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Show s By fips hi OP f Region Tw . Oe 84.995: 1h : 5 ey ere ik Lomond maintained-its Clearfield” mad ‘to ‘Bo “eight while “striking Noubeine. mi record in -F innin re: ‘slipping past RE BH iy also had a pair of base action Fri ~ OM : DY | Ogden, Og 32. O° 1a tripleir base hits. Don ernie had three hits, including. omer. | three Rob Hansen to drive. in the Duff Wakefie Gene Johnson belted the 8th after a single oved. to 2-0. with PY nning run. Johnson had two of hits and Ron Pe ee for the | to deadlock ‘Soeersnld | five. hits. Blain Gnt ffor the top spot. He aa mo smi frevae r went the ee ue id Gunnell hammered ay Be ‘alcons | to. pick up the 1 ‘eter sve “Vie ae nond oe pace with Ben 0 0-2. back! turning * Mark Tillotson iz “the, Vikings, while 7 ote erie to bette Bisel three hits, including..a home REGION ONE -« Over in Region “ee | Tee ae home - single and Steve and scattered. our hits: witile Morrill contributed three’. hits striking out seven. fer the Scgts. Gary Malmrose The Falcons are 1-1 in Region | 4 ad tio hits for the Braves. ene play, while Ogden dropped, ty tun. Larry Tam had three hits One, ro id drove in five runs and Kim | he ‘Joey Benton had a four-bagger High exploded for a 7-1V -and Jay Spendlove :each for the Lancers, Layton is now Roy. Pitcher Gil Beckstrand collected three hits fors'the limit nited the Royals to five ve hits, Lakers.?Brian Chadaz homered ‘441 in Joop play.. ‘for the Bears and. Scott en had a triple, The Lakers are. Lg ‘ile Bear River dropped: to 0-2, _ OTHER ACTION In other Region One ction | Friday, ‘ “Sky View: stopped: Logan by a 3-0 score to’run:its: record to 2-0. Logan. is: 0-41: in league play.) (4) Saneely aaah Davis High evened its Region Five record to ie by tripping Tooele High, 2-1, he stole home for Arnell Tun an ‘tripled home the other to provide the margin of victory. ‘Ron Hovey went the distance’« aa _ ‘the mound and struck out 13, ” Next week’s schedule: 4h "Region One —: (Friday) Logan at Re Sky View at Bonneville;. Box Elder at Weber; Bear River, bye. fee aoe Bountiful at 0eee ie field at Viewmont;. (Thi af Ogden; Clearfie i) | (Thursday) aoc aes: at Layton; Ben | Region Five. — (Ti "Bingham; ‘st. Ree eee oo ee ee wees we alee C smith nd 86.6 Were e Ale ela Mme jen Lomond T's .. Fi wa an; } \ ait! at a3 oe Ritnes strate and Deete wa Jose ag nae tt Se a ‘sf ‘L Poe ; ine beak ae ! se ee peal aa pee eber ammer, “| i : 2), ‘Day i at mi eta oh — (Tuesd A ibsecha” " (Thursday) ‘South: Rich. } Linescores: SEGUE, «ota N at’ Viewmonty iii Gun $pendiove, Clarkston an Hi f + o Males ye eeeck: |