Title |
1972-1973 Ben Lomond High School Scrapbook |
Creator |
Ben Lomond High School |
Contributors |
Available through grant funding by the Utah State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. |
Description |
Since 1953, students at Ben Lomond High School have been creating scrapbooks. These books document the memories of the students each year. The scrapbooks hold a snapshot and time capsule of each student body. Each one contains photographs, newspaper articles and a written yearly history. |
Subject |
Students--1970-1980; Education; Ogden (Utah); Ben Lomond High School (Ogden, Utah) |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Date Original |
1972; 1973 |
Date |
1972; 1973 |
Date Digital |
2016 |
Temporal Coverage |
1953-1999 |
Item Size |
9 x 11.5 in. Hardbound scrapbook covered in red fabric with black, yellow, green, blue and white plaid pattern. 5.5 in. spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/11788968, 41.22809, -111.96766 |
Type |
Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications |
TIFF images were scanned at 400 dpi by Madison Rayner with an Epson Expression 100000XL scanner. OCR by Amy Higgs using ABBYY Reader. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Digital image copyright 2016, Ben Lomond High School |
Source |
Ben Lomond High School Library |
Format |
application/pdf |
ark:/87278/s630hnay |
Setname |
wsu_blhs |
ID |
12126 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s630hnay |
Title |
Back Cover - BenLomond_1972-73_492 |
Creator |
Ben Lomond High School |
Contributors |
Available through grant funding by the Utah State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. |
Description |
Since 1953, students at Ben Lomond High School have been creating scrapbooks. These books document the memories of the students each year. The scrapbooks hold a snapshot and time capsule of each student body. Each one contains photographs, newspaper articles and a written yearly history. |
Subject |
Students--1970-1980; Education; Ogden (Utah); Ben Lomond High School (Ogden, Utah) |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Date Original |
1972; 1973 |
Date |
1972; 1973 |
Date Digital |
2016 |
Temporal Coverage |
1953-1999 |
Item Size |
9 x 11.5 in. Hardbound scrapbook covered in red fabric with black, yellow, green, blue and white plaid pattern. 5.5 in. spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/11788968, 41.22809, -111.96766 |
Type |
Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications |
TIFF images were scanned at 400 dpi by Madison Rayner with an Epson Expression 100000XL scanner. OCR by Amy Higgs using ABBYY Reader. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Digital image copyright 2016, Ben Lomond High School |
Source |
Ben Lomond High School Library |
OCR Text |
Show 5 sei ’ | TL oe ee 5 gh iS ting rT MG ! ‘ = a iz ™e Fe - 3 ey 3 ‘ i Ps ie | eae a a Th aa ae ipertiet ete : go LCE eet PI js raf Mr eyhoy Lawl ee gas is gg 4 ha) Lar a ATES | mec sae, a a eeeSark : combs” ie od b epapiangt eA MMeer aac" «es a cima” :: eee aoe ae a . Peg 3s : PLPEP LILLE LL LOPLI ED eee eae * , a *. ee age e : % - i cs og oe ef ey de ; b ae a ee ae ap Sane. Ln ne. x Gi i x as A . ay Bs elem Ta Sa ae e = ‘i ft Rook is ts aetna BisA Zi Pg } 3 an SER i a Pa % “ Sete 2 eo yi fh ei all oh le Nin Ca i § ; aei rs P hekdee ra Pitesti Laer toed crane eel cea Tees an Ease Bra ere ee oe ie ELE L EL LILII Sekt hulishubsdidhahshatesbah heheh a a ae ae ak ote ae ue ca Sa. teddies ins ent | ae eng PELE LIE GLE LP ee* i oe a Pate a et art La LOL PY , yin = ae A a i. | War ae te . e . Tate . opt ae : ten ag , , m y:: ae 2 a I , Lip ge ‘ US 5 ” 5 ea + ‘ L e 4 - : me eg Cs . =e ts “ a Ra te Fe fet ess &. Emaar . N aaa TOT: x ae RST Fy . SRA is ase Ra e 4 eee a ta RE e ¥ ag i "i ey S ; Y2 és Se oO ey" ei ¢ Cae bh \ : | q Weg 1Sri Sig A eae PN. EO 2saR fs Nee San), | ae oe hi yh ae ae a agi 7 a 8 ; as « - MS bs ‘ae re oy, ae eee Fe ee ee CaS ; its Ths er : rine Lee, = viehl Sr iEaT) orien time Fae eee a eee ee x x | Mie a> Oe cy . t 3 tN oo 4 Nae a ho ages to ES uae SS oe op ae ON Wr ae Lae b ee, SION be Me) OS La) Ui ; rate k eee aA Me. ee” é ee So % ' = K. easky! A ~ eh Vg feere Tidewater Ao, : a st Pe h 3 {bP Ee hens a Fe iy aft theless ‘ if ee a ars AGE to - a i a i. ees if i‘ a ee a F Pn 4 Ure - : = ) . Oe" pte es yay eee waeSete a eenra rEg ara ers i ape -* i ie bad y Pe I phidotis airs Ch, Cee eg e iu eo Tes ar ) et iS is baa iad a nlp ma Fe re: Fle a - ee ci a i ae Se as ty a e a ts : A al ry ee oe a 1% Se i— a =1 2 aK a TR a 2 PS Sd i +s coielng ie eaten - a ea as i ae iS 9 $ i ae eX,42 om oa a a ati = oe is x ; ; > -~ = ~ RUT a fsa i. aoe i . Taek 2 bs Ps I | a Si ee 38 eae a ma fa fh = i Ps A re Fes OeFe eae ee fo a te4 ps PS ae a Fa! Saas re,Ta SS a aa mh me) oa 5 Ed Lid ies as SS ats =~ a4 i se i Spal rd trent~ a SARA res ed 5 Tn al = “a ; | 7 a Hh bad Fe’ ray it 4 is ee oe p- = ic et i ka te on at “a 4i at Pe ti ial es etroad o rg 0 em * nae Sa “Ws bod ad bal 8 ee oe ye an real Pau Fat re Be Pe fe Tadthe Bia! ee 1 iy a 5ian Be aes a bi blct i ad Laat sa i < 4 “Gt potefe re * : ica k ea 3 a ee J ' ¢ re, P i ¥ oa ay 5 ys a! aa = 1? Ba Y : P7em , >. BD ie 5 es om a Se a i ek aie s Se ri ‘4 =“ty |
Format |
application/pdf |
Setname |
wsu_blhs |
ID |
18978 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s630hnay/18978 |