and men’s chorus). Dorothy Martin, Dorothy Robinson; ‘The Adoration of the Wise Men” (alto and baritone), Mary Addleson, Roger Kingsford; “the Birth of Jesus” (soprano solo), Barbara Lloyd; “A Lullaby” (soprano, violin obligato and chorus). Nondas Brown, Thelma Wycoff, Naomi Wilbur. “Christ the Lord Is Born” (bass solo and chorus), Clifford Fretwell; “O Holy Night” (tenor and baritone duet). Don Corey, Lee Cain; “My Shepherd and My King,” chorus; “Night of Nights” (soprano and alto duet and chorus). Gaye Gibbs, Wilma Monson; :Rejoice, O Earth,’ chorus. ATTENTION, BOYS! You know, fellows, the most important event in January (or, in fact, the whole school year) is the "girls' accolade," or as it is more commonly known, "the girls' dance. This occasion gives the fellows' pocketbooks a rest, and puts a larger strain on dad's pocketbook. Just the same, the girls can show you as good a time with dad's money as they can with their own. Right now, boys, is the time to start worrying about your dates. You should know by experience that the fellow who takes a girl to the "Christmas dance," is usually asked by this same girl to accompany her to the "girls' dance." In other words, boys, if you have a date for the 'Christmas dance," you're pretty sure of getting a date to the "girls' accolade." Come boys, let's kill two birds with one stone. Take a girl to the "Christmas dance" and save yourself the embarrassment of not having a date for the 'girls' accolade." 25th PAGE OF THE LOST DIARY Poor Diary: Excuse me for postponing my interview with pa's son-in-law. But he had to bring along the twins—and you know what they are like. They broke one or two vases while they were with me. You know, Cedric has something to do with the Christmas dance. Well, this is what he said: "Yas, I jolly well known all about the Christmas dunce. The decorations are simply ripping aund absolutely know the bally floor would do foa a skating rink. They are to have a Santa Claus and a large Christmas tree. The programs are jolly well different from othah kinds, I am sure. Of course, I promoted the ideas and the daunce is to be under my guidance, since I have appropriated the finance, but—" An' gee, diary, but he stopped suddenly. Guees why. Well, pa just came in th' door. "Uh—er—say, sap! What did ya' just, get through sayin'? Ya' appropriated the dough?-—er—uh. what money could you have except that that I give you, huh? Well, since it's for that Christmas dance, I'll not give ya' a shiner." An' for the first time in Cedric's history, pa concluded his day without givin' the poor sap a black eye. An', diary, the Lap let pa take the twins out for a walk. Toodle-oo diary. GIRLS' ASSOCIATION. THURSDAY EVENING OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES FRIDAYS PROGRAM The R. O. T. C. band will give a special program on Friday from 11:15 to 12 o'clock. It will consist of the following numbers: Under the Double Eagle. .Wagner Trombone solo, Down On the Farm ......................Wilford Yeaman. Egyptian Ballet ................Vocal solos—(a) The Song of the Open ...(b) The Night Wind ..........Agnes Warner Bowen.Old Time Waltz ................Violin solo .....................Virginia Andersen. National Emblem March .......CHRISTMAS OFFERINGSStudents of Ogden High have the opportunity again of making Christmas contributions for the poor. Fruits, vegetables, canned goods, anything that can be used will be accepted between this date, December 17, and December 2 0, inclusive. Clothing may also be brought, and this, as in former years, will be turned over to the Salvation Army. |