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Show 22 Soda Water Manufactured at PEEBLES' Drug Store. ally held by the legal amount of work done on them. There are also quarries of excellent slate, and two quarries of first-class sandstone for building purposes, within three or four miles of Ogden, and not difficult to get at, and at no distant day these deposits of iron, silver, gold, sandstone, slate, and probably coal, must make Ogden a great manufacturing and producing centre. OGDEN IRON WORKS. The Ogden Iron Manufacturing Company, the original owners of the blast furnace and other property, by bad management and improvident expenditure of money with other incidents common to companies in this era, failed, and the property having been sold, has at length come into the hands of "The Equitable Iron and Coal Company of Ogden," with W. G. Case President George F. Brown Secretary, Jesse M. Langsdorf (of Guthrie & Co.) Treasurer and H. W. O. Margary Attorney. Capital, $250,000 in shares of $100 each. The Company's property consists of 30 acres of land, situ¬ated between the Central Pacific Railroad on the West and the Utah Northern Railroad on the East, both of which Railroads have side lines running to the works. The water power from the Ogden river is a very desirable site, the tail race of which cost $6,000. The blast furnace is nearly ready for active service, and besides the above, are the machinery for the rolling mills, safely stored away, also a goodly quantity of tools, etc. The rolling mills cost about $24,000 on the ground. The whole of the buildings and material on hand is worth fully $40,000, and could not be placed here for that sum. The water right, etc., would be cheap at $20,000, and thirty acres of land at $22,500 is a low estimate of value. The opinion of the President and also of every expert who has examined the Ogden iron ore is that it is as good as any in the world, and the only question is in regard to fuel, but as charcoal can be furnished at 12 cents per bushel, quailfied authority says that first class iron can be made at WALKER BROS. Deal in all Kinds of Provisions, Grain, Etc. 23 Geo. H. Tribe, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, Wines & Liquors Choice Teas a Specialty. MAIN STREET OGDEN, UTAH, willard mercantile institut'n. —DEALERS IN— General Merchandise, Dried Fruits, Grain And General Produce. WILLARD CITY, ON U. N. R. R. AND C. P. R. R. J. J. MURPHY, M. D. HERBALIST! The only graduated herbalist in the city. Fifth Street Ogden, Utah. G. W. TURNER, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER. Wallpaper in great Variety of Patterns. A Fine Selection of Toys. Garden Seeds a Specialty. General Produce and Commission Agent. |