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Show ; +a uel ' eae Meee ’ cle ARON da ‘i tie aid Se f a. te 5 SE ft ibs dee ee ys RR aE Oe rae ae be ae LIN Jrditer ALIENS AEG AEE sgroup should set i.s own goals, Do § should be decided on by tio whole roup should set its own agenda, a ur: you when use your for g are some suggestions os Sion group leader :~ VT PbO YR wre not imposs your <oJs, eroup in discussion, The mM decisions should be made by the group, Do not be tempted to ike decisions for the group, Do not try to impose your standards .e group, no matter how tempting this is, t ie, ee Santormal, Use first names, informal clothing, arrange chairs peircles, encourage spontaneous discussion with few rules. As Pas possible, do away with voting, hand raising, and Robert's LOS Uactive, Set an atmosphere that sncourages all to particip ate, little talking yourself, Ask questions, Aecopt opinions of all S without criticizing them. Be accepting, Listen to the rs, fe friendly, he more peopie talk, the morse they lite ‘Giscussiion,. euethods which allow participat andion help program solving. frequently into small ak group dow spLSMS tO Solve. cussion without groups with iroups ara often Subgrouping., Use too large listening S; and other methods which encourage a. Continually evaluate, Jliolp the elear for effective teams, demonstrations, participation, the group to evaluat e how doing, whether it is solving its problems, whether it is Piishing its goals; use post-meeting reaction sheets, BeStion boxes, buzz groups on the question: Our in group 2 circle, & Separate _8 Casual me eae with the facts to the ee group, not in who the or behind a rostrum, could So that people Pe ++ 3it table, observer onli "How can ve discussion?” grou from 2. not tell can comfortadly lave the confidence group. Trust Meee 88Y : "vio," not "I" or "You"; and what « we think” and not what the front of the Arrange leader so was, seo all the others in the group. group to Do make think in terms "T group, chairs the of “our Ten. e Betas PLeg satts, +s ~ <, ir Uh and i ye > 2 JyYNaAmies As. J Lorraine of gr Ad gpRikers Peo: er * —P APLC DL rat ‘ars eee a ee REN AEP Saiyan wer elmer, Y 4% LW ore Sa regis fo 4nd Lek hs EP OND w Nee ater ene Bent tte hu Lf ¥ v , t i @. ) ¢ aes + Py = ) ig we on |