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Show iplomas 4 ms fo 1. Col rt > “sp saemahen ‘Michael Todd Burnett,” John. TURELLO, Jose Daniel Medina, Rory Burt, Kim Allen Bushman, Gerald Lee Medina, Carl Greg Gene Guy Bybee, Shawn D. ‘|\Merino, Gene —_ Leonard Byers, Gregory James Byrne, May 31 a 8 p.m.“a Don Jeffrey Campbell, Cole Messerly, Keith Reynolds Tabernacle. Michael Ray Miller Randy Capener, Roger Glen Mildon, Kenneth Alford. will Carlsen and David Evan Mark Jay Mitchell, Brian Nee Mitton, Michael Taggart Moon | Carrick. the graduates on ‘‘Whe Jeffrey Rock Chadwick, and Leslie Stephen Muchmore. Her re re , following Herbert Helmut Mudrow, Joseph Michael Chambers, Glen v2 |A. Cheney, Earl Milton Cherry, Danny L. Myers, Bruce Nei ims, |Kenneth Guy Clegg, Patrick McFarland, William Sco 2\James Clemens, Tim Ashley Mclilrath, Gary Thad Napper, ‘3a Clendenin, Francis Scott Cook, Brent Donald Neal, Boyd Clay » |Brett Kelly Cope and Kent Nelson, Val Christopher Nelson, Lamont Dee Nelson and Marc Darwin Costley. Nelson - ‘on’ | Gilbert Nicholas, Reality ” Kim Collard will WESLEY RAYMOND COTMasyasu~ Noguchi, Jakob “Great is the H TRELL, Robert Scott Critchlow, Denes Jr., Eric Otto: Olafson, Giving a speech entitled, Leon George Crosson, Paul Jr., Randy §. Olson, Ki Accept the Challenge,” wi William Dabling, Ernest Allan Gregory Palmer, Wendell J young Williams. Dalpias, Frankie. Manuel Parkinson, Jr., Howard Arthu _ PRESENT CLASS” Delgado, Anthony James Paskett, ‘Doehler Steve Presentation of the gradi DeMinck, Richard Burns Pearson, Kevin Dale Pendleton: Despain, Ben DeVries and and Stephen William Perry. will be made by Allan J. principal, with the accept Robert F. Dominguez. KIM CLAYTON PETERSON Mark Alan Dunham, Thomas made by Dr. Gerald assistant supertindent of! Donald Edvalson, Kim Harry John R. Phelps, Brent Edwar Ercanbrack, Daniel «Bernard Phillips, Ronald Kevin Phipps Ogden Schools. Board of Education mem, Etcheverry, David Louis Evans, Roger Marcus Pickett, Steve Evenhuis, Brent Henry Pluim, Robert W. Price, Spencer J. Klomp and Gle Hendrick Joeldon Price, Scott Holley’ will present diploma Smeding Farr, Brent Richard Rodney - Convocation exercises fon Florek, Jeffrey Scott Folker and Ralph, Val Louis Read and Ralph Brian Rees. graduates will be held eg, Michael Vaughn Fortie. — Robertus Carolus Nicolaas. Thomas William Fowles, Kim on May 27 at 11 am. in Rex Alvin Rhodes, Martin Fuhriman, David Louis Remkes, Weber State College Fine Clay Howard Richardson, Christopher Scott ; | Gallegos, Building aulitorium. The welcome - oe give, Gates, Curtis John Gerritsen, Bradley John Robbins, James Danny Shane Gleave, Jerry Sidney Robinson, Kerry Ray Jeff Campbell, — ir Earl Gordon, George William Robinson, Larry Donald Rose, peels The speaker Dr. Reed H. Bradford,:‘sociq Grant, William Clair Green and Donald Ray Russell, Andrew Jake Sajazar and David Robert professor at Brigham i Jon Allen Grosgebauer. University. TODD J. GUNNELL, Gregory Salmon. Daniel Leon Sanchez, Peter Music will be provided .by Allen Hackney, Robert Clyde Sanders, Loy Duane a cappella choir and the. Hadley, Gerald Frank Ham- Lynn Satterthwaite, Michael Brent Lomond High School Chay mond, Robert Dean Hansen, Saunders, Scott Roy Sessions, Orchestra. Leonard ODeloy Harrington, The invocation will be £ Bradley Arthur Hart, Roger Clark Lowell Shaw, William by Kim Peterson with |Charles Hartman, Kenneth Joeseph Shaw, Rickey Quinn benediction. given by | Eardley Hawks. and Michael Shelton, Matthew Anthony Simonich and Eliot Earl Smith. ‘Berube. | _|Lafeyette Hawks. GLENN LOWE SMITH, Ora Girls graduating ales. Tony Hernandez, Howard ~Karen Louise Adelt, Teri David Hill, Erik Nils Hoel, Karl Smith, Mark Alan Smith, ‘Alberts, Kathy Jean Albi Scott S. Holliday, Henry Lewis Nolan Lynees Smith, Jack Alan Laurie ’ Alexander, ‘Lesley Holtan, Brian Clark Hood, Squires, Vadie Gene. Starks, Bryan Steele, Gary Alford, Julie Allred, , Douglas Darrel Hunt, James David Alvarez, Kathy Christine . Melvin Hyatt, Douglas Michael Weston Stoker, Jeffery Len Stokes and William Russell derson “and Lois Barbara Hunter and Kelly Leonard IpStreeper. derson.© son. Kelly Marshall Thiel, Benny Michael Jay Jensen, Parley PENNY ANN ‘ANDER! Ray Tillman, Curtis Lynn Carla Lueretia Atencio, F Christen Jensen, Gilbert Walter Tolsma, Robert John Tolton, Johnson, Greg 4H. Johnson, Lynn Averett, Bonnie Bi Porter Johnson, Kirk Wesley Turley, Daron Jay ‘Donna Rae Baker, Judy. Michael Paul Jones, David Tuttle, Bruce Ivan Vail, Gary iBarker, Carol Belliston, § Clarence Vail, Richard Alan Michael Jones, James Bahner Leon ‘Echo Berg, Bonnie Sue . Kessler, Nicholas Redger Kunz, Vallejos and Ocker Dick Van| and Connie Marie Bills. Batenburg. LaFleur, Cory Kathy Boyington, Kerry 4 Steven’ Ronald Lee Van Sweden, r| Brethouwer, April Jean Bre Bradford Larsen and Sidney Val Alfred Brent Wade, James Jill Bryan, Vicki Lynn E Larsen. Alfred Wade, David Carl man, Rebecea Lynn Calli Bruce William Loftus, Gilbert Wager, Dean Richard Walling, © De 'L. Lujan, Dennis Lavelle Lund, | pa eo) Russell Leon Malan, Wesley Anthony Lloyd Walton, Richard Watkins and Keith| | Delon Mangum, Jeffery Lynn Thomas Lal Oeste Manning, Brian Dean Marietti, Fred Watts. wi Phillip Marcus Williams, Rex Bruce Allen Marietti, Michael Williams, Norris Me W. Marston, Garth Andrew Talmage Wirick, Terance A. “Cole, § Martin and Anthony David Randy Woodson, Paul Thomas YanMartinez. ' ction Shupe, K naccone, sey Ree oo eee Marie Cook, DAVID DFAN” MAR. pedri. Y AU aw, (fF 1! 3 |