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Show \oitic. SEOs QUESTIONS 1. I've true? heard that students If so, How many? First been of all approximately ‘ & COMMENTS are getting What's no one ON ATTEND? has happened been ~ "kicked" to out right and left. Is this then? completely kicked out of school. There has 63 referrels: 48 extended day (night school) 2 skill center North SUDA 1 Home & Hospital 12 Inner school 2. The policy is so strict, you WRONG. There are 4 seperate out before a referral. They sluff once and your kicked out. be carried parent, principal.) A fact ss : | Ts, wie - of referral program. the average student in a referral but between 59- 180 times. --1970- Si 108 : 3, that 74 tne ee re we is Numbers of Dropouts SF wee not widely known sluffed ju Choice > 1971- os niet, © 68 a) 1972- Jan 1973. “Policy Jan 1973- Present ost into effect ey iy. ts No, our attendance rose to 94% cumulatively across the ard term, needed over 94.5% to receive any money. But the way the attendee “ it seems, highly pessible to receive funds in the future. A. IF THE POLICY DOES NOT PASS, WHAT THEN? But We would all like state law requires stealing. Learning Center. referral have proarams any additional we would still there would questions, Tuesday 3rd of April, in Media Center. comments, and a Does that surprice you?????? ce 4 7 a ” eee 9 fake iss “se 5 ate th Bie Std. | * r 2 ’ y ‘> teat eri. Be sure to vetet thes) %. : . 7 csstions thiaane will be. held: “ ee eens ns P.S. Want to go skiina, fishing, etc. Get your parents, OK and principal approval and its ok. Under our attendance policy. Tits ee“3 * have to go to class, but» aisPigg : ; eo be only repping: out: ands talk to Student Body Officers or Mr. Kap or Mr. Cracas.— a System. | to go to school when we want and not go ‘when we wi oS us to attend. Just the same as state jaw prohibits fee” If the policy fails, of any If you tr re “gr WHAT ABOUT THE MONEY THING, DO WE GET ANY MONEY FROM OUR ATTENDANCE? instead anes RIGHT? steps (one for each truancy) that must are 1. Teacher evaluation 2. Notification of parents 3. Conference (student, teacher, 4. : All these students would have been dropouts without the policy. Now they are earning credits. Some seniors who would have not graduated in reqular —--. school are going to extended day. There has been alot of talk of students getting kicked out, but the truth is the majority of students in these programs like them better then reqular school, and do not wish to return. If they do want to return, they have that opportunity. This policy is not to punish those who are always sluffing, it actually helps them. ga oe en oe | i i NS tg oe game oo | |