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Show 290 291 nOEIAn SCIENCE COMPOSITE TEACHING . . ae MAJOR this program or ate program requirements. 3150. Model United Nations ‘aut Sociology, Zoology, and related fields. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.) SCIENCE »Grade Requirements: An overall GPA of 32. 00 ¢ orna Higher is rani and a grade of “C” or better in all Political Science courses used toward the minor/BIS (a grade of “C-” is not acceptable). » Credit Hour Requirements: POLITICAL SCIENCE COURSES - POLSC Minimum of 21 credit hours for AI1100. American National Government (3) A study of American political institutions, interests, ideals, and the processes through which policies are formulated and implemented. 1110. State Politics (3) An introduction to governmental organization, operation, and policy making of state, county, and municipal governments. Students who select the Political Science Teaching minor must satisfy the Teacher Education admission and certification requirements (see Teacher Education Department in this catalog). Requirements 2060. Freedoms (3) An examination, at an introductory level, of the American for Minor Political Science Courses Required (6 credit hours) PolSc $S1100 American National Government 3 and one of the following PolSc SS2100 Intro to International Politics 3 PolSc PolSc $S$2200 $$2350 Intro to Comparative Politics Intro to Political Theory 3 3 credit hours) Refer to the elective area listings under the Political Science B.S./B.A. program. Select at least two courses from areas 1 and 4 (combined) and at least two courses from areas 2, 3, and 5 (combined). LEGAL STUDIES The Department of Political Science and Philosophy participates in the Legal Studies Minor Program. Students who wish to enroll should indicate their desire to do so with the Coordinator who will help them work out a proper combination of courses to fit their particular needs. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.) ASIAN STUDIES The Department of Political Science and Philosophy participates should indicate their desire to do so with the departmental representative who will help them work out a proper combination of courses to fit their particular needs. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.) STUDIES The Department of Political Science participates in the Latin American Studies Program. A student who wishes to enroll should meet with the Latin American Studies Coordinator who will help the student work out a proper combination of courses to fit her/his particular needs. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.) WEBER judiciary and basic constitutional guarantees. Many of the specific cases used as examples will be drawn from the constitutionally fertile area of “school law.” This course will have theoretical and practical dimensions. §S2100. Introduction to International Politics (3) Examines international relations by juxtaposing the traditional nation state model (nationalism, sovereignty, realism, BOP) with the newer model of "complex interdependence" (mutual vulnerability to economic interdependence, nuclear war and environmental dangers). $S2200. Introduction to Comparative Politics (3) An introductory survey course that seeks to cover political institutions in the nations of the contemporary world; to compare and contrast political institutions in the free world, in the communist world, in the nations of the developing world, and in the authoritarian systems. $S2350. Introduction to Political Theory (3) An examination of the project of political theory. The goals of the class are to gain an understanding of (1) classic questions of western political thought, (2) varying ways in which thinkers have gone about pursuing these questions (method of inquiry), and (3) critiques of the standing of these "classic questions." 2920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs in the Asian Studies Minor Program. Students who wish to enroll AMERICAN (1) A study of the Model United Nations as well as a study of a nation’s position on issues before the annual session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. May be repeated for a total of two hours. 3210. Politics and Governments of Europe 3220. Politics and Governments of Asia (3) STATE (1-3) Consult the quarterly class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. 3060. Mock Trial (2) An introduction to some of the basic principles of trial advocacy. Students will prepare for participation on the Weber State University Mock Trial team. May be repeated for a total of four hours. 3140. Foreign Policy of the United States (3) An analysis of the making of American foreign policy with reference to the role and influences of beliefs, interests, public opinion, media and especially the institutional struggle between President & Congress. The challenges facing contemporary U.S. foreign policy will also be examined. UNIVERSITY with particular reference to India, Japan, and China. service, and social and economic structures, and the impact of development on stability and integration of nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. (3) A study of the organization and function of the American political parties and an examination of campaigning techniques. 3630. Political Behavior clause of the Fourteenth Amendment; and, finally, the controversial 4060. Elements of Law Applied Science & (3) An introduction to the study of law and the United States' legal system. The course is divided into four fundamental areas of study: The function, development, and history of the law; judicial process; the legal profession; and specific areas of the law. 3700. Introduction to Public Administration (3) Presents basic theories, concepts, and analysis of current practices and problems in governmental administration. 3750. Urban Government and Politics (3) A study of local government organization and policy problems, with an emphasis on problems of the metropolitan areas. (3) political change. 4160. Problems in World Politics (3) The study of selected contemporary problem areas in world politics to assess their impact within the international arena. A maximum of 6 hours will be counted toward the hours required for political science majors and only four hours will be counted toward the 4180. International Law and Organization Examination of mechanics, dynamics, and strategies of political persuasion in preparation for the Utah Intercollegiate Assembly. Also includes participation in the assembly and in lobbying efforts on behalf of student issues. This course may be repeated once with the permission of the instructor. 3990. Introduction to Political Science Research (3) An introduction to major sources of information theories and research methods of political science. (3) Constitutional Law relating to government power including: Essential questions in constitutional theory; the role of the federal judiciary -- particularly the United States Supreme Court; congressional power under the Constitution; executive authority under the Constitution; and federalism. 4030. American Constitutional Law II: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights 4280. Foreign Policies of Major Powers (3) An examination of the foreign policies of major powers including the United States, Britain, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, and Russia. 4360. Classical Political Thought (3) An examination of ideas of God, human nature, society, the state, the problem of evil, etc., from Ancient Greece to the middle ages. WEBER Modern Political Thought (3) A survey of political theory from the 17th century to the present, with a focus on theoretical formulations and critiques of democratic government and the political subject. 4600. Legislative Process (3) A study of legislative structure behavior and processes with application of models to case studies. 4640. The Modern Presidency (3) An analytical study of the modern American presidency, including its constitutional, managerial, philosophical, and political aspect. (3) A study of public administration from a conflict/power perspective rather than authority. A survival course for public managers. 4750. Public Policy Analysis (3) A study of the American policy process, with an emphasis on the dynamics involved in the creation, adoption and implementation of selected domestic policies. 4800. Individual Projects and Research (3) An introduction to many of the basic doctrines of American Constitutional Law relating to civil rights and civil liberties including: The process of selective incorporation - why and how the Bill of Rights applies to the states; property rights in the United Si: TAT E (3) An analysis of traditional and contemporary theories offered to explain politics in the international arena. 4700. Politics of Administration An introduction to many of the basic doctrines of American (3) An examination of the basic principles of international law and organization. Emphasis is given to the sources and evolution of international law, and a study of the League of Nations and the United Nations. 4380. (1) 4020. American Constitutional Law I: Governmental Powers PRENGR CS EET MFET An examination of the ways law affects men and women differently and the way law is changing to reflect economic and 4190. Theories of International Politics (3) Explores the nature of mass political behavior and its role in the political process. Assists the student in determining the effects of public opinion and the media upon governmental policy decisions. 3900. Practical Politics (U.I.A.) HNRS & BIS LIBSCI WSs political science minor requirement. (3) Historical examination of American thought with stress on its influences on the development of the American Government. 3600. Political Parties and Elections the rights and liberties that have emerged from the equal protection 4070. Sex Roles and the Law 3290. Politics and Governments of Developing Nations (3) A survey of the political patterns of human beings in the process of modernization by studying the role of colonialism, charismatic leader, political parties, ideologies, military, civil 3330. American Political Thought States, those rights afforded to criminal defendants; First Amendment liberties -- freedom of speech, press, and freedom of religion; and evolving “right of privacy.” (3) A study of European political systems with special emphasis on the politics and governments of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. A study of politics and governments of the major states in the area Political Science minor/BIS and a minimum of 24 credit hours for the teaching minor, which includes Educ 4500, Teaching Social Studies in Grades 5-12, a required course for Political Science Teaching Minors. LATIN a spatial enibhabs in CAR Regional Planning for majors in Botany, Economics, Engineering, Geography, Geology, Microbiology, Political Science, POLITICAL Electives (15 DEGREE REQ GEN ED COURSES REGIONAL a - se the Department be History section in this catalog for Course ~_ (1-3) A student may complete six credit hourst but not more than three hours in any one type of project. Department approval required. UNIVERSITY GEOSCI MATH MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social & Behavioral CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC: PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI |