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Show 256 257 DEGREE REQ GEN ED COURSES 6120. Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry (3) 6710, 6720. Numerical Analysis Course (3-3) Axiomatic development of geometry; Euclidean and non-Euclidean. Introduction to numerical methods. Use of the digital computer in Prerequisite: solving otherwise intractable problems. Prerequisite: MathEd 5350 and CS 1220 or other approved programming language; MathEd MathEd 5220. 6160. Number Theory (3) An overview of beginning number theory including the integers, modulo arithmetic, congruences, Fermat's theorem and Euler's theorem. Prerequisite: MathEd 5210. 6350. Linear Algebra (3) Theory and applications of linear algebra including abstract vector spaces and canonical forms of matrices. Prerequisite: MathEd 5350. 6410, 6420. Probability and Statistics (3-3) The mathematical content of probability and statistics at the undergraduate post calculus level. An understanding of the application of probability and statistics is also stressed. Corequisite: MathEd 5310 or prerequisite of MathEd 5220 and consent of instructor. Further prerequisites: MathEd 6410 for 6420. 6550. Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (3) Formulation, solution and interpretation of mathematical models for problems occurring in areas of physical, biological and social science. Prerequisite: MathEd 5310 and 5350. 6610. Graph Theory (3) Principles of Graph Theory including methods and models, special types of graphs, paths and circuits, coloring, networks, and other applications. Prerequisite: MathEd 5210. 6620. Enumeration (3) Principles of Enumeration including counting principles, generating functions, recurrence relations, inclusion-exclusion, and applications. Prerequisite: MathEd 5210. 6630. Boundary Value Problems 6710 for 6720. 6730. Partial Differential Equations (3) First order equations, characteristics and classifications, Green's identities, models, transforms. Prerequisite: MathEd 6630. MICROBIOLOGY Microbiology is the study of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and protozoa) including their structure, metabolism, distribution, and ecological Knowledge gained by microbiologists leads to a better understanding of molecular-level life processes and to beneficial applications in agriculture, industry, and medicine. The field is expanding, with special emphasis being given to genetic engineering, biotechnology, cell culture, disease and the immune response, production and storage of food, research and development and quality assurance of industrial products, disposal and detoxification of wastes, and the monitoring of environmental quality. (3) Series solutions, Fourier series, separation of variables, orthogonal functions. Prerequisite: MathEd 5350. 6640. Differential Equations II (3) Matrix approach to linear systems, nonlinear systems, Laplace transforms. Prerequisite: MathEd 5350. 6650. Complex Variables (3) Analysis and applications of a function of a single complex variable. MathEd 5310 and 5350. 6660. Modern Algebra I (3) Logic, sets, and the study of algebraic systems including groups, rings, and fields. Prerequisite: MathEd 5350. 6670. Modern Algebra II (3) Continuation of Math 4110: advanced topics from groups, rings, and fields including the Sylow theorems and Galois theory. Prerequisite: MathEd 6660. limits, continuity, integration, differentiation, sequences and series. Other topics may include Lebesgue measure and Prerequisite: MathEd 5310 and 5350 for 6680; MathEd 6680 for 6690. 6700. Topology » Program Prerequisite: Not required. » Minor: Required Courses required for the major also satisfy a minor in Chemistry. courses required for this major in addition to an overall GPA of 2.00 or higher. » Credit Hour Requirements: (3) A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation—a minimum of 71 of these is required within the major. A total of 40 upper division credit hours is required (courses numbered 3000 and above.) Advisement All Microbiology students are encouraged to meet with a faculty advisor at least annually for course and program advisement. Call 626-6949 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Admissions 6680, 6690. Introductory Real Analysis (3-3) Develop the analysis underlying calculus. In-depth study of integration and Fourier Analysis. . .. » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C-" or better in Microbiology Analytic function theory, path integration, Taylor and Laurent series and elementary conformal mapping are studied. Prerequisite: Requirements Declare your program of study (refer to page 25 of this catalog). There are no special admission or application requirements for this program. General Education Refer to pages 31-34 of this catalog for Bachelor of Science requirements. The following courses required for the Microbiology major also will satisfy general education requirements: Introduction to point-set topology, including metric and topological spaces, continuity, homeomorphisms, compact and connected spaces, and complete metric spaces. Other topics may include the Baire