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Show 116 Snell Daniel, conductor, cor Franklin and 7th 6treets. Snyder H T, conductor Central I'acific railroad, Pearl street, bet 3d and 4th. Snyder K M, baggage master C P, Main street, bet 3d and 4th. Snaddon R J, carpenter, cor Pearl and 1st streets. Southwick James, laborer, 3d street, bet Main and Spring. Sorenson Carl, farmer, Pearl street, cor 7th and Smith. Street H E, carpenter, Young street, bet 2d and 3d. Stanford Joseph, merchant, 4th street, bet Franklin and Young. Steven J O, carpenter, cor 5th and Young streets. Stephens David, glove maker, 4th street, bet Young and Franklin. Stephens L B, postmaster, Young street, bet 4th and 5 h. Stevens W H, cabinet maker, 5th street, bet. Main and Young. Stoker Wm, harness maker, Gth street, bet Main and Young. Studer F, clock maker, 6th street, bet Young and Franklin. Steel , miner, Wall street, bet Gth and 7th. Stark Jos, CP, Franklin street, bet 6th and 7th. Stowe Daniel, mason, Main street south. Stowe William, gardener, 8th street, bet Franklin and Wall. Stone W D, broom maker. Main street south. Stone P A, farmer, Main street north. Stone Amos, farmer, Main street north. Stone Lewis P, farmer, Main street north Stanhouse Seth, C P, cor Franklin and 7th streets. Stuart Samuel, C P, cor Franklin and 7th streets. Stuart C E, laborer, 8th street, between Young and Franklin. Stuart D M, clerk Tithing Office, 4th street, bet Green and East. Stratford Edwin, Schuttler wagon agent, cor 2d and Smith streets. Stratford E A, printer, Smith street, bet 1st and 2d. Sullivan Michael, laborer C P, west of track. Sweet C W, expressman C P, 4th street, bet Franklin and Young. Sweet D C, printer, bds at Kceney House. Swift George, waiter Keeney House. T Taylor, Wm, lab, Pearl street, bet. 2d and 3d. Taylor Richard, clerk Z C M I, 3d street, between Main and Young. Taylor John W, farmer, cor 2d and Young streets. Taylor James, city recorder, Main street, north, Taylor Joseph, tailor, Main street north. Taylor G G, printer, Green street, bet 1st and 2d. Taylor John M D, boot and shoe maker, 5th st, bet Main and Young. Tanner Nathan, jun, attorney at-law, 4th st bet Wall and Franklin, Tapper Samuel, carpenter, 3d street, bet Wall and Franklin. .7 Taloot Ilenry, farmer, Main street south. Thompson Wm, job wagon, corner 4th and Green streets. Thompson Geo, barber, Main street, between 1st and2J. Thomson Wm, C P, Main street, bet 6th and 7th. Thomson Daniel, C P, Main street, bot 6th and 7th. Thomas Samuel, gardener, Smith street north. Thomas J M, lime burner, oor 4th and Young streets. Thomas Frederick, lab, Wall street, bet 4th and 6th. Thomas John, lab, Wall street, bet 4th and 5th. Thomas D T, clerk Walker Brothers, corner 3d and Smith streets. Thomas R P, blacksmith, 5th street, bet Main and Young. Thorn Al, actor, Main street, bet 3d and 4th. Tirril J J, farmer, Main street, north. Tribe Henry, commercial agent, Spring street, between 2d and 3d. Tribe George, merchant, 1st street, between Main and Young. Treseder Richard, carpenter, Pearl street, bet 4th and 6th. Tranter Enoch, farmer, 8th street, bet Franklin and Wall. Turner Geo Stationer, etc., 5th street, between Main and Young. Turner J G, master car repairer, C P, Wall street, bet 1st and 2d. Tyrrell Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Smith street, bet 7th and 8th. Tyrrell M W, bar keeper, in Y,at depot. Tyler J G, clerk at Keeney House. Tyree C M, brakeman U P, boards at Keeney House. V Van Wm, bar tender, 7th street, bet Smith and Spring. Vandyke Sybren, carpenter, Green street, between 3d and 4th. Van Dyke Wm, grain dealer, Young street, between 4th and 5th. Vanoe John H, merchant, cor 7th and Young streets. Vail I Q, mail clerk, Young street, bet 3d and 4th. Vorheos Geo, messenger W F & Co, beards at Keeney House. w Watts James, laborer, cor 3d and Green streets. Watts John, farmer, cor 3d and Smith streets. Watls Wm, laborer, cor 3d and Franklin streets. Wade W A, druggist, 6th street, bet Peurl and Smith. Walker Geo, currier, Spring street, bet 4th and 6th. Wasworth James, painter, Smith street, bet 4th and 5th. Warner Wm, fireman U P, 2d street, between Smith and Pearl. Wardleigh H C, agt Singer sowing machine Co, cor 2d & East streets. Wall Frederick, farmer, 7th street, bet Franklin and Wall. Wadman James, Keeney House, 8th street, bet Franklin and Wall. Watkins E J, boot and shoe maker, 5th street, bet Main and Young. |