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Show 86 A General Banking Business carried on by Dooly & Co. RICHMOND Is some seven miles north of Smithfield, and the last town in Utah on the rail¬road line. It is a flourishing, busy settlement, the principal departments of trade being well represented. The first Mayor was Wm. D. Hendricks; the present one is Wm. Beers. City Council—Henry Standoge, A. F. Stewart, M. P. Bell, C. Traveller and R. M. Kerr. City Marshal and Recorder, O M. Stewart; Treasurer, M. F. Bell; Attorney, John Baer; Justices of the Peace, Archibald Kerr and A. C. Brower. The first Bishop was Thomas Tidwell, the present one, M. W. Merrill. Population, 1,500. FRANKLIN, IDAHO. About four miles north of Richmond, with the Territorial line equi-distant from the points, is the young but thrifty and growing town of Franklin. It has been for sometime the principal shipping place for goods and supplies for Mon¬tana and eastern Idaho. It has several business houses, prominent among which are the Co-operative store, & large and flourishing institution, Mr. Samuel R. Parkinson, Superintendent; Mr, W. L. Webster's general merchandise estab¬lishment; Mr. Isaac B. Nash keeps an extensive blacksmith shop, at which a superior quality of plows are made and general blacksmithing carried on. The first Bishop was Preston Thomas, who was killed by the sliding upon him of a log in 1877; the present one is L. L Hatch. City Officers—Mayor, Joshua Hawks; Council, Thos. Smart, Sen., Wm. L Webster, James Packer, A. P. Shumway and Thos. Durant: Marshal, H. C Pender; justices of the Peace, L. C. Meeham and A. P. Shumway. [Note.—Cache Valley contains nine other settlements, all flourishing and populous, as follows: Wellstrille, Clarkston, Hyde Park, Lewiston, Providence, Hyrum, Paradise, Millville and Newton. Our programme at the beginning was to make special mention only of those places outside of Weber County through which the Utah and Northern Railroad passes; though, but for the time an¬nounced for the appearance of the Directory having passed at this point, we should depart from that plan.—Pubs ] Collections made by Dooly & Co. 87 CARL C. JOHNSON, Dealer in TOYS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Third Street, one half block west of Z. C. M. I., Logan City, Utah. Music and Strings of Every Description. Old Instruments in exchange. Repairing done with neatness and at lowest rates. Having a Cylinder Printing Press capable of executing JOB PRINTING. l can print Cards, Posters, Letter Heads, Bill Heads and general advertising work, promptly to order. Terms reasonable. United Order Foundry, Logan City, Utah MACHINE AND WAGON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Castings ancl Machinery, Blacksmithing, Wag¬on Work, Repairing, etc. E. D. CARPENTER, Manager, No other Company in Utah has made Saw Mills. John Ash & Son, GUN AND LOCKSMITHS. Have Always on Hand Fowling Pieces, Rifles, Pistols and Gun Material, All kinds of repairs neatly and promptly executed on guns, door locks, and sewing machines. Near Tabernacle, Logan, Utah |