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Show 68 Send Orders for Wines & Liquors to Schlesinyer & Co. and quantity that are furnished for this market and for exportation. They are now reaping the weil-merited reward of their labors. They have good public buildings and a good school, well attended. Population, 600. L. W. Shurtliff, Bishop; John Spiers, Justice of the Peace. NORTH OGDEN Is located in a little basin or hollow at the foot of the mountains, seven miles north of this city. It was first settled in 1850, by a few families who first came to this country with the main body of the emigrants. It now contains a population of about two thousand, chiefly agriculturists. Their land is of excellent quality and yields good crops of all kinds of grain, hay, vegetables, fruits, &c. They have a tannery and three substantial School Houses; the schools are well attended, some 300 scholars altogether being taught by Lorenzo Waldram, Thos. Paine and Jesse P. Read respectively. There is but one mercantile establishment, but it contains a very large and well selected stock of goods, and is owned by. Mr. Sidney Stevens, who also keeps a large establishment in Ogden. Town authorities: Amos Maycock, Bishop; B. Cazier first, and N. Montgomery second counselor; C. H. Wheelock, justice of. the peace; R. T. Barratt, constable. EDEN Is located in the north end of Ogden Valley. It was first settled in 1863; the population is 250. The people are farmers, stock raisers, loggers and lumbermen. Wood for fuel is plentiful, and the citi¬zens in the spring and summer bring great quantities to Ogden for sale. In the winter they are sometimes snowbound and cannot get to Ogden. The town has a good school, well attended, Josiah Ferrin, Bishop. A No. 1 Bar at Schlesinger & Co's. FRED LEVY, Main Street, Ogden, Utah. Dry Goods, Mens' and Boys' clothing, hats, caps, boots & shoes. ALSO TRUNKS AND VALISES. I invite the attention of friends and the public in general to my new arrival of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, etc, Swiss Tarlatans, in all colors, Flannels, Casstmeres; also House keeping goods, etc., all at extremely low prices. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear, Ladies' Ready-Made Suits, Latest Styles. Laces, Gloves, Ribbons and EMBROIDERIES. |