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Show er ees the >,Sioux aton Wounde ad e UTmcces Kne ee.’ 2. e e e 1/2 20th Century U. bomb on Japan; the cold war; of contemporary America. ; of ‘ A. 4 f Unit Grades the this one-semester course: the Scopes the Lone Eagle, Charles Lindberg: the assassination of 1/2 History 7 | cee enator toy 10, 11, 12 S. Here are a few of the topics discussed in 1920's; "flappers" and "Hoover blankets"; The & mesa momettents This trialized world power. ly indus s to atheheavi rican history from anding at Plymouth Rock to the massacre “tT. the American John F. Kennedy. Learn the ''Monkey Trial" of the dropping of the atomic colorful Unit and Grades, West dramatic history AdecAz This one-semester course will explore the colorful and exciting history of the American West. Special consideration will be given to the fabulous characters of the Old West (Wild Bill Hickok, Big Nose Kate, General Custer, etc.); the tragic Indian Wars; the violent mining camps and cow towns; and the settlement and civilization of the frontier. This course will seek to Separate truth from legend in the history of the American West. 1/2 Unit Grades 10, 11, 12 | American Political “4 Behavior Why San don't presidential candidates spend Franciscans vote McGovern while Los man to change parties, drink, great much time Angelenos heights political animal and will be studied in oriented to allow you to form your own, of success, In this century History course to the American This the suicide? compares The and The Unit American Grades is which 11, a fascinating are inquiry 12 U.S. the student traces the development industrialized 20th century. of 1/2 Unit contrasts governments of various various forms of modern the American economy from the agricultural Grades government: nations 1/2 ———— commit Government course communism. of or depth in this new class with all new materials rather than the teacher's conclusions. 1/2 Economic hand-shaking and back-slapping in Utah? What makes go Nixon? What kinds of decisions can drive a congress-— Unit - 93 are ~ democracy, socialism, compared. Grades 10, 11, 12 fascisim, 11, 18th 12 and |