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Show 114 Reast Wm, lab, 2d street, bet Green and Pearl. Reese John, blacksmith, 7th street, bet Main and Young. Reynolds Dr, U P, 8th street, between Franklin and Wall. Restall John, C P, Main street, bet 6th and 7th. Reader F H, confectioner, 5th street, between Main and Young. Reno C A, 4th street, bet 4th and 5th. Reno Victor, miner, 3d street, bet Young and Franklin. Read S W, boot and shoe maker, 3d street, between Young and Franklin. Reeve John, agent U C, 2d street west. Rheinstrom H, salesman Kuhn Bros, bds at Commercial Hotel. Richardson Lorenzo, clerk U P, Spring street, bet 7th and 8th. Riohardson Robert, mason and builder, 6th street, bet Smith and Pearl. Rice F G, conductor C P, bds at Keeney House. Rice Frederick, shoemaker, Green street, bet 5:h and 6ih. Rich Benjamin, olerk Z C M I, Pearl street, bet 2d and 3d. Richmond Neal, conductor U P, 8th street, bet Main and Young. Rickard C W, brakeman C P, bds at Keeney House. Riley James, whitewashes 7th street, bet Franklin and Wall. Richards F D, Judge Probate Court, Franklin street, bet 4th and 5th. Richards F S, attorney-at-law, Franklin street, bet 4th and 5th. Richards L M, insurance agent, Franklin street, botween 4th and 6tb. Richards C C, clerk county court, Franklin street, bet 4tb and 5th. Ringroie Richard, lab C P, Young street, bet 1st and 2d. Rounds David, farmer, cor 5th and Pearl streets. Romrill Franois, teamster, 3d street, bet Pearl and GreeD. Rogers Wm, silversmith, 5th street, bet Main and Young. Rons A G, messenger, cor Franklin and 4th streets. Ross Alexander, car tender C P, Main street south. Rosen W, brakeman Union Pacific railroad, boards at Keeney House. Roberts John W, wool spinner, cor 2d and Young streets. Rollins Fred, telegraph operator, oor 3d and Young streets. Rudd L D, peddler, Main street south. Rurarel George, farmer. Main street north. Russell J M, with Ford & Co, boards at Keeney House. s Salter Wm D, mason, 8th street, between Spring and Smith. Saunders W G, farmer, cor Spring and 2d streets. Sanders Jos, painter, cor 3d and Smith streets. Saddler F T, oonductor Central Pacific railroad, Wall street, bet 3d and 4th, Scudder W A, luncb house, Franklin street, bet 3d and 4th. Scoville H B, broom maker, Young street, bet 3J and 4tb. Scoville L S, broom maker, Smith street, bet 3d and 4th. corrections NAMES OMITTED. Andre A A, clerk Wells, Fargo & Co. Chilcott W W, mail clerk, 3d street, belween Wall and Franklin. Edwards J M, agent Union Pacific Express Co. Ford Philip, Sen., carpenter, 8th street west. Ford J N, oiler on U P, 7th street west. Ford Henry, transfer on U P, 7th street west. Ford Enoch, transfer on U P, 7th street west. Ford Philip, jun., job wagon, 8th street, west, near Wall. Hamptcn F W, bar tender, 1st street, between Main and Young. Hamlin Wm, inspector on U P, 8th street. Klinker J H, mail clerk, boards at. Chamberlain Iljuae. Miles G W, boards at Union Depot Hotel. Murphy G W, merchant, in "Y." Rother Frank, Utah Vinegar Factory, half mile south of depot. Seibert J M, agent Wells, Fargo & Co, Franklin street, between 4th and 6th. Seibert Jerome, clerk U P Express Co. Sharp R B, dentist, 5th street, bet Main and Young. Stanford Alfred, clerk Z C M I, 8th street, between Spring and Smith. Stayner T J, manager Walker Bros, cor 3d and Pearl streets. Strohm W C, with J E Dooly & Co. Van Rensselaer Rob't H, clerk at B White's lumber yard. Young E, grocer and produce dealer, 4th street, bet Young and Franklin. Business Firms. Attention should be given to the advertisements of Geo. Ford & Co , hide and wool dealers, p. xiii; Gibson & Ec- cles, lumber dealers and house furnish¬ers, etc., (special page); W. A. Hodgman, harness dealer aud maker, p 133; the Ladies' Straw Store, p x; the White¬water Wagon agency p. vii and viii; the sandstone quarry of Richardson & Jack¬son, p xii; Geo. B. Douglas' blacksmith ing establishment, p. xii: Oberne, McDaneld & Co., dealers in hides, wool and furs, p. iv; the beer hall and shooting gallery of W. R. Reynolds, p. vi; the pleasure grove of Williams & Canfield. p. ix—all of which wove obtained after the notices were printed. Also to Winthrop Farley, blacksmith, p. 55; aud C P. Lambert manufacturer of and dealer in headstones, slabs, etc, p. 7, both of which were overlooked. The Ogden Tithing Office is situated at the corner of Young and 5th fits., is a neat brick building, and conducted by Messrs. D. M. Stuart and Thos. Hadley. ERRATA. On page 67, in the coal advertisement of W. W. Fungc, for "Fourth St," read "Fifth St." On page 114, instead of "Reno, C A , 4th St.," read "Reno A. C., Young St.." In the advertisement of L. D. Wilson & Co., pige 53, for "braze" read "brooze." On page 115, S. S. Schram's residence should be "Young St., bet. 3d and 4th." On page 36, in the paragraph com¬mencing "The principal meat trade," for "Fourth St." read "Fifth St." Examine pages 52 and 53 and likewise pages 122 and 123. E. G. JOHNSON, Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon, OGDEN, UTAH. Office 5 doors west of Wade's Drug Store, Fifth street. Particular attention paid to the diseases of women and children. |