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Show 98 J. E DOOLY, Salt Lake City. E. H. ORTH, Ogden. J.E> Dooly & Co., Bankers. —GENERAL— Insurance Agents OGDEN CITY, UTAH. Transact a General Banking Business. Prompt Attention Given to Collections. Mining Stocks bought and Sold on Commission. Correspondents. Wells, Fargo & Co., New York; Wells, Fargo & Co., San Francisco; First National Bank, Omaha; Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake City; Oma¬ha National Bank, Omaha. INSURANCE. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., of California, Assets, $800,000 Imperial Fire Insurance Co., of London, Assets, $9,000,000 Queen Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool, Assets, $9,000,000 London Assurance Co., of London, Assets, $15,000,000 Boyal Insurance Co., of London, Assets, $18,000,000 American Central Insurance Co., of St. Louis, Assets, $750,000 Hartford Insurance Co., of Hartford, Assets, $3,300,000 Lycoming Insurance Co., of Muney, Pa., Assets, $5,000,000 Western Assurance Co., of Toronto, Assets, $2,000,000 Northern Insurance Co., of London, Assets, $15,000,?00 Brokers, LATHAM & KING, San Francisco. Attorney, F. S. RICHARDS, Ogden, 99 OGDEN GITY DIRECTORY. Explanations.—The numbered streets commence in the northern portion of the city, First etreet running east from the Iron Works to the bench; Second street comes next on the south; then come respectively Third, Fourth, and so on up to Eighth. The streets running north and south are, respectively, (com¬mencing at the Depot) Wall, Franklin, Young, Main, Spring, Smith, Pearl, Green and East. Give Dr. Wash. ad lets her at near abreviation:—"Bet"' means between; "mcht," merchant; "lab," laborer; "bds," boards; "st," street; "U P," Union Pacifio railroad; "C P," Central Pa¬cific railroad; "U C," Utah Central railroad; "U N," Utah Northern railroad. Abbott C D, nurseryman, Main Street, bet 4th and 5th. Abbott Abail, carpenter, Pearl Street, bet 2d and 3d. Adams O B, physician, boards at Keeney House. Aflnraa L B, shipping merchant, Franklin Street, bet 4th and 5th. Allen M, brakemau C P, boards at Keeney House. Allen James X, physician and surgeon, Main Street, cor 2d. Allen James, merchant, 3d Street, bet Main and Spring. Alexander Danl, insurance agt, First Street, bet Main and Voung. Anthony J W, hotel keeper, cor 5th and Young Street. Anthony, W P, clerk, cor 5th and Young Streets. Anderson P L, physician and surgeon, 3d Street, bet Main and Young. Anderson A O, painter, cor 4th and Young Streets. Apploney Jos, cook, Franklin Street, bet 5th and 6th. Ashby Thos, boot and shoe maker, Spring Street, bet 2d and Sd. Astill Z, job wagon, Spring Street, bet 3d and 4th. Atwater G L, brakeman C P. boards at Keeney House. Austin John, laborer, Franklin Street, bet 5th and 6th. B Baker W S, farmer, Franklin street, bat 6th and 7th. Baker H C, C P freight office, boards at Union Depot Hotel. Baker Wm, carpenter, cor 7th and Smith Streets. Barlow Thos, farmer, Pearl Street, bet 6th and 7th. Barlow Walker, job wagoner, Pearl Street, bet 6th and 7th. Barlow Edward, job wagoner, Pearl Street, bet 6th and 7th. Barber Myron C, bookkeeper, 6:h Street, between Main and Spring. |