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Show IN MINNEAPOLIS. Supt. W. F. Webster of Minne¬apolis, said recently: "Anyone passing through the corridor of our high schools cannot fail to be impressed by the respect, self-control and fine manners of the vast majority of high school stu¬dents." HOUSE GETS SHINGLED. "Never leave 'til tomorrow what you can do today," was not a part of John Grumpey's vocabulary. "Never do today what you can leave 'til tomorrow," had a more prominent place in his brain. "Now, Matilda, quit nagging. Whoever heard of fixing the shingles of a house when it isn't raining? It's only a waste of money. When it rains, I'll fix the shingles." As he mumbled these words he skilfully "squirted" some tobacco juice on Mrs. Grumpey's spotless floor. "All right, John. I thought maybe they'd better be fixed. You know that last time it rained the water came through and ruined the table," meekly replied Mrs. Grumpey. The time passed. When it rained, the house could not be shingled. When the shower was over, the shingles did not need repairing. After one of the frequent show¬ers, as Mrs. Grumpey was brood¬ing over a warped chair, a thought pierced her brain. As she pon¬dered, a smile lightened her face. She, got up and hurried to the almanac. In black, ominous lettors, rain was forecasted for Sun¬day. She took one more look at the almanac, then walked away with a much lighter heart. Sunday night came. The Grumpeys, who had been to church, were preparing for bed. "Well, Matilda, do you think it's going to rain?" "No, I don't think so. I—er— hope not." Mrs. Grumpey's voice slightly trembled. She picked up John's suit and laid it on a chair which she had previously placed under the roof's newest and worst leak. Then silently she went to bed. When the next morning dawned, the sun shone bright from its home in the sky. Matilda was aroused by the loud and forceful words of John. "By crackey. just look at my suit! Ruined! It is ruined! It rained last night and now look. Matilda, look! The roof has leaked, do you hear? Those shingles are going to be repaired today." "Oh, do they need repairing?" With a smile of satisfaction Ma¬tilda turned over in bed. —Donna Slater. THIRTY-SIXTH PAGE OF THE LOST DIARY. Oh, Diary, but I am in a heck of a mess—here it is Tuesday and I have not got a date for the Accolade. When I think of walk¬ing up to a boy and sweetly ask him for a date and then perhaps have him say in an important tone, "No thanks, I already have a splendid date." About this time I would melt down in a little heap and run downstairs (or down a crack in the floor.) I think that the fellows who have no dates ought to hang a little sign on their lapel, informing us "I have no date—please don't all rush at once." It sure would save" a lot of embarrassing situations. Anyway, I know that there are just loads of fellows who ' want to go but are too bashful to act like they haven't a date. I wish I knew whether or not Russell Bjorklund has a date—I would so like to go with him or Mr. Merrill. I just love men with curly hair— especially if they are tall and imposing, as these two are. Well, Diary, faint heart never scared up a man for any iady, so I guess I will have to ask one of these boys and if they refuse-- all right there is more than one boy in high school. P.S. I have looked under the bed every night for a week but the good Lord has not sent me a man yet. --Girls' Association Ogden High SONNET TO THE CORSAIR I love to dream of sailing ships of yore. Of great gray sails, like birds they seem to me, When petrels cried their warnings o'er the lea, And pirates fought, their decks ran red with gore, With battle cries amid the can¬non's roar. Their booty won, to sail around the key To hidden treasure marked by fallen tree. Where bones and skulls lay deep upon the floor. No more do pirates rove in glee And plunder merchant ships out on the deep. The blue is now forever free From wolves who terrorized the sea. They burn and rob our ships no more For they died like men on the ocean's floor. —GEORGE TURNQUIST. COUNCIL REPORT President Fife presided at the regular meeting of council. The roll was called and the minutes read and approved. Mr. Rawson of the tennis com¬mittee reported and it was moved and seconded that the report be accepted; the motion was carried. Kenneth Skeen of the publicity committee reported and the report was accepted by motion. After some discussion it was moved and seconded that the mat¬ter of giving the editors of school papers a vote in council be drop¬ped. —ELEANOR WEEKS. Secy. HUMOR NUMBER The next number of the Classicum, quarterly, will be the hu¬mor issue. Please encourage writing of humorous essays, anec¬dotes, stories, poems and clever jokes. All material should be repre¬sentative and free from errors. All material should be submit¬ted on or before February 4. —EDITOR. TEACHER ILL. Hy Lammers has been on the sick list during the past two days. Mr. Kahlstrom has conducted the band in his absence. STUDENT IN HOSPITAL Miss Cleone Grix was stricken with appendicitis on Tuesday aft¬ernoon and was rushed to the hospital, where she was operated upon during the evening. She is reported as doing nicely. TENURE SECURE. The board of education of Evansville, Ind., recently passed a tenure act, which protects the suc¬cessful teacher in her position, after a period of three years "pro¬bation." Another forward step made by Evansville is that of an accumulatives sick benefit plan. The amount of benefit to be paid to any teacher who has not been able, on account of illness, to per¬form her duties, increases with the number of her years of serv¬ice. TEACHERS' RETIREMENT. The annual report of the New York state teachers' retirement system for the year ending July 31, 1926, shows a total member¬ship of 31,138. Assets of the sys¬tem are $14,192,068.97. The Utah legislature is to be asked this year to prepare the way for the establishment of a safe, secure, dependable teachers' retirement association. It is to be hoped that a way may be found to establish such ap association, NEW ATHLETIC FIELD The city commissioners' an¬nouncement some time ago that the grandstand at Lorin Farr park wpuld be removed to the Hinchcliff bowl, where