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Show } i N en, TEN et —_—~- 1. Thou shalt love COMMANDMENTS people, not just use greatest thing them. The in the world is The a person. Thing about greatest a person is his ‘motive, and the greatest motive is love. 2. Thou shalt develop un- derstanding. man's care were his our our If every written on brow, how many pity share, who envy now? 3. Thou shalt / Ou would bears compliment more had than criticize. better cover neighbor's faults cloak of charity. need your a circus own! tent 4, Thou shalt gry. If you're don't need to. wrong, you can't 5. Thou shalt It's no use to gument and lose Beware the You your The cover not get anright, you If you're afford to. not argue, win the arthe people. attitude In matters controversial My attitude is fine. I always see two points of view-- with a You may to OF HUMAN RELATIONS one that's wrong, 6. You the and mine. Thou shalt be kind. had better be kind to people you meet on the Way up; ones they are you meet the same on the way down. 7. Thou sense of that: shalt humor. have a A sense of humor is to man what 10. springs are t6 a wagon--it saves him a lot of jolts. 8. Thou shalt smile. No man he Thov. shalt is fully dressed until has a smile on his face. Remember, "Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone." 9. Thou shalt practice ly, the Jesus Christ... greatest leader the world the personification has ie Vo to ultimate tions! what thou ptreachest. One example is worth one thousand arguments. He is of men ever in known-- of human the rela- (A reprint, with gratitude to the original source.) RDER =: W, Mabe go school, to the Headmaster of the Universe, the Master of Man; the Secretary of Human Relations-—-name- ust Ben Lomond High School Volume 20 March 23, 1973 BONNIE LASSIES OF THE MONTH CHOSEN SHAUNA HOLLANDS— Ss, Vicki Coy has been selected to represent the Bonnie Lassies for the month of February. Vicki supports the group by serving as Co-Drill Mis- HOLLANDS CHAMBERS tress. She has been in the group for two years and really loves it. After school she goes up to Weber College and types for one of the teachers. After graduating she would like to go to Weber SELECTED STUDENTS OF for Representing the month is Shauna the: students of February the lead part in the School musical year as "Daisy Mae". this She attended Highland Junior High where she starred as "Winnie The Pooh" during her 9th in a play grade year. Shauna maintains a 3.0 grade average. Sewing is one of Shauna's favorite hobbys. She loves to sing and travel. She use to play the violin, but de- cided to quit because she had to cut her fingernails. Her favorite teachers are Mr Bullock and Mr. Freestone. She plans on attending Snow College to continue her study in drama. the the Joe is a very outgoing in athletics anda of the lettermans He has lettered three in wrestling and one His interest are built around all kinds or types of sports. He enjoys taking cars apart even though he put them back Ed- past Spencer, who ser- as secretary of the fer math maintains a even with her Choir, at Richard outstand- the sen Cooral Director tional at education. on March to the 27th Cedar on April 25th, 26th, and 27th. “Congrats Scotts " for such the best of concerts. a good luck job for in his spare time, going skiing. On Tuesday you turn your nights. whe: television o: does you it turn off? IL it does, then spend a lit: tle time learning some ne home economics’ skills Mrs. Dinsdale is sponsorin .a work shop in room’44 fro: 6;00 to 10:00. There yo can get together with som friends and work with suc things as; grooming, cook ing, and making clothes Stay for the whole time o for as long as you like. a and City has A's rv? schedule full of upcomming events which include the All City Festival at Ogden tour He BOREO WITH Ben Lomond, Schools that participated were: Ogden High School, West School, Weber State Acappella, and Weber State Singers. a the voca- straight During enjoys he "The groups did extremely well." Among the other High cho- as for ~—Bichard=was a member of Ben Lomond's golf team in the tenth and eleventh grades. and has was Lomond Scholar shop, and plans to major in Industrial Arts, hopefully at Utah State. Dr. William Ramsey, the Director of Choral Music at Utah State University. According to Mr. Ed Freestone, the. Choxal Director Ben maintainéd various categories and the judges included: Mr. Gordon Jessop, the Supervisor of Music in the Wéber County School System; Mr. Bernell Hales, the - University of Utah Despain from Sterling Choral Festival that was held on Wednesday, March the 8th. The singers were rated in and future SCOT SCHEDULE class. MARCH After High School she is planning on going into education, "hopefully elementary". She spends her spare time being a Symphony Leb, ‘a Gandy Striper at the McKay Dee Hospital and she enjoys skiing. If one write sand, performed ingly 4.0 A.P. together again. Joe is a teachers aid for his favorite teacher Mr. Hawkes. After he graduates, he plans to. study chemistry at college. SCHOLAR Bonnie Aires, Girls and the Acappella doing Janice is in the F.'‘1.A. and German Clan along with being Band President. Sia G.P.A. The Glee, 12 DES PAIN STERLING The Acapeila Choir group, has been elected the month of Janua.v. in football. Joe maintains a 3.4 grade average. can't General Janice ves Chosen to represent’ students as student of month for January was Chambers. Joe person member club. years in Vicki's favorite time is skiing. THE MONTH Hollands. " Shauna had and major ucation. Number CHORAL FELTIVAL you must slander some don't speak it = but it - write it in the near the water’s edge! NAPOLEON HILL 23: A.F.S. Assembly, 3rd Terms Ends, 8330-11300 MARCH 26: 4th MARCH 273 Region Term Baseball MARCH 30: State Forensics MARCH 31: This should at Ogden 5 : Region 7 : State prove APRIL 12: one-act "Music" Regional Hygh Meet April’s Fool Day. APRIL “Danc begins APRIL 1 3 APRIL A.F.S. to >be an extremely enjoyable plays Ensemble Individual Festival Interpertive events at B.L. d |