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Show that food! Smell Many students and teachers have followed their noses to "The Country Kitchen", (room 62) where they received good home cooking for a very low price. The I dare you! Yes, you: I dare you to become a distinct individual, to stand out among your fellow students. I dare you to make your own decisions and stand by them. Individuality is becoming a thing of the past. Social pressures are taking over as major influences in our society. Many young people have a tendency to run with the crowd. They assume that the crowd's way is the "now thing" without stopping to consider’ the pros or cons. They fail to heed the advice or warnings of those who are older and more experienced. What could a person over thirty possibly know about life? If the crowd is for it, so are they. Fashion The Home Economics department presented a fashion show on Wednesday, April 18th in the auditorium., The theme was based on the "Fashion Freeway". The girls who participated designed - their own individual outfits and were judged in class 2 days before the show. The winners were announced as: First place-Carol Belliston, who recieved a pair of electric scissors from Aaron Jewelry. Second place-Sally POETRY Ben Lomond was well represented at the Poetry Festival which was held recently. Many people seem to entertain the ‘idea that if a person does not participate in or accept those ideas of the crowd he is considered a misfit. The need for social acceptance is becoming so important today that it is crowding out our own individuality and creativity. Youth is becoming a mold, subject to their peers' way of behavior. Are you going to settle for being a carbon copy? I dare you to _ take the initiative to make it on your own. It takes very little personal strength to follow, but a great amount to lead. The use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are just a few areas where the crowd rules. The "in" thing may not always be the best road to follow. Freeway Ravenburg, who recieved a cutting board from Singer's Sewing Company. Third place-Nancy Byrne, who recieved some thread snips from the Sewing Machine Exchange. Fourth placeJeanine Fadel who recieved a pressing hem from Bernina's Sewing Company. The honorable mention was given to Susan Berg. The winning dresses will be displayed in the window of J.C. Penny's during’ the week of April 30 to May 4. I dare you! Yes you: Are you capable of becoming an individual? I ask, "Science, where the hope?" Science answers, "Wait we'll have the answer soon." and the children die in Asia of Napalm burns. I ask, "Sociology, where is the hope?" B.F. Skinner answers, "There is no hope, man is dead, nothing." and the aged die of air. I ask, ‘Government where is the hope?" Government answers, "It is still in committee." and a young man jumps in suicide. I ask, "Education, where is the hope?" Education answers,"It is in English Lit., and Chemistry." and 104 die in an airplane crash. I ask, "Man, where is the hope?" Man answers by shrugging his shoulders, cursing and hiding his face. and the souls of men die from Moscow to Washington. I shout at the clouds, "Is there a hope, a future?" and the ignored voice of Jesus answers, "Yes I am coming!" — The class’ had to learn trade techniques, such as buying and preparing foods, and opening and running a restaurant, before starting on their class project. The main purpose was to give the girls vocational training in food services. At —- — The world of "E!" What would ve do without the letter "2?" Some people would rather it not be around. It's always ‘cut of cash, in danger, in torment, misery, and distress and ends in hate. Though it is never in war, always in peace, and something to eat. It's the beginning of existences, ease, and the end of trouble. Yet without it there would be no life, heaven, of ????. It is the center of honesty, always in love, and the end of failure, promise and name. Finally, appropriate for a finish to this drivel, it is the beginning of the end. What would we do without the letter "E?" It is kind of nice to have around. the end of this course, each girl ficate of recieved a certitraining. STATE AGAIWN Ben Lomond participated in the region one act play contest hosted by Ogden High on April 2, 1973. The representatives from B.L. presented the play entitled "Andante," by Caretts. The cast consisted of: Rex Williams portrayed as David, Bruce played by Bill Helms, Martha played by Kathy West, Alice new memLer Some of you loyal readers of the Highlander will have noticed a few new and original cartoons pertaining to Ben Lomond in this and the last issue of our Highlander. portrayed by Susan Patterson, and Dr. Andrews playéd by Terry Bexell. Out of the seven schools that participated, four schools will go to state. They were: Ben Lomond, Viewmont, Bountiful, and Clearfield. The state competition wes held at B.Y.U. on April<27:,..1973. These amusing and well known occurances characterized, are drawn by a new member of our staff, Mike Ryan. If you have not as yet seen Mike, look for him in the halls. You will know him by his beautiful pants. | BIOLOGY FES. Colleen lard. Bryan, and Kim Col- Susan Hill, a senior at BL, was a_ finalist in poetry reading. Receiving honorable mention were: Carol Manzel, Susan Thompson, Adele Gibson, Paula Burke, Emily Fowers, and Kay Schriok, Superiors in poetry reading were: Anne wolthuis, Alison Hawkes, Karen Ellis, Kerry Brethouwer also ceived a certificate original poetry. 1 co refor "Now where could that athletes foot the is The Country Kitchen was owned and operated by the vocational foods class. The class consists of nine girls who traded off jobs each day the restaurant was open. Mrs. Carol Satterthwaite, the originator of the venture, is their teach er. YOU from WHERE 8 HOPE This was a non-profit organization, which is why the prices were so good. DARE response faculty was excellent, but the students seemed to have been more of complainers. fungus have gotten off to?" |