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Show are ish Cie os dade Sia | i ndorlca cea RA be i. ai a * fy Ta eo nisag Sab hairy ee y a * el 5 i he ye ft dal othe MESSAGES FROM MESSAGE FROM TH SECRETARY-GENERAL 9 UNITED NATIONS To 7 19TH SESSION OF Th UTAH HIGH SCHOOL mM UNITED NATIONS ASSE} 3 MAY 1973 Iam very glad to have this oppe of sending a message to the Ute School Model United Nations, _ This program, since its inceptic teen years ago, has helped mo: 16,000 students to understand tt ings of the United Nations. Suc rams are invaluable for teaching something of the achievements STATES April 24, 1973 nt months have signaled great triumphs in our priority commit” Ms, coneration of peace. The last combat troops left Vietnam a month ners of war are at home. We have set up liaison offices with the People’s =. i .. fChina. Weare working bilaterally with the Soviet Union to seek agreement or limits of strategic arms and on other matters of vital national interest. .Be enational _ vc intensified our cooperation with other nations in a wide variety of organizations dealing with matters of common concern. All of these THE activities PRESIDENT involve OF THE UNITED us in the familiar political "Those who actively involve themselves in the Model that the Preamble of the Che te with the words “We the peopl United Nations.” Our task is to s humanity, and in this task wer sympathetic understanding an support of people everywhere. — I am sure that the students © this meeting of great value to | hope that they will continue the est in our work all their lives. my generation know only toow is the alternative to a peacefu which is conducted on the basis 0 respect and assistance among” The United Nations, founded at of the most terrible war in hist vides the only universal structur maintenance of peace on our pli I wish you well in your progr . vt vind program Nations are tf Fip— ~ FROM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE UNITED NATIONS March 5, 1973 | Tam delighted to greet the hundreds of young men and women of Utah who are pal icipating in the annual Utah High School’s Model United Nations Assembly and to encourage all of you in the serious and constructive interest your gathering together represents. . _ Although only recently named as Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, I have long known how much our success at the United Nations, and the success of the United States itself, depend on your kind of support. p Furthermore, Opportunity is one thing you are able ity of UN through the instrument of the Model United Nations, you have the to understand the functioning of the UN in a very practical way. It to read about the debates in New York or even to witness them. Here to participate in just the same kind of exercise, to understand the complexprocedures, and to know both the scope and the limitations of the Jrganization. & United ebtaining valuable firsthand. experience with international politics. You are more aware than ever that agreements are not automatic or easily arrived at. They must cS worked for. Knowledge of parliamentary rules is basic to the effective representation of each point of view. Ideas must be harmonized if resolutions are to be adopted | th and if all mankind is to be served. I warmly commend you on this early participation in the increasingly complex task of ensuring that future generations will live in true peace’ and prosperity. Uk bo ficulties which the U.N. has exp and still experiences. | | The United Nations consist member-states, each sovereig independent. But we must neve of exploring processes inal interests, finding grounds for united action and discovering ways of working * together for the greater good of all. You will find that the UN @ great catalyst among governments, is not a world government, as such, but a peace-keeper that cannot always keep the Peace, but is always ready and eager to try. Above all, you are supporting and furthering that idealist which remains the vital Park of all UN activities, an idealism that is both American and world-wide. I “A you all success in what I know will be a most rewarding experience. a Sincerely John Scali |