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Show 42 43 Q GEN ED COURSES Should other courses relating specifically to Latin America, either of an experimental or of a permanent nature, be added to the curriculum, these courses will be accepted as part of the Latin American Studies Minor Program. Should such courses be part of an academic area not listed above, the new academic area will be added to those presently constituting the Latin American Studies Minor. 4360 4380 4750 4250 4270 Classical Political Thought Modern Political Thought Public Policy Analysis Philosophy of Law Sociology of Law 3 3 3 ‘| 3 Economics as a Social Science Group Dynamics 3 3 ¢ Correlative Courses Econ Psych SVS $S$1010 3560 Psych 3460 Social Psychology Soclgy 3270 Criminology Geront 3200 Economy of Aging Other courses may be approved by the program director on an Coordinator: Dr. Rod O. Julander Location: Social Science, Room 280A Telephone: 626-6697 3 3 3 individual basis. The Legal Studies Minor Program is an interdisciplinary program offered through a number of cooperating departments including Accounting, Business Adminis- SS tration, English, Communications, Computer Information Systems, Math, Child and Family Studies, Criminal Justice, History, Sociology, Economics, Gerontology, Psychology, Social Work, and Se Telephone: 626-7632 The Women's Studies minor is an LEGAL STUDIES interdisciplinary program which introduces students to the current scholarship in the study of women, past and present, from a variety of cultural, class, sexual preference, ethnic, and religious orientations. » Grade Requirements: A grade of “C” or better in all courses used toward the minor (a grade of “C-” will not be accepted). » Credit Hour Requirements: A minimum of 21 credit hours. Course Requirements 3210 HU1150 Advanced College Writing Critical Thinking 1160 4060 Intro to Logic Elements of Law Wwwiw Core Courses Required (9 credit hours) or Philo PolSc Additional Courses Required (12 credit hours) Students must take 12 additional hours from groups. No more than 6 hours (excluding be lower division nor may be taken in any program must be approved by the program at least three of the following the core requirements) may one discipline. The student’s coordinator. 3050. Introduction to Feminist Theories 1700 - Present (3) Women’s Studies 3050 is an introduction to the study of feminist theories from the late 18th Century to the present. Students will study historical accounts of feminism by looking at primary sources written by influential feminists, as well as theoretical treatises on different kinds of feminism. The class will be taught using collaborative learning and will rely on class discussion and interaction, rather than traditional lecture format. (2) Prerequisite: WS 4050 (or equivalent 4830. Directed Readings (1-3) Directed individual readings in the general area of women’s studies. Specific topic selected in consultation with instructor; amount of Course Requirements for Minor i pen ee 3 3 2010 Elementary Financial Acctng I 3 Acctng Comm Comm Camm 2020 HU1020 2200 4150 Elementary Financial Acctng II Principle of Public Speaking Argumentation & Debate Classical Rhet Theory & Criticism 3 WS 4860 iter ai 0 : 's Studies* 1-2 3 WS 4990 ae - = eee 2 31, ee 3 WS 4060 (2) and WS 4860 (2) represent alternate tracks for students 1010D 3030 3410 lnitste World Wide Wed Intemed.: English Grammar Probability & Statistics 2 3 3 with interest in academic careers or community work, respectively. Either one may be taken as an elective by students choosing the alternate course as a requirement. As an elective, WS 4860 may be 3400 Real Estate Principles & Practices 3 taken for 1 or 2 credit hours. e Law Courses major department.) » Program Prerequisite: A student's program of study for the Women's Studies Minor must be approved by the Women's Studies Coordinator. » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better is required for all courses used toward the minor (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable.) » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 20 credit hours is required for this minor. Acctng BusAdm (3) An introduction to the discipline of women's studies (using multicultural sources) based on feminist scholarship derived from women's experiences, perspectives, critiques, and theories. 