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Show 8 See GUTHRIE & Co's. New Brick Block, Fourth Street. lower part of the city was taken out of the Weber, in 1852, and is about seven miles in length. On the 10th of March, 1858, the first brigade of the Weber Coun¬ty Militia was organized, with two regiments. C. W. West, Briga¬dier General; Daniel Gamble, Brigade-Adjutant; Col. W. Thomp¬son, Quartermaster; David Moore, Col. 1st Regiment; B. F. Cummings, Col. 2d Regiment. The new grist mill of Mr. Farr was built in 1862, and the Weber mill, Gen. West & Co., in 1866. The woolen mills of Randall, Pugsley & Co. were built in 1867, and cost $60,000. On the 3d of March, 1869, the first locomotive steamed into this city. We quote the following from a writer of that date who thus speaks of the celebration: "At 11 o'clock this a. m., the U. P. R. R. track layers hove in sight of this city, and from that time continued their march with great rapidity. The citizens exhibited the liveliest enthusiasm, and testified the liveliest joy, as, from the high bluffs and every com¬manding elevation, they feasted their eyes and ears with the s'ght and sound of the long-expected and anxiously looked-for fiery steed. Onward and still onward they came, and thousands and thousands of our citizens, both from here and the adjoining settlements,decked in their holiday attire, gave a hearty welcome to the advent of the nation's great highway into this city. "About half-past 2 p. m , they steamed into Ogden, when Col. Daniel Gamble, with true Hibernian enthusiasm, ran up the first flag, which, while gradually floating in the breeze, was soon followed by numerous others. And here let me observe that never, to my mind, did the flags of our Union wave more gracefully, or more proudly, than on this auspicious occasion. Our excellent military brass band was soon out, and, under the able leadership of Captain William Pugh, sent forth the soul-enlivening strains of rich music, which, with a salute from Captain T. S. Wadsworth's artil¬lery, gave the preliminary welcome to the iron horse. "At four o'clock a public stand was erected alongside the track. GUTHRIE & Co, Have Correspondents in all Directions. 9 stanford house, Established 1872. Established 1872 JOSEPH STAFFORD, - Proprietor. Wholesale and Retail dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is stocked with Dress Goods of French, English and Ameticart manufacture; Domestics, Prints, Shirtings, Flannels, Linseys, Cloths, Jeans, Cottonades, Linens, Ginghams, Chambrays, Nainsooks, Jaconets, Twills, Crash, Blankets, Shawls, Rib¬bons, Hamburg Edgings, Knit Woolen Goods, Ties, Scarfs,. Handkerchiefs, Hoisery, Corsets, Laces, Kouches, and a large assortment of Notions,Clothing, Overalls, Jump¬ers, Overshirts, Dress Shirts, Undershirts, Carpets, Rugs, Floor Oil Cloths, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Embraces a stock of Staple Groceries, Canned Goods, Provisions, Flour, Grain, Queens Ware, Glassware, WoodenWare, Cutlery, Hardware, Farmers' Tools and a large assortment of Fancy Groceries, Candies, etc. Dried Fruits of native growth in Utah a specialty. ALL GOODS WARRANTED As to quality, and at BOTTOM PRICES. N. B.—Goods delivered to families and at the railroad depots free of charge. |