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Show 84 Best and Cheapest Printing at the "Junction" Office. north side of Bear river, about twelve miles north of Franklin, and in a fight of four hours killed about 200 and captured 150 ponies. His force suffered se¬verely in killed and wounded and through cold April 19th, 1868, W. B. Preston, with fifty teams, started for Mississippi river to bring emigrants. Also went with same number of teams the following year Maroh 20th, 1865, Lo¬gan and Richmond canal begun at great expense: 12 ft. wide at bottom, 2 1/2 ft. deep School houses were erected in the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th wards dur¬ing 1865-6 Telegraph line to Salt Lake was completed 1866. Fifteen teams sent for Emigrants under T. E. Kicks February 5th, 1867, Canyon wagon road was organized. This was designed to connect Cache Valley with Bear Lake Valley, and obtain timber for Logan city. Canyon alone extends thirty-five miles, and the steam saw mill of Thatcher & Co., was located there at the head of Canyon. Without the lumber thus obtained the city would not have been built up as it now is May 1st, 1869, the "Logan Mercantile Insti¬tution" was started; Moses Thatcher, Supt September 3d, 1869, E. T. Benson died at Ogden, and was buried with muob respect at Logan, Sept. 6th January 31st, 1873, Utah Northern Railroad completed to Logan May 21st, 1877, Moses Thatcher appointed President of Cache County "stake," with Wm. B. Preston and M. D. Hammond his counselers June 24th, 1877, Prest. B. Young spoke for the last time in Logan. SMITHFIELD. This flourishing settlement is situated on the east side of the valley, some nine miles north of Logan by the Utah and Northern. The principal business houses are the Co-operative store, a large and flourishing institution, superin¬tended by Sylvester Low; and Mr. Thomas Richardson's store, he being a gener¬al dealer in dry goods, clothing, hardware, groceries, country produce, etc. There is a splendid new mill in Smitfield, of which Mr. James Mack is pro¬prietor; it is supplied with all the latest improvements in the way of French burrs, bolting cloths, etc. The proprietor has facilities for supplying any quan¬tity of first-class flour, and is doing a large business. In connection with the Co-operative store is one of the largest and best appointed Tanneries in tho Territory, having a fine building and producing large quantities of excellent leather; Meikle Bros. are the managers. Samuel Roskelly is Bishop of the place; Justice of the Peace, Wm. A. Noble; Constable, Thos. G. Winn; School Trustees, Dacid Weeks, Sylvester Low and E. R. Miles. Daily and Semi-Weelely "Junction"—Largest Circulation. 85 O. C. ORMSBY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, LOGAN, CACHE Co., UTAH. Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST, I am carrying the Largest and Best assorted Stock of Drugs, Patent and Proprietary Medicines in Northern Utah, including Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes Cloth Brushes, Combs, etc., in great variety; Sponges, Trusses of Latest Improvement, Surgical Appliances of Various Kinds. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. In order to meet the increased demand, I am manufacturing extensively of my own Compound Cough Syrup AND RHEUMATIC LINIMENT. Give them a trial if you wish pain and cough to vanish like magic. Dealers and the community generally are invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Come One! Come All! O. C. ORMSBY, Proprietor. Drug Store. |