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Show * TABLE OF CONTENTS Greetings and Welcome from Nancy Kaye Ethington, Secretary-General, Sponsors i UHS MUNA i Ae ee ee ee de i eee Critique See Eee Committee Mee see ee ee SCO wee 60 ee 0 eee oo OO oe 0 ome oe 8 ee 6 Ooo ee Os Message to the Nineteenth UHS MUNA from Secretary-General, Messages UN eee OOO oes © 8 © 6 © 0 oe Oe ei 0 0 6 ee 6S 0 6 8 he ee 6 0 6 6 8 6 00 © 0 0 0 © es: . Cee ee e ot 3 2 0 NANCY KAYE ETHINGTON Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, ‘ i 4 ee a ee Ce ee eed *. ‘ ee eel President Richard M. Nixon John Scali, U.S. Representative to the UN Keynote Speaker, The Honorable Charles W. Yost, Formerly UHS MUNA Permanent U.S. Representative to the UN GREETINGS AND WELCOME ICIPANTS TO MODEL UNITED NATIONS PART .................. Ambassador-in-Residence, The Right Honorable Lord Caradon, Formerly Minister of State of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Permanent Country U.K. Representative at the UN , oe i Policy Speakers Roster of Participating + Schools and 17 Advisors................ccccceecccceues Member States of the Nineteenth General Assembly tion, University of Utah, and the On behalf of the Di vision of Continuing Educa most warm greet ings and sincere my extend I Secretariat, Nations odel United hile taking part in t he Model United 90d wishes for the success of your meetings w ations. 4 g in Gove With the expanded role you are now playin roug zation ssembly will prove to be a viable organi . . § . : Ww : as Represented by the Utah High Schools ......... | a Observer States of the Nineteenth General Assembly a as Represented by the Utah High Schools ..............0 0... cece eee eee 8 Flag Bearers .......... 0c cece cence cence cence eee eeeeetenteecnee ce ee ell 18 Student Evaluation States Observer States Presidential Courtesy A Song of Peace oe ee ee oe ea ) ‘these problems and in your efforts to find workable a 1n I 3 a ietior: the these sessions is that you will put a Oo ld a CMEC Membership > 3 2G — i to Do............. cece ec eee eee ili eee ee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee & ng, or trying to run, oursélves in the position of the people who are actually runni stand the problems under to begin ll he affairs of the world. And by doing that you wil You will listen... alone. view their full reality rather than from just one poin t of out yourselves. ab and world the About learn... will You speak... ou will . Deen eee : 3é .............ce cece cece eect eee e teen eect eenneseeee es Of ee you an opportunity The most important thing that you will do in «fi Cr Committee Education and Europe giving cc ccc cece cee eee cece eee eeeee 6 ame 2( .............. CO and Things evaluated, the various issues. As the worlds \d debate with vour fellow delegates on studies roblems increase,, the role of the UN becomes ever more import pi ant. In your 11 inherent and Delegates Staff and ois perience both the possibilities and limitations and Delegates Sponsors Places to Go Team be and l 90 Press Representatives Member dlicy e studied ee a a! | ick ° . Inside 0 not and While we may consider problems which face us in short term, we should And if we do that, annot afford to take a short term view. We must look ahead. of the world — ee pon c € come to the inevitable conclusion that problems a ed on a universal Beit tackl be to have — war of and peace of rces, { resou tives of the younger genera i pare ‘world order has to emerge. As representa of current problems to your Ow ion solut the relate to task ist make it your Wish you good luck in your endeavours. ; |