a new athletic field would be sodded and made, was received with delight by the great majority of Ogden citizens. Every¬one realizes the need of a suitable field and consequently the later announcement that the cutting of the budget would not permit of this improvement was received with deep disappointment; not by all people, however, as some of the live wires said "where's there's a will, there's a way" and we can get the field if we win but go after it. We understand that there is now a committee working upon the proposition. We sincerely wish this committee success and assure it that the Ogden high school will support any movement that will result in a suitable athletic field for Ogden. THIRTY-SIXTH PAGE OF THE LOST DIARY What am I going to do, Diary? Another day has passed and I haven't got a date for the Acco¬lade. Why haven't I got courage enough to ask some of these dumb guys? If they would go around the hall yelling, "Yes, I have no date," everything would be simple. I think that Mr. Stewart has got a fine sense of art—his room is just full of all busted up statues and a lot of skulls, bones and even ears. Right now some of the kids are trying to draw a pic¬ture of some half dressed woman. I think her name is Fernus of Pilo or something else just as bad. Lois Fowler ard Eleanor have taken a drawing of her from every angle except the top and they all look the same to me. But then Mr. Stewart says that I can't appre¬ciate art because Lois and Eleanor are sure good paint smearers. Ruth Agee is sure another good one (so Mr. Stewart says) because she is doing the artistry for the year book, I guess it is going to take her all year alright because she has to do so many posters and other junk. Why don't some one else in this school have a streak of ambition, I ask you? Well, I am not going to wory about it so ta-ta, Diary, see you some more. —GIRLS' ASSOCIATION. Ogden High SUCCESSFUL SCHOOLS. Succesful schools are those in which the teachers are really anxious to do their best. It is the voluntary things that teachers do that mean the most. A success¬ful teacher radiates happiness and her spirit is very infectious. Teachers make the school. It is their leadership, their voluntary service, their desires to be better teachers today than yesterday that makes for a better tomorrow. —Superintendent C. B. Smith, Pekin, Ill. ENDS THE CLASH. Between halves in a recent foot¬ball game between Texas Agricul¬tural college and Baylor college, the students were engaged in a free-for-all fight which the police were unable to stop. Finally the agricultural college band began to play "The Star Spangled Ban¬ner" and the fracas immediately ended. WANTS TO KNOW We heard a teacher say the other day, "I wish I knew what all this Nicaraguan trouble is about and what is back of it." That's the spirit of the teacher— to be at all times a student. The vital part of education is to know what's going on ip the world about us." WITHOUT TEACHERS The most caustic criticism against education in recent years is that which concerns the mat¬ter of the teachers helping, or at¬tempting to help, students too much. It is pointed out that edu¬cation is a matter of individual growth and that what the student most needs is an apportunity to help himself. The normal school at Keene, N. H., recently met this criticism in effective way by permitting the students to run the school them¬selves for three days while the teachers attended a state conven¬tion. We think the plan has a good suggestion for other normal schools, and senior high schools. NO BORE Th y u.j. auion that going to' school is a hardship and a bore should pass away in 7 these days when students are so comfortably housed, equipped and provided with so many interesting features. Why not dread holidays—when one is denied school, rather than haijl them with delight because one doesn't have to go to schol? AN AWFUL DIFFERENCE. Ella Wheeler Wilcox once wrote, "My soul is a lighthouse keeper." But she never forgave the printer who printed it, "My soul is a light housekeeper." BOBBED HEADS. When Jane Addams was asked her opinion recently about bobbed hair, she sagely observed; "I am not concerned so much with the uniformity of the outside of the heads of people as I am about the uniformity on the inside." BUSINESS TACT. The business man spoke to his stenographer: "You are a very pretty young woman." "Oh," said she. "You dress neatly and you have a well-modulated voice. Your de¬portment is above reproach." "Oh," said she, "you shouldn't pay me such compliments." "Oh, that's all right," said he, "I merely wanted to put you in a cheerful frame of mind before taking up the matter of spelling and punctuation." A LIVE PROBLEM. History teachers are finding "the Nicaraguan situation" a very pertinent history problem these days. It is worth while, too. to study the world as She is today, rather than as she was yesterday. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. The biggest civic problem of the world may perhaps be includ¬ed under the above caption. It is very important, too, that students should know something of the policies of our- government re¬specting foreign relations. To ac¬quire this information students should have access to the maga¬zine, "Foreign Affairs," to which Elihu Root* recently gave his $25,000 Woodrow Wilson foundation award money. A NEW CLASSIC Students who. are inclined to think unfavorably of "classics" as being old, hard, dry, uninterest¬ing, wil perhaps be interested in knowing that Lawrence F. Abbott, one of the editors of the Outlook, designates "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" as a classic. LAST YEAR OF AWARDS This is the last year in which athletic awards will be offered in any of the high schools of Utah. The Utah High School Athletic association has recently joined the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations, which prohibits the giving of awards of monetary value. Article II of the by-laws reads as follows: "No reward of any kind having a utilitarian value of more than one dolar ($1) other than med¬als, shall be made to players par¬ticipating in interschool athletics. Any member of the association vio¬lating this rule shall be suspend¬ed for one year. |