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Show 56 Doors, Sash and Blinds at L. Wilson & Co. TOWNS AND SETTLEMENTS OF WEBER CO. HUNTSVILLE Is situated in Ogden Valley, about twelve miles east of Ogden City. The townsite was surveyed in 1S61, and the present population is about 1,000, mostly Scandinavians. It has a good rock meeting house, which is also used for school purposes; the log cabins built by the first settlers have given place to a considerable number of more respectable dwelling houses, mostly frame, but some brick, and also some rock. Ogden Valley is about twelve miles long by three miles wide; is bounded on the north, east, and west by mountains, covered by perpetual snow, and on the south by rolling hills, cov¬ered with bunch grass, giving excellent summer range for stock. It is watered by three branches of the Ogden river, called the South, Middle, and North Forks respectively. The bottom lands on these streams produce an abundant growth of native hay, and the upper or bench lands produce heavy crops of wheat, oats and barley, but owing to the high altitude of the valley, which is about 700 feet above Great Salt Lake valley, and the proximity of the snow-capped mountains, grain raising is very uncertain business, it being frequent¬ly injured by frosts, especially wheat and barley. Oats are more sure; potatoes do well generally; fruit raising has not been tried to any extent. The climate is healthy but cold, the winters being long. Snow covers the ground from the middle of November till the mid¬dle of April, and falls on the mountains from ten to thirty feet deep and in the valley from one to three feet deep. The summers are de¬lightful, no place in all the mountains rivaling Ogden Valley as a summer resort. Quite a business is carried on during this season in the mountains, in lumber pickets, lath, shingles, ties, &c., which find a ready market in Ogden. Dairying is carried on to some ex¬tent; some cheese has been manufactured and preparations are being Buy your Oil, Paints, etc., at L. D. Wilton & Co. 57 W. FOULGER, dry goods emporium, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, CORSETS, RIBBONS, EM¬BROIDERY, EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS, RUCHINGS, LADIES' COLLARS and. CUFFS, SILK NECKTIES AND HANDKERCHIEFS. AN ELEGANT STOCK IN Latest Styles, Ladies' Men's and Children's Fine Shoes Always on Hand. hats, caps, boots & shoes gents furnishing goods A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCERIES, Choice Teas, Coffees, Pickles and Sauces always kept in stock. Families will find this House reliable and prices at lowest figures. ORDERS BY LETTER WILL HAVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Address, W. FOULGER, Gen'l Merchant, MAIN STREET, OGDEN. H |