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Show 64 Schlesinger & Co's., Guthrie Block, Fourth Street. wheat to the acre. The people who are settled here are from different States in the Union and from England, Ireland, Scotland and Denmark. SLATERVILLE Is six miles northwest of Ogden. It is a lowland country, thoroughly watered. There is some rich bottom lands —but also some poor land, containing much saleratus and alkali. Below the village is a rich and extensive stock range. It was first settled in 1852, and now contains a population of about 400, mostly farmers. They raise all they need for their own and their cattle s comfort, and are compara¬tively independent. Their school is well attended. John A. Allred, Bishop. SOUTH WEBER Is five miles south of Ogden, and nestles in a beaatiful, romantic-lit¬tle valley. Its rich forming land is watered by the Weber river, and yields its husbandmen abundant harvests of bread, milk, meat, vege-tables and fruit. It was first settled in 1852. The population number about one hundred and fifty, who are honest, industrious, contented and happy. David S. Cook, Bishop. [This settlement is on the Davis County side of Weber river, i. e., the south side, but is inserted here because of its contiguity to Ogden.—Publishers.] HARRISVILLE Is six miles north of Ogden, and contains a population of over 500. The inhabitants are widely scattered and reside chiefly on their farms. The lands are of a light loam, but the bottoms are rich meadows and pastures. Besides grain, etc., they raise large quanti¬ties of lucerne. They have many orchards which contain great va¬rieties of fruit bearing trees. First settled in 1852. P. G. Taylor, Bishop. Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars at Schlesinger & Co's. 65 Grove Brewery, RICHTER & FRY Respectfully announce to the public that they continue the busi¬ness of Brewing at Jones' Grove, where they are prepared to furnish at wholesale or retail, on short or long notice, or without notice, the best article of LARGER BEER To be found in Northern Utah. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. give us a call. Richter & Fry, Prop't'rs. Leave Orders at Hellewell's Saloon or Driver's Drug Store. |