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Show ee his , this. DBVELOPING LISTENING SKILLS crt, r are spoken, they When “fgaling” words The tone in which words, ng” eli “Pe of t. re men awa Beynone or excite tion, disturbance, tion of the words +e geome inner convic the dictionary defini than more s vey con ve spoken the aiin CO a & on te % sure the that other bas persen had & chance . sf what the other to go on to other verson talking to you vy. pest bo _ZOUR phages te explain te for understanding . . ners : sn they are skills ding || ||| Al | | ', el | \ ce)an Fey | ae if to their and wish fullest \ ¢ Lp ft & might be the 2, Marner t tha that foal may may foa Wie WOorss Bt OF ie) pi : ad as iatos ‘ y te Sew Kireay IA 3) ae and Charlie o®fer huss Tf 2 which Alfred, Bobby, Sbably ni 7 “Well, thinking, ; will require 3 g idi 3& ulin Is; ening to perp tenn sppr he didn’t In*t anorovea cee | NS if Eye +c dy 9 AS a ¢ oh -&M I really don’t crop &ee ONS Y ab : 296 s loping La BS OULAT US le Than wit PF Mo cab sarin ri in the empty spaces Seiset the correct us istural natural try not to let your mind P3on ) _eondition ba gs answere , : ; — . ou Nec a .. oe R ; \ +Ng % ’ “ is not - - ee AE wander : talking to you, that you accept a ws k es or to get eee me Rhough ts. g proper listeninein » Bs Se provided, attdtude | & : " ; setf rt on your part. ingUse skitheLis.tele effo me ondy~o n-op of your listen ata 9 f ¢ to talk, S ry & 5 Saya ee van $9 out.” ee Jus Lond guess ee ii GZUSES : & gy arguing k a “a feel? TheyBe ereete Charlie of cur ideas YAC them at ali, he liked . pis Ch then Donarr’offers andy Bobby Shire now willadenalar Af ’ ~ aii (a ‘ a mx te ming, ee up” “cheer to attempts will experiences, Pothis ihc oy 9 from past “Salen a bleakin Gh & @laco has pproval nE BiiL9eG Wi AS oval following . extent. 5 that 1% is not might giv} e hin tea very “reflect” to ments or suggestions you merely ‘feedback” or woich you at Rm you got the messa which a coment hem o 7 y oe are answers to 9 tithe following du questions. a “ disappr wy > a sha Approve, of whatever on on to them and pass informati to these people k ds, you a&° not tal min to ir h the wis on You may find out what is to ing hard to avoid try it d are fin You will , but when you. versationse gon ir the o fnt svject yourself i i just upset dicating et 4 45 ¢ life listening. spend your entire people. you er t oth tha the ng sti to te We are nov sugge able to commnica ms alee have to be suggestions proble rofassional, you ts have an 4dea, den stu oF ctice your s ber other staff mem you should then pra yh te grai e so. aen ‘ ly leave him mer svOrD TO. sympathizing may backfir conversation aper innormal. th you these in your ALL not think that words, you may stress his own ideas~ you have neard “feeling” has said. to give nim back hen Try what he circles, feedback 4n talicing him st simply repeat sum~ When you heave heard Sometimes a good 2 his own feslings, touched OMe and permite has most frequently circle he the points breaks the hin -» he is presenting » person has been saying ’ je is” ae a is t er person at bes The oe awfulothhis situationYL 3.89 oa "just don’t % und “if erstand” * how ay) ae a I oy ee OU Lhe, ard him eer ancresveg liny g dep fee his alr % , : aa, ead eSsse aTP ce he was Sin, tupid, or orasyye a tesy your person pressed test yourself when 48 the ‘best way, he cans understand that he has eeide you . what he 4s saying, what person other fs will be delighted. 8G “fseding back” to the are foolish for doing feedback » are you ‘ wi 4t es at Beeasels) a FEELINGS REFLECT need,oi your 7 y satisf sat will, will oyquestifons ons to these 4him, )mnewerg hising may be one of to avoid, symispathis for the do He— sent i can ce proble , I; son per e iat m. re He ee took blemM inAn Feje Oner pers| ety ; imag t z look : at his pro ang noe cad ahe ‘ iadt: You canattemp ie feels th, rly arr le ti ce om inner .str} engSim ila , a th MaMU t out, .SL ve practice « IV. ir these te ARSWErs Fre Ghang the we 74 LNnVense ing) Node, ESAFU LTS ro eye} a, Ord, (You h have no idea | (You selings,, words or feelings ee this with not sven & psychiatrist, canhasdo told fous) hin whet you think he ; — be: (1 dvic ¢ ut mest advice ie abo y er oth ke Sirens ee yoo De aan, 3 the advice jou Since peoper ce you are not, » itit indicate the _—? cia } do, + other person should not FS & 2 ees a : is guest? hows VSP » ROWS INE» SA7 saying is aor pergon other ths what hear to really |“Interpreting em going to ng to yourself, “T We e yourself by sayi ural to MSs nag not se Congosously disciplin ine Lisven person 4g saying.” » r ethe to 4a what this ten” to “Lis dition ourselves -9 eoneslously con 's ¢ onver sa%40n 4x, the other person erPity” pattern auL us. There are ‘4r of the all 3 tt for -" Listen de teik in circles lly rea not believe We do we 3), t the 4s éne in circles but among others vinur so, <{jme we be st fir mey this the spasens why ke e not heard te fael that we wer repetition may occur two cr been understood. h enc 3S fa repeat ‘te ar a & 5 we must minutes apart « gyaething & » ata ono sometimes S¢ wera). om cs cation, a riames in a eonver get lost in your * to let your nénd Wander , or to whenevsr accne= , try no e aus bec e,” when Listening don & rn Mt MB Wsester said then is stimulated e cat & is gisoa ss Thats Tv 6ee pr ts, n nigh internal communicatio ter own mat a cur is ng, it aki hab spe 39 ie Overcoming this v6Se thoughts tn qursel & hink & 3 are det k il will ai5 datrac but 4¢sel?, message As ing Tf you an what te determine yous Try s. nerisms and motion ‘ake note of his nam ns are tailing tio iea mun com al” 4a" oreb Fnon=vero | : OF et =_—— rR ee ounsslveg We ha to us. to listen to othurs. 7a to sly setousty congsciou ° i) |