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Show BEN LOMOND HIGH SCHOOL VOLUME 20 AUGUST HOOT MON turning Seniors cial welcome is and also SENTOR school the re- Juniors,a sper extended to the "additions" to Ben Lomond; namethe members of the class of '75 and the new Faculty Members. that both groups will feel We hope welcome and of very soon feel part the You've probably before, beginning Share FROM A the Ben of it but a new with VOLVED! Because volved can you of school year been given since this school opportunity again: only by the we'll GET getting experience you want to in Concert’ program. _the entire ave been is it IN- in- the kind have. running high can continue school year. put in by tofor _ Many hours the members of the football team, the debate squad, school officers and many others so that this year might be the beget possible. All it will take for B.L. to become the best is the support of the student body and faculty to keep our spirit on looking forward to year, and we hope that if. you ever have or suggestion, please us. Once again, get and this school come the kind of COLE year and year we CAPENER Body President Body LORI LOWER Student Body LINDA Student Vice President Secretary EVANS Body all Europe ‘America's as a Youth a senior, visitr England, France, Austria, and Ger- She was selected to accompany this musical group by sending a tape back to New Jersey. Cherie, being accepted, was sponsored by her grandmother to practice Center In at in her bewant. and with went to New Jersey the group and per- Carnegie New stay Hall and Kennedy York. in Furope, the group traveled by bus during the day, and performed with the orchestra at night. They presented 9 concerts, the largest being in Rome. The 900 members of this orchestra ranged in ages from fifteen to twenty one. said that she felt Historian 1 that the friendliest people she met were in the countries of Austria and Germany. She also stated that most of the European countries were much poorer than any part of the U.S.A. and that seeing their standard of living makes-.on think that the "poverty of America is pretty good". TOUR She commented that many foreigners thought. all young Americans were hippies. Howewer, she felt that the tour helped. give other nations a petter impression of our young people. Cherie stated that, "1f would have the opportunity ot Europe, they would appreciate ica kids go to Amer- a lot more." Miss Coolbear is a-member of Orchestra at Ben Lomond and played during two Fen Lomond Sicals, "Little Mary Sunshine" "Hello Dolly". During the tour the has muand she played a violin that her father had made from a pattern of a Stratavarious. . — She has participated in All State Orchestra and plans to be a member this year also. Cherie has played in the Golden Spike Orchestra and will be trying out for it again. EERE EE EEE EE TN MEMORANDOM™: The Highlander Staff and Scots of Ben Lomond High would like to extend their deepest sympathy to the family of Roylene Alexander in her sudden death this summer, and to the family of Mr. Don Campbell, an ics teachér here at Ben passed away this auto mechanLomond, who summer, Roylene was a_ spirited Scot and was liked by many people. She! Kad a cheerful personality and: <would have ALFORD Student partici- will tour had also you, Student KEN any criticisms come and tell out pate Thank Italy, Cherie top. We are really serving you this the recently Cherie Coolbear, the countries of ed form School spirit day, and we hope to in EUROPEAN Scot NUMBER R ETURNS this is year you Lomond participant Belgium, many. school. advice = 1972 S CUT Sefaa Welcome to the 1972-73 year. Along with welcoming new ly, 28, been a senior this year. Mr. Campbell was a well known teacher who was..well liked by his students. ..He.taught 20 years at Ben Lomond and will.be. greatly missed. Again,. we.would like to express our symp ..to.at their.hy families as they will always be remembered by the Scots. |