4060. Research Project Women's Studies Courses Required (12 credit hours) WS SS$2050 Introduction to Women's Studies WS 3050 Feminist Theories * Skills Important to Law CS Engl Math Studies Directed research project including literature survey and completion of study in area of student’s choosing, guided by faculty mentor(s) from Women’s Studies program (and, where appropriate, student’s for Minor Engl Philo $S2050. Introduction to Women's ea : Electives (8 credit hours) coursework) and permission of instructor. of the Law 3130 Hist PolSc PolSc WS Constitutional History of the US 3 3170 AI/SS1100 English History (to 1714) American National Government 3 3 4600 Legislative Process 3 Requirements for Emphasis Courses Required (6 credit hours) Geogr 3410 Land Use Plan Tech & Practices Geogr 3420 Advanced Planning Tech 3 3 Electives (12 credit hours) For students completing both a major and a minor, the requirements of the major field will be reduced by fifteen hours. They will be replaced by 12 hours of interdisciplinary courses selected outside the major field from the following. 3 3 WS SS2050 (or equivalent coursework) and permission of instructor. Geogr Geosci 3360 4210 Economic Geography Intro to GIS 3 4 4860. Internship in Women’s Studies (1-2) Opportunity for service learning with campus/community organiza- Geosci Micro PolSc 2540 LS1150 3700 Environmental Geology Elementary Public Health Intro to Public Administration 4 3 3 3750 Urban Government & Politics 3 tions involved with women’s issues, applying principles learned in women’s studies coursework to bring about beneficial social change. Prerequisite: completion of WS 4050 (or equivalent coursework) and permission of the instructor. This course may be repeated once for credit toward the minor. When taken to fulfill a program PolSc requirement, students must register for 2 credit hours. Soclgy 2850 Sociology of Cities 3 Soclgy 3850 Sociology of Urban Life 3 Soclgy 3300 Environmental Sociology 3 and a basic statistics course taken in a department of the student's choice. 2900/4900. Topics in Women’s For students who wish to complete the Planning Emphasis Program Studies (1-3) Varied topics as described in the quarterly schedule. Topics will be drawn from issues related to women’s studies. This course may be taken more than once with different course content. have an academic or service orientation. Hist Course Urban Geography Capstone course including discussion and synthesis of major issues * Background » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better is required for all courses in Urban and Regional Planning (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable). » Credit Hour Requirements: A minimum of 18 credit hours. 3210 4990. Senior Seminar listing in Women’s Studies. PLANN Geogr Women’s Studies Coordinator. Electives may include up to 3 credit hours of Directed Readings. Elective credits may include courses from other departments or programs if they have been approved for crossWS REGIONAL level of topic and degree of difficulty of reading and consistent with any existing university and departmental quidelines. Prerequisite: 3 3 3 3 AND 3 3 Law of Mass Communication Criminal Law Laws of Evidence 3 URBAN gS Cartographic Principles & Tech 3650 1330 2350 American Constitutional Law I This program provides a special emphasis in Urban and Regional Planning for majors in Botany, Sociology, Geography, Geosciences, Microbiology, Politics, Economics, Zoology, and related fields. The planning emphasis offers students a background in planning by adding a set of core courses to the major of their choice. This allows each student to pursue his discipline and still gain a general understanding of the field of planning. Environment Appreciation Cartography Comm CJ CJ American Constitutional Law II Telephone: 626-6943 3460 3 | A total of 8 credit hours of electives chosen in consultation with the 4020 Applied Science & _LS1403 3450 Consumer Rights & Respons 4030 WS SL 202M Geogr 3150 PolSc Location: Botany Geogr material to be read determined at discretion of instructor, based on ChFam PolSc HNRS & BIS LIBSCI Coordinator: Dr. Bryan Dorsey 4050. Research Methodologies (2) Designed to introduce students to a variety of approaches to research in women's studies. Students will consider some of the assumptions which underlie research methodologies which may limit our knowledge about women as research subjects and as researchers themselves. Prerequisite: WS 3050 (or equivalent coursework) or permission of instructor. Coordinator: Dr. Diane Krantz Location: Social Sciences, Room 381 Political Science and Philosophy. URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING EMPHASIS WOMEN'S STUDIES COURSES - WS a PolSc PolSc PolSc Philo Soclgy in women’s studies. in lieu ofa minor, Geogr 3410 and 3420 will be required as well as 12 hours of interdisciplinary courses from the above list outside the major field. (2) Students will discuss specific projects (com- RESTHY BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL pleted or in progress) related to their career goals; these projects may Prerequisite: completion of 4830 Directed Readings 1.3 the women’s studies core (or equivalent) courses and permission of 2900/4900 Topics in Women’s Studies 1-3 the instructor. NAVSCI WE: BE’ R °S)T) AcT Eo UANiI*V¥ BIR S'1'‘T ¥ WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY WS |