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Show ST San ne are eee See ae " eo | eeaTa owes os tee oT: Fa oC). LP Be sae = es So aes es : Ss ree at ae Includes oei ; and physical and the forces changes. r that ; " : } eet Oe ae eS = | k histor ical geology with a close loo the earth. shape It also “hele ae aes éee a— gS gtPe ae Oe eter a“race en) ee ae a i ONT, eget y sils fos ofd considers the s tu One II or enrolled Alg. in Physics on This is the science of matter, moti m, etis magn ity, tric light, sound, elec Pre-requisite: One Il Alg. Alg. II in Ale. or it and and enrolled ae ee pay ae a ee ares:ae —- aa Tn; wr. 3 SS aoe the study of Grades | Unit Be) |& tt ae TO Pe a Ta 10, 11, 7 oS le of s uccession and Grades includes @ 3 oy Se life 12 10, 11, 12 heat, mechanics, 10, ll, 12 typing, Physiology Laboratory procedures such as blood functions. their and organs its body, human some skill in the The study of the are des igned to give the student sure pres blood of ng taki and , red corpuscle counting h or science requirement, but not both. This course will satisfy the healt health related occupations. Grades 10, (if you have had One Unit 9th gr. Bio.) 11, 12 Space and Weather modern instrumentation and erse (early studies and concepts, Studies on the design of the univ the Earth's atmosphere (air ons, bodies), the planet Earth, the solar system (origins and moti the course. in included motions, atmospheric water, weather, and climate) 1/2 attitudes), and its are Unit i ID wm | | er Some of the concepts to be computers which help man make react wisely to technological Unit This course energy. ics. phys rn mode One ee Grades Unit Man Made World ety. gy and its interaction with soci This course is a study of technolo of made Use will be ling and systems. Studied are decision-making, mode to develop the ability to This course will help the student decisions. developments. Pre-requisite: ever - the planet eat ave Ras en Grades 10, 11, 12 3 4 7 |