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Show 42 The ''Junction" is the Best Advertising Medium. learn that its thrift has led the proprietors to contemplate the erec¬tion of a fire-proof brick building at the junction of the two princi¬pal streets of the city, where they have secured ample water facili¬ties to operate their presses; and in the same building they will carry a stock of printers' and stationers' goods, comprising all that is necessary to make up a complete Paper Warehouse, from which sales will be made by sample throughout the vast region traversed by the agents of this house. They propose shortly to begin the publication of a daily. The "Amateur" is a neat little bi-woekly publication, issued in the interest of the "Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association" of Ogden, the members of which alternate in the editorship, two numbers constituting a term. It is well edited and circulates gra¬tuitously. Ogden has had one other newspaper, the "Daily Telegraph," started by Mr. T. B. H. Stenhouse upon the arrival here of the Pacific railroad. It lasted but a few weeks and then retired from the field. SOCIETIES. weber lodge, no. 6, a. f. and a. m. Weber Lodge, No. 6, A. F. and A. M., was established Jan. 8th, 1874. W. M. C. S. Nellis convened it under a dispensation and set it to work. Senior Warden, Alvin D. Shakespeare; Junior War¬den, Henry Bruce. Present Officers: Walter S. Holbrook, Worshipful Master; Jos. J. Clayton, Senior Warden; Leopold Newman, Junior Warden; Michael Buchmiller, Treasurer; James T. Parkinson, Secretary. Present number of members, thirty-three. Regular meetings held in Driver's brick building, Main Street, the first and third Thurs¬days of every month. ogden lodge, no. 5, i. o. o. f., Was instituted October 14th, 1874, with the following charter mem- The Semi-weekly "Junction" is $4 per Annum. 43 NEW shipping house H. M. BOND. A. G. HARRIS. H.M. BOND & co., (Successors to H. M. Bond.) DEALERS IN Groceries, Produce, Fruits,etc. THEATRE BUILDING, Corner of Fourth and Young Streets, OGDEN, UTAH. Small Margins; Prompt and Intelligent Atten¬tion to Orders; Faithful to the Interests of Purchaser. SPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to SMALL ORDERS. Refers generally to the Citizens of Ogden and Railroaders. |