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Show HIGHLANDER MEET THE SCOTS TUESDAY, following is a listing of WSC, Kim the class of ’73 along with their David Gallegos, plans for the future. We offer our apologies to those whose plans have not been listed as WSC, Curtis Gerritsen, Shane Gleave, Jerry Gordon, George we Grosgebauer—work. were unable to contact all the seniors. BOYS Mark Alberts—work, Kenneth Alford—BYU, Steve Anderson, Dougias Anderson—work, Kurt Anderson—U. of Neb. Edward Archuleta, Bob Bachman—u. of U., Gary Baggs—Army, Earl Baird, Dale Ballard, Paul Baltazar—WSC, Ed Barber, Paul Bat- tisti— WSC, Kerry Bench—U of U, Neal Berube—college, Terry Dean Bexell, Brad Black, Kim Blaho—work, Greg Boothe — WSC, Bill Lee Bowden—work, Steve Bowles — work, Frank Boyd—work, “Twist” Jones MARK (missing, Kevin Mark’s’ disappoint- ments in B. L, “is centered around the amount of support that is given to the A.F.S. Clan. It’s the only clan,” commented Mark, “that doesn’t profit directly from the money making projects but is supported the least.” Visser, and Fronk). KATHY As a member of MUN he served on the Rhodesian Delegation on the Public and Security Council committee 1. He is also an active debator and skier. of Stites, Mark VISSER Mark Visser, Junior ‘‘Meet the Scott,” is very active in school affairs as president of the A.F.S. Clan and was an American Abroad Nationalist Finalist, He is presently on the yearbook staff and is helping to organize the Deaf Clan. One Kathy The class of STITES ’73 resented by Kathy is in A active takes Drama is being rep- Stites. She Cappella Choir, III, and took part in this year’s musical. Because retary only she in the works as a sec- mornings, attends school one Kathy half of a day. Her main hobby, she stated, was eating, with dill pickles and Spaghetti ranking among her favorites. After graduation, Kathy plans to continue with her work as secretary so as to gain more ex__. perience. ce ne Mark said ‘that “2“BL. has the She foci ue mor: aT 'wicties engl ? potential of being number one, run _ low, so let’s try to get it there.” would build up their characters. Also, she wants to encourage MR. JONES more students to participate in David Brandley— BYU, Paul Brenchley —work, Jeff Brown—WSC, Neil Brown —USU, Jay Brown, Gordon Bryner—work, Myland Burke— WSC, Kevin Burnett — work, Mike Burnett, John Burt—work, Kim Bushman—Air Force, Gene Bybee—work Montana, Shawn Byers—work, Greg Byrne, Campbell—u of U, Cole er—U U Jeff Capen- of U, Roger Carlsen of U, Jeff — Chadwick—WSC, Joe Chambers—WSC, Glen Cheney. Earl Cherry, Jim Clemens— WSC, Tim Clendenin — BYU, Scott Cook, Brett Cope—WSC, Kent Costley — work, Wesley Cottrell, Scott Critchlow, Leon Crosson—undecided, Paul Dabling, WSC, Allan Dalpias—USU, Frankie Delgado —work, DeMinck, Richard Tony Despain, Ben DeVries, Robert Dominguez, Mark Dunham—work, Tom Edvalson—work, Kim Ercanbrack —WSC. : Dan a ay, t WSC, sl a Representing the teachers as “Meet the Scots” for this last issue is Mr. ‘Twist’ Jones, Mr. Jones has been teaching at Ben Lomond for 20 years, and was one of four teachers left from the original faculty. He presently teaches and Math and teaches Class occasionally. He baseball, wrestling, and his first eleven years at mond, Mr. Jones English a Health coached football Ben Lo- graduated from Tooele High School where he served as student body president. He also was captain of the football team in his senior year there. He also attended the University of Utah and Utah State University where he played football and baseball. When asked how he felt about Ben Lomond, he replied, “I really like Ben Lomond and I love working with the students.” He doesn’t feel that there is that much of a change in the students through the past ten years. When asked about school participation, he said, ‘This school is quite large, so you can expect a lot of the kids not to participate in activities.”’ He also asserted that “It’s a good thing that there is so much going on, it’s good to keep active.” As far as school spirit goes, school activities as she feels that participation is vital to school spirit. KEVIN FRONK Our Sophomore Representative for this issue is Kevin Fronk. He attended Highland Junior High where he acted as Student Body President and participated on the Track, Football, Baseball, and Basketball teams. Active in Ben Lomond sports this year, Kevin played on the Junior Varsity Football team last fal but broke his shoulder and was unable to continue playing. He was also on the Junior Varsity Basketball team and is presently on the Sophomore Softball team. Kevin aS one holds can a 3.8 GPA plainly see, and, enjoys sports, Kevin was just recently released from the hospital where he underwent tion on his elbow. an opera- a cae Folker—WSC mi,ke Fortie—WSC, Tom Fowles — Karen Ellis — leaves Frank Schmitt : her left-over poster paint, Sue Poling—leaves Brother a taco bender. Joe Chambers —leaves Mike Crossley his place on the bench, and Steve Thorsted his only pair of underwear. Matlena Hammond — leaves Heatherettes her holey practice uniform. Kim Collard — leaves school puffed jumbo marsh- mallows in one bite. — Force, Peter Sanders, terthwaite, Scott Sessions, service, Loy Michael Clark Shaw Bill Shaw—WSC, ey Shelton, Matt Simonich, Smith WSC, — Sat- Saunders, work; Eliot Glenn Todd Gunnell—USU, Gregory Hackney, Robert Hadley, Gerald Smith—WSC, Karl Smith—WSC, Hammond—vuUSU, Han- Mark Smith, Harrington, WSC, Jack sen—WSC, Brad Robert Leonard Hart—WSC, man, Ken Roger Hawks—work, HartMichael Hawks, Tony Hernandez, Merrill Harris, Howard Hill—WSC, Erik 'Hoel—work, Scott Holliday — work, WSC; Henry Holtan, Bri- an Hood, Douglas Hunt — WSC, James Wyatt—Gonzaga Doug Hunter, decided. Kelly Mike Jensen Jensen, Gilbert — College, Ipson—un- work, Parley Johnson—work, Greg Johnson, Michael Johnson —work, Clarence Jones—work, Dave Jones—WSC, Jim Kesler— USU, Nick Kunz, Steve LaFleur, Cory Larsen—WSC, Sid Larsen —WSC, Bruce Loftus, Gilbert Lujan, Dennis Lund — work, Russell Malan, Wesley Mangum, Jeff Manning. Brian Marietti—work, Bruce Marietti—WSC, Michael Marston, Garth Martin—work, Anthony Martinez, David Marturello, Daniel Medina, Gerald Medina, Car Merino, Gene Messerly—WSC, Keith Mildon—work, Mike Miller—work, U of U; Mark Mitchell, Brian Mitton— art, Mike Moon—USU, Les Muchmore, Herb Mudrow — WSC, Danny Myers — work, Bruce McFarland, Billy Mcllrath, Gary Napper, Brent Neal, Boyd Nelson, Val Nelson, La- Nolan Starks—USU, of Smith Squires, Bryan Porter — Steele Roger Pickett, Steve Pluim— U of U, Robert Price, Rodney Price, Scott Ralph*, Val Read, Ralph Rees—college, Rob Rem- kes—Air Force, Rex Rhodes, Clay Richardson— WSC, Brad Robbins—WSC, James Robinson —work, Kerry Robinson, Larry Rose—WSC, Don Russell—work, Andrew Jake Salazar, Dave Salmon—WSC, orthodontics. Danny Sanchez — Work, Air Jeff Kelly Thiel — college, Benny Tillman—Mesa Jr. College, Curtis Tolsma, Bob Tolton— work, WSC; Kirk Turley, Daron Tuttle—work, Bruce Vail, Gary Vail—work, Richard Vallejos, Dirk Van Batenburg, Ron Van Sweden — work, Brent Wade, James Wade, Dave Wager — SUSC, Dean Walling, Anthony ‘Walton, Richard Watkins, Keith Watts—USU, Marc Williams, Rex Williams—BYU, Randy Wirick—WSC, Terance Woodson, Paul Thomas Yanascone. GIRLS Karen Adelt—WSC, Teri AIberts, Kathy Albiston — WSC, Laurie Alexander — Painter’s College of Beauty, Lesley Alford —WSC, Julie Allred — Cedar City, Aelia Alvarez, WSC, Kathy Anderson—WSC, Lois Anderson —WSC, Penny Anderson, Carla Atencio—USU, Robin Averett —WSC, Bonnie Baker — work, Donna Baker, Judy Barker — Calif., Carol Belliston — Calif., Susan Berg—work, Bonnie Beus —work, Connie Bills, Kathy Boyington, Kerry Brethouwer —Bolivia, April Brough—BYU, Jill Bryan—WSC. Susan Cole—work, Kim Collard —work, Kenna Cook, Shelly Cook—work, Cherie Coolbear— WSC, Cheryl Cooper, Vickie Coy —WSC, work; Dana Crase, his ing pole. Jane Gillins—leaves Lynette Dastrup—WSC, Sharon Davis, WSC, Kay Dawson — Snow College, Peggy Deegan — WSC, Suzanne Dixon — USU, Pamela Dodge — WSC, Debra (Continued on Page 1.) vaultSs nothing. Jeff Chadwick — leaves Bonnie Lassies his body. Ginny lunch Moss—leaves to Shannon the federal Ames. Congratulations Graduates 1876 Washington Blvd. Order today, and enjoy your custom-made class ring ahead of time. We can individualize it, with your name sculptured in raised letters of 10 Karat gold. Add to that your school mascot, and the fiery new Sunlite stone. Check Our Low Prices Student Accounts Invited Revolving Charge e Custom SEARS CENTER 3675 Wall Vi- ‘cki Crase, Dorothy Crawford, Colleen Cropper—WSC, work. YOU'RE IN THE CLASS OF "14? "75? "16? Mrs. Reeves the office phone and attendance cards. Larry Rose—leaves — U, Gary Stoker — work, Stokes, Billy Streeper. Mrs. leaves — Vadie Vicki Bushman—Snow College, mont Nelson, Mare Nicholas— Rebecca Callihan — Bryman’s, WSC, Masyasu Noguchi—Japan, Nancy Carlson — WSC, Denise Jake Oenes—WSC, Eric OlafCarter—USU, Velma Child ee son, ence Oi, ieee Palmer Christ rkinson, — . work, Vonda J, Doeh- WSC, Teresa Clemons —=-work, ler Pearson_WSC._ "Redn: Pen‘Tamara Close, Mellien Coburn dleton—work, Steve Perry, Kim —travel, Kathleen Cole — work, Dave Wager — leaves Mr. Hatch any of his hair that falls out, Kathy — Rick- Geisler. Paramount Bowl Jewell can eat 25 Jet work, Gates of U, Bill Green, Jon spirit. Yes, Jamie — Chris Peterson—BYU, John Phelps, Brent Philips, Kevin Phipps. A Test of Wills Arroyo Grant—U Fuhriman he feels that a few winning years would work wonders for boosting 29, 1973 SENIORS FUTURE PLANS The Meet the Scots from L to R) MAY Charge e BankAmericard LALE JEWELERS S e Master Charge e Layaway DOWNTOWN 2431 Washington |