Category Theorem and Tietze Extension Theorem. Prerequi- Micro LS2054, Chem PS1210, Phsx PS1010 or Phsx PS2010, Botany LS1303 or LS1105, and Zool LS1010 or LS1020. Micro for B.S. Degree Micro Courses Required (19 credit hours) LS2054 Principles of Microbiology 3053 Microbiological Procedures 3254 Immunology 4054 Microbial Physiology 4 3 4 4 4154 4 Microbial Genetics ra Chem Zool Other Total 3254 Electives for majors 3070 HNRS & BIS LIBSCI WS 15 7 Electives Credit Hours 5 2 30 Applied Science & Seton YEAR Micro 4054, 4154 Micro Electives for majors Micro 3484 Medical Microbiology Environmental Microbiology 4 Micro 3502 Environmental Health 2 Micro Micro 4354 4554 Indust Micro & Biotechnology Virology & Cell Culture 4 Microbiology majors pursuing the career programs below should 4 | consult appropriate advisors and include the specified courses while Micro Micro 2600 2920 Laboratory Safety Short Courses, Workshops,. . 1 , | BIOTECHNOLOGY OR INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY Micro Micro 3340 4800* 3853 5 8 9 3305 Food Microbiology Micro Micro : Micro Other Electives Total Credit Hours fulfilling the requirements for the Microbiology major. ‘ pane 4920 4991 ; Info Resources in the Life Sciences Directed Research ’ 2 | Students interested in biotechnology or industrial microbiology careers 1-2 should include the following Directed Readings ha Short Courses, Workshops. . . + lial ; Microbiology Seminar , : 1 1 3514 3300 Meyeotogy 3853 4354 icro ‘eal 4554 3300 4| Algology Genetics Botany 4 4 Botany Chem Micro ; Micro c Micro 5 Biochemistry | College Algebra Precalculus Calculus I or Phsx or Phsx Botany PS2010/2020 General Physics w/lab PS2210/2220 Physics for Scientists & Engineers _L$1105 Principles of Botany 4 4 5 4 Zool or Zool or Zool 1010 1110 1120 —_Introduction to Physics ; Virology Goiatics 3514 2 4 and Cell Culture 4 4 Mycology 4 Algology 3523 3050 4 Marine Biology Instrumental Analysis 3 4 L§1133 3305 3502 . Micro ; 3853 Micro : Micro 4354 4554 Zool 3 | 4500 ad a ie Elementary Public Health ‘ : ‘ Medical Microbiology : Environmental Health 3 5 2 7 ‘ Food Microbiology : . ; Indust Microbiology and Biotech : Virology and Cell Culture Parasitol mn 3 4 4 4 ed 1 ee ee ea ne ee 10 5 | PRE-MEDICAL, PRE-DENTAL, AND PRE-VETERINARY Animal Biology Principles of Zoology I Principles of Zoology II 3 | Pre-medical, pre-dental, and pre-veterinary students should 4 include the following 4 Math QL1050* ~— College Algebra *or equivalent of a full year of college math Suggest Course Sequence The following suggested course sequence is provided to assist students in planning their schedules. Use this only as a guideline and be sure to consult with an advisor. Engl Engl orEngl or Engl orComm Phsx or Phsx 1010/2010 2100 2250 3210 HU1020 _s PS2010/2020 PS2210/2220 College Writing Technical Writing Fiction Writing Advanced College Writing Principles of Public Speaking General Physics w/lab Physics for Sci & Eng w/lab Human Physiology Cell Biology FR EAR English EN1010 and EN2010 Math QL1050 6 4 Chemistry PS1210 and PS1220 General Education and Electives 10 10 Zool Zool 2200 3200 Total Credit Hours a Zool 3300 and consider the following Micro 3305 Micro 4554 Psych SS101 nes 10 Eee rSOA on cqivalent 4 a Nias Food Microbiology any ; Indust Microbiology & Biotech Students emphasizing Public Health should include the following 10 3070 QL1050 QL1080 1210 SOPHOMORE. YEAR Micro L$2054 and 3053 Chem 2310/2320 Environmental Microbiology 3 4 | PUBLIC HEALTH 4 Chem Math or Math or Math PS1010 3484 icro : Micro Mi and consider the following Botany 3504 or Botany 3303 Plant Genetics Zool 4060 Comparative Physiology Zool 4600 Prot I eee Reaui0° 7 ; equired Support Classes (34-45 ret bores) Chem PS1210/1220 Principles of Chemistry Ch : : em 2310 Organic Chemistry ; ; Phsx Micro Mi Category C (8 credit hours maximum) elective courses in other life science departments Botany Zool 30 . No more than 3 credit hours of Micro 4800 and no more than 2 credit . ‘ hours of Micro 4830 may count toward the major. a 13 3 | Special Emphases Category B General Education and Electives Total Credit Hours site: MathEd 5310 and 5350. Junior. YEAR Microbiology Elective Courses (20 credit hours) Category A (8 credit hours minimum) Micro Chair: Dr. CraigJ. Oberg Location: SL 302M Telephone Contact: Carrie Minnoch 626-6949 Professors: Lowell S$. Adams, Glenn W. Harrington, Diane S. Horne, Craig J. Oberg, Alan E. Stockland; Associate Professor: Mohammad Sondossi relationships. Microbiology Micro Micro Micro Micro Micro DEPARTMENT ~ Requirements - 10 30 F AER Zoolitor SEIT 1110/1120 Yoo! elect EE Giese 4 6 3 3 3 3 10 10 Genetics Medical Microbiology Virology and Cell Culture Introductory Psychology Principles of Zoology I & II Medical schools do not accept AP or CLEP credits in English or science courses. WEBER S TiAVY£ UNIVERSITY WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY 4 4 4 5 4 5 8 BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH MATH ED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social & Behavioral ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI J a |