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Show 110 Langsdorf J M, banker, 4th street, bet Young and Main. Lamont Benjamin, laborer, Main street south. Lashus Geo, nurseryman, 2d street west. Lees Samuel, gunsmith, Spring street, bet 4th and 5th, Leavitt John, laborer, Wall street, bet 6th and 7th. Leavitt Nathaniel, stock raiser, cor Main and 4th streets. Lemed F T, bookkeeper, Main street, near 2d. Lewis Harry, laborer, cor 7th and Main streets. Lethbridgo Wm, U P, Wall street, bet 6th and 7th. Lee L F, painter, 3d street, between Wall and Franklin Leak Richard, carpenter, Young street, between 3d and 4th. Xewis J S, watch maker and jeweler, cor 2d and Franklin streets. Littlefield David, clerk Walker Bros, Young street, bet 4th and 5th. Lisk E R, carpenter and plasterer, cor 1st and Wall streets. Lloyd James, C P, 7th street, bet Main and Young. Low Wm, carpenter, cor 3d and East streets. Low Wm J, cook, Wall street, bet 6th and 7th. Low Alfred, newsdealer, Wall street, bet 6th and 7th. Luty Thoa, night watchman, Smith street, between 1st and 2d. Luty E S, brakeman C P, Smith street, bet 1st and 2d. Lundquist Carl, laborer, Main street north. Ludlam C F, broker, boards at Keedey House. Lyndum Edward, laborer, cor 3d and Green streets, M Mages Edward, shoemaker, 6th street, between Main and Young. Maguire Chas, peddler, cor Green and 5th streets. Maguire John, sen, traveling merchant, 5th street, between Pearl and Green. Maguire John, jun, peddler, cor 5th and Green streets. Matheson W M, commision merchant, boards Commercial Hotel. Mallan John D, farmer, cor 4th and Green streets. Mallan John, farmer, Green street south. Marriott John, farmer, cor 3d and Main streets. Mawson Geo, bricklayer and mason, 3d street, between Green and Pearl. Matthews C J,bookkeeper,Moffatt place, bet Main and Spring and 2d and 3d sts. Margary H W O, attorney-at-law, Main street, bet 4th and 5th. Maw Edward, farmer, 2d street, bet Smith and Pearl. Mallory J H, painter, cor 7th and Young streets. Mahon John, saloon keeper, Main street, bet 4th and 5th. Marshall John, miner, 5th street, bet Wall and Franklin. Marth George, hotel keeper, in Y, depot. Maddock John, tailor, Main street north. McQuarrie Robert, farmer, corner Spring and 6th streets. McQuarrie John, check clerk U P, corner Spring and 6th streets. 111 McQuarrie Allen, farmer, cor Spring and 6th streets. McQuarrie Neal, farmer, Main street south. McJilton John, brakeman C P, bds at Keeney House. McPhee P A, hotel keeper, corner Main and 5th streets. McKay Wm, farmer, cor Franklin and 8th streets. McCarthy Nelson, bar tender, Franklin street, between 7th and 8th, McIntosh George, U P, 7th street, bet Franklin and Young. McNevin P, engineer C P, Young street, bet 5th and 6th. Mclntyre W L, doctor, Young street, bet 5th and 6th. McFarlin Peter, watchman U C, Young street, bet 1st and 2d. MeFarlin James, baggage master, Young street between 1st and 2d. McCormick Patrick, carpenter, west side railroad track. Mearns J S, merchant, 5th street, bet Franklin and Wall. Mets Timothy, merchant, 5th street, bet Green and East. Melly J W, conductor U P, boards at Union Depot Hotel. Michael J S, brakeman C P, boards at Keeney House. Middleton Chas F, Justioe of the Peace, corner Main and 6th streets. Middleton Chas W, farmer, cor Main and 6ih streets. Middleton Wm, farmer, Main street, bet Gth and 7th. Miles W H, farmer, corner 4th and East streets. Mitchell James, laborer, 4th street, between Main and Young. Minter Cyrus, watchman, Young street, bet 1st and 2d. Mimmick Peter, carpenter, Young street, bet 1st and 2d. Micquain J, laborer, Green street, between 5th and Cth. Miller R H, school teacher, Main street south. Miller R C, dairyman, Main street north. Miller F A, farmer, Main street north. Moore F M, postal clerk, boards at Keeney House. Moore John, conductor Central Pacific railroad, 4th st, bet Wall and Franklin. Moore W, ticket agent, cor 4th and Franklin streets. Moore David, carpenter, Main street north. Moore Joseph, carpenter, Main street north. Meore David M, mail carrier, Main street north. Monch L F, professor, Smith street, between 6th and 7th. Moffatt Armsted, blacksmith, cor 3d and Spring streets. Mortensen Hank, Green street north. Moyes Stuart, Central Pacifio railroad, cor Franklin and 7th streets. Moyes James, C P, Franklin street, bet 5th and 6th. Moyes Wm, C P, 6 th street, bet Franklin and Young. Moulding W H, butcher, Franklin street, between 6th and 7th. Morley Joseph, provision dealer, 5th street, bet Main and Young. Murphy John P, U P, cor 7th and Young streets. Murphy Ed, conductor C P, Young street, bet 4th and 5th. Murphy J J, quarantine physician, Main street south. |