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Show PheST2 79028 6 ZT SIT ‘TT ZT JUepnjs ‘OT $ OT ‘IT ghee d ie é a ae cL “TT “TT sepeay a *s3tqey ayy ut Apnjs stu IFUQ Z/T 9UuC oe . b ano ; snail 3tun Z/T “— Teanjzt 9y3 Jo Suppuesyexepun us’ go doses Unit of English grammar and usage. for students wishing to brush 1/2 . UT o72 of pue pte doTeaep a di eae esinoo STUL Juepnjs Unit e se Suppeoy aomog a tell Ppeusts ep ast o3en38uey stu yooqieeyx eSinod 300fo1d Grades Grades 12 oul II wstTeuanor eee jo usr SUuTIUTIg TBuol.e.0, gd wdobrun eug to StL AYyS8neq sae sjuepnis sty :ajtstnbe1r-e1g joe sj STSUOD eSinod I wstTeuinor ST 10 sjUuepnyjs IO 194}eS OF moy 243 pue sagefuue—Tda an YSTTSuq Grade Stresses preparation for college up on English before entering College. Lt "AF pero “UOTINGTAISTP Teuryz ‘suotjdtaosep o8ed S8eTTOO UT jueIsTsse joSOFTPICTT seseyd Te AsowyTe ut ueaT3 st uoT}ONAASUT BIUSTIS eTpay ° peseeroUT 3uTaptnboe 9UO reMod 1039}0q ut IO 43TuQ s,uetaeaqty y *YIOM eTFpeu JTeY-eUN Jo Jo uozitsoduos ae JO TeAordde fq asinod sty} 03 uO “ZutdoTeasp eanzoqd ‘kydex8030yd Seon ey} Kew OYyM € SMou uot AeotTTqnd saey sUC Jo 3Tun sup 94} Tug TetToeds Tooyos Too ATTTqe *zeded “Tenuue Tooyss SuPsieTus oy} ssinod uotsstuzed Fun ‘Sut FPTENG AzeTNqeooa “ pletz FpnpTourP Yooqieaz pTnoys peatnbez peaoadut so perp AOF sepeay sepeary jo SIT sepeay Zl Avy — *e3eRTI9Yy cep a oq = ee g_z3s 30 eangon YsTTZa Na e nso 5 qFaSTp pue ystTqnd ‘3¢pea pue peei—Adoo ‘smeu 93TIM ‘ustTTeu FTeuinof aynati Ie ZT *IOSTAPY sepea e AjTTenb *uoT FIVAISTZ91 ct uoTsusyeiduods oO (03 e pue ‘Sutstjaeape ‘Surx ‘TeT10jTpe incdes Surpats *zoded res BA FAM pt -. e _ tozF usye aya pue ante Senior English Review A thorough review of the principles Recommended entrance examinations. One 10, 11, 12 on 12 reading the and emphasis upon of each language 11, emphasis t he basic work of the first year with s. literature and c ulture of the countrie German I, French I, Spanish I ary and a functional use of a n attempt is made to develop and vocabul In the first year of modern language The student will also . to read, write, and speak the language the grammar which will enable the student wn language as well as the customs o obtain a better understanding of his broaden his cultural interests, and culture of the people. Grades 10, 11, 12 One Unit German Il, French II, Spanish Il continue Advanced courses in modern language Special emphasis is given the conversation. Unit students) One Spanish III-IV German III-IV, French III-IV, with special development in vocabu lary and grammar These courses offer a continuation of and cultural background literature, Study of the history, conversation and composition. demand.) (Offered only where there is sufficient is included. speaking ™ (Spanish for Spanish Spanish VI It is designed to meet who can understanding spoken Spanish. This course is limited to native speakers and g to Spanish culture, converse on topics of interest relatin special needs of the native speaker to help in It will include vocabulary expansion and language. to develop and improve skills in his native . standardizing usage of the native language Grades 10, 11, 12 1/2 Unit 23